Isabelle NEWS -- history user-relevant changes==============================================*** Overview of INCOMPATIBILITIES **** HOL: induct renamed to lfp_induct;* HOL: contrapos, contrapos2 renamed to contrapos_nn, contrapos_pp;*** Document preparation **** improved isabelle style files; more abstract symbol implementation(should now use \isamath{...} and \isatext{...} in custom symboldefinitions);* support sub/super scripts (for single symbols only), input syntax islike this: "A\<^sup>*" or "A\<^sup>\<star>";* antiquotation @{goals} for output of *dynamic* goals state; Notethat presentation of goal states does not conform to actualhuman-readable proof documents. Please do not include goal statesinto document output unless you really know what you are doing!*** Isar **** HOL: default proof step now includes 'intro_classes';*** HOL **** HOL/Library: a collection of generic theories to be used togetherwith main HOL; the theory loader path already includes this directoryby default; the following existing theories have been moved here:HOL/Induct/Multiset, HOL/Induct/Acc (as Accessible_Part), HOL/While(as While_Combinator), HOL/Lex/Prefix (as List_Prefix);New in Isabelle99-1 (October 2000)----------------------------------*** Overview of INCOMPATIBILITIES **** HOL: simplification of natural numbers is much changed; to partlyrecover the old behaviour (e.g. to prevent n+n rewriting to #2*n)issue the following ML commands: Delsimprocs Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.cancel_numerals; Delsimprocs [Nat_Numeral_Simprocs.combine_numerals];* HOL: simplification no longer dives into case-expressions; this iscontrolled by "t.weak_case_cong" for each datatype t;* HOL: nat_less_induct renamed to less_induct;* HOL: systematic renaming of the SOME (Eps) rules, may use isatoolfixsome to patch .thy and .ML sources automatically; select_equality -> some_equality select_eq_Ex -> some_eq_ex selectI2EX -> someI2_ex selectI2 -> someI2 selectI -> someI select1_equality -> some1_equality Eps_sym_eq -> some_sym_eq_trivial Eps_eq -> some_eq_trivial* HOL: exhaust_tac on datatypes superceded by new generic case_tac;* HOL: removed obsolete theorem binding expand_if (refer to split_ifinstead);* HOL: the recursion equations generated by 'recdef' are now calledf.simps instead of f.rules;* HOL: qed_spec_mp now also handles bounded ALL as well;* HOL: 0 is now overloaded, so the type constraint ":: nat" maysometimes be needed;* HOL: the constant for "f``x" is now "image" rather than "op ``";* HOL: the constant for "f-``x" is now "vimage" rather than "op -``";* HOL: the disjoint sum is now "<+>" instead of "Plus"; the cartesianproduct is now "<*>" instead of "Times"; the lexicographic product isnow "<*lex*>" instead of "**";* HOL: theory Sexp is now in HOL/Induct examples (it used to be partof main HOL, but was unused); better use HOL's datatype package;* HOL: removed "symbols" syntax for constant "override" of theory Map;the old syntax may be recovered as follows: syntax (symbols) override :: "('a ~=> 'b) => ('a ~=> 'b) => ('a ~=> 'b)" (infixl "\\<oplus>" 100)* HOL/Real: "rabs" replaced by overloaded "abs" function;* HOL/ML: even fewer consts are declared as global (see theories Ord,Lfp, Gfp, WF); this only affects ML packages that refer to const namesinternally;* HOL and ZF: syntax for quotienting wrt an equivalence relationchanged from A/r to A//r;* ZF: new treatment of arithmetic (nat & int) may break some oldproofs;* Isar: renamed some attributes (RS -> THEN, simplify -> simplified,rulify -> rule_format, elimify -> elim_format, ...);* Isar/Provers: intro/elim/dest attributes changed; renamedintro/intro!/intro!! flags to intro!/intro/intro? (in most cases, oneshould have to change intro!! to intro? only); replaced "delrule" by"rule del";* Isar/HOL: renamed "intrs" to "intros" in inductive definitions;* Provers: strengthened force_tac by using new first_best_tac;* LaTeX document preparation: several changes of isabelle.sty (seelib/texinputs);*** Document preparation **** formal comments (text blocks etc.) in new-style theories may nowcontain antiquotations of thm/prop/term/typ/text to be presentedaccording to latex print mode; concrete syntax is like this:@{term[show_types] "f(x) = a + x"};* isatool mkdir provides easy setup of Isabelle session directories,including proper document sources;* generated LaTeX sources are now deleted after successful run(isatool document -c); may retain a copy somewhere else via -D optionof isatool usedir;* isatool usedir -D now lets isatool latex -o sty update the Isabellestyle files, achieving self-contained LaTeX sources and simplifyingLaTeX debugging;* old-style theories now produce (crude) LaTeX output as well;* browser info session directories are now self-contained (may be puton WWW server seperately); improved graphs of nested sessions; removedgraph for 'all sessions';* several improvements in isabelle style files; \isabellestyle{it}produces fake math mode output; \isamarkupheader is now \section bydefault; see lib/texinputs/isabelle.sty etc.;*** Isar **** Isar/Pure: local results and corresponding term bindings are nowsubject to Hindley-Milner polymorphism (similar to ML); thisaccommodates incremental type-inference very nicely;* Isar/Pure: new derived language element 'obtain' supportsgeneralized existence reasoning;* Isar/Pure: new calculational elements 'moreover' and 'ultimately'support accumulation of results, without applying any rules yet;useful to collect intermediate results without explicit namereferences, and for use with transitivity rules with more than 2premises;* Isar/Pure: scalable support for case-analysis type proofs: new'case' language element refers to local contexts symbolically, asproduced by certain proof methods; internally, case names are attachedto theorems as "tags";* Isar/Pure: theory command 'hide' removes declarations fromclass/type/const name spaces;* Isar/Pure: theory command 'defs' supports option "(overloaded)" toindicate potential overloading;* Isar/Pure: changed syntax of local blocks from {{ }} to { };* Isar/Pure: syntax of sorts made 'inner', i.e. have to write"{a,b,c}" instead of {a,b,c};* Isar/Pure now provides its own version of intro/elim/destattributes; useful for building new logics, but beware of confusionwith the version in Provers/classical;* Isar/Pure: the local context of (non-atomic) goals is provided viacase name 'antecedent';* Isar/Pure: removed obsolete 'transfer' attribute (transfer of thmsto the current context is now done automatically);* Isar/Pure: theory command 'method_setup' provides a simple interfacefor definining proof methods in ML;* Isar/Provers: intro/elim/dest attributes changed; renamedintro/intro!/intro!! flags to intro!/intro/intro? (INCOMPATIBILITY, inmost cases, one should have to change intro!! to intro? only);replaced "delrule" by "rule del";* Isar/Provers: new 'hypsubst' method, plain 'subst' method and'symmetric' attribute (the latter supercedes [RS sym]);* Isar/Provers: splitter support (via 'split' attribute and 'simp'method modifier); 'simp' method: 'only:' modifier removes loopers aswell (including splits);* Isar/Provers: Simplifier and Classical methods now support all kindof modifiers used in the past, including 'cong', 'iff', etc.* Isar/Provers: added 'fastsimp' and 'clarsimp' methods (combinationof Simplifier and Classical reasoner);* Isar/HOL: new proof method 'cases' and improved version of 'induct'now support named cases; major packages (inductive, datatype, primrec,recdef) support case names and properly name parameters;* Isar/HOL: new transitivity rules for substitution in inequalities --monotonicity conditions are extracted to be proven at end ofcalculations;* Isar/HOL: removed 'case_split' thm binding, should use 'cases' proofmethod anyway;* Isar/HOL: removed old expand_if = split_if; theorems if_splits =split_if split_if_asm; datatype package provides theorems foo.splits =foo.split foo.split_asm for each datatype;* Isar/HOL: tuned inductive package, rename "intrs" to "intros"(potential INCOMPATIBILITY), emulation of mk_cases feature for proofscripts: new 'inductive_cases' command and 'ind_cases' method; (Note:use "(cases (simplified))" method in proper proof texts);* Isar/HOL: added global 'arith_split' attribute for 'arith' method;* Isar: names of theorems etc. may be natural numbers as well;* Isar: 'pr' command: optional arguments for goals_limit andProofContext.prems_limit; no longer prints theory contexts, but onlyproof states;* Isar: diagnostic commands 'pr', 'thm', 'prop', 'term', 'typ' admitadditional print modes to be specified; e.g. "pr(latex)" will printproof state according to the Isabelle LaTeX style;* Isar: improved support for emulating tactic scripts, including proofmethods 'rule_tac' etc., 'cut_tac', 'thin_tac', 'subgoal_tac','rename_tac', 'rotate_tac', 'tactic', and 'case_tac' / 'induct_tac'(for HOL datatypes);* Isar: simplified (more robust) goal selection of proof methods: 1stgoal, all goals, or explicit goal specifier (tactic emulation); thus'proof method scripts' have to be in depth-first order;* Isar: tuned 'let' syntax: replaced 'as' keyword by 'and';* Isar: removed 'help' command, which hasn't been too helpful anyway;should instead use individual commands for printing items(print_commands, print_methods etc.);* Isar: added 'nothing' --- the empty list of theorems;*** HOL **** HOL/MicroJava: formalization of a fragment of Java, together with acorresponding virtual machine and a specification of its bytecodeverifier and a lightweight bytecode verifier, including proofs oftype-safety; by Gerwin Klein, Tobias Nipkow, David von Oheimb, andCornelia Pusch (see also the homepage of project Bali at;* HOL/Algebra: new theory of rings and univariate polynomials, byClemens Ballarin;* HOL/NumberTheory: fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, ChineseRemainder Theorem, Fermat/Euler Theorem, Wilson's Theorem, by Thomas MRasmussen;* HOL/Lattice: fundamental concepts of lattice theory and orderstructures, including duals, properties of bounds versus algebraiclaws, lattice operations versus set-theoretic ones, the Knaster-TarskiTheorem for complete lattices etc.; may also serve as a demonstrationfor abstract algebraic reasoning using axiomatic type classes, andmathematics-style proof in Isabelle/Isar; by Markus Wenzel;* HOL/Prolog: a (bare-bones) implementation of Lambda-Prolog, by Davidvon Oheimb;* HOL/IMPP: extension of IMP with local variables and mutuallyrecursive procedures, by David von Oheimb;* HOL/Lambda: converted into new-style theory and document;* HOL/ex/Multiquote: example of multiple nested quotations andanti-quotations -- basically a generalized version of de-Bruijnrepresentation; very useful in avoiding lifting of operations;* HOL/record: added general record equality rule to simpset; fixedselect-update simplification procedure to handle extended records aswell; admit "r" as field name;* HOL: 0 is now overloaded over the new sort "zero", allowing its use withother numeric types and also as the identity of groups, rings, etc.;* HOL: new axclass plus_ac0 for addition with the AC-laws and 0 as identity.Types nat and int belong to this axclass;* HOL: greatly improved simplification involving numerals of type nat, int, real: (i + #8 + j) = Suc k simplifies to #7 + (i + j) = k i*j + k + j*#3*i simplifies to #4*(i*j) + k two terms #m*u and #n*u are replaced by #(m+n)*u (where #m, #n and u can implicitly be 1; this is simproc combine_numerals) and the term/formula #m*u+x ~~ #n*u+y simplifies simplifies to #(m-n)+x ~~ y or x ~~ #(n-m)+y, where ~~ is one of = < <= or - (simproc cancel_numerals);* HOL: meson_tac is available (previously in ex/meson.ML); it is apowerful prover for predicate logic but knows nothing of clasets; seeex/mesontest.ML and ex/mesontest2.ML for example applications;* HOL: new version of "case_tac" subsumes both boolean case split and"exhaust_tac" on datatypes; INCOMPATIBILITY: exhaust_tac no longerexists, may define val exhaust_tac = case_tac for ad-hoc portability;* HOL: simplification no longer dives into case-expressions: only theselector expression is simplified, but not the remaining arms; toenable full simplification of case-expressions for datatype t, you mayremove t.weak_case_cong from the simpset, either globally (Delcongs[thm"t.weak_case_cong"];) or locally (delcongs [...]).* HOL/recdef: the recursion equations generated by 'recdef' forfunction 'f' are now called f.simps instead of f.rules; if alltermination conditions are proved automatically, these simplificationrules are added to the simpset, as in primrec; rules may be namedindividually as well, resulting in a separate list of theorems foreach equation;* HOL/While is a new theory that provides a while-combinator. Itpermits the definition of tail-recursive functions without theprovision of a termination measure. The latter is necessary once theinvariant proof rule for while is applied.* HOL: new (overloaded) notation for the set of elements below/abovesome element: {..u}, {..u(}, {l..}, {)l..}. See theory SetInterval.* HOL: theorems impI, allI, ballI bound as "strip";* HOL: new tactic induct_thm_tac: thm -> string -> int -> tacticinduct_tac th "x1 ... xn" expects th to have a conclusion of the formP v1 ... vn and abbreviates res_inst_tac [("v1","x1"),...,("vn","xn")] th;* HOL/Real: "rabs" replaced by overloaded "abs" function;* HOL: theory Sexp now in HOL/Induct examples (it used to be part ofmain HOL, but was unused);* HOL: fewer consts declared as global (e.g. have to refer to"Lfp.lfp" instead of "lfp" internally; affects ML packages only);* HOL: tuned AST representation of nested pairs, avoiding bogus outputin case of overlap with user translations (e.g. judgements overtuples); (note that the underlying logical represenation is stillbogus);*** ZF **** ZF: simplification automatically cancels common terms in arithmeticexpressions over nat and int;* ZF: new treatment of nat to minimize type-checking: all operatorscoerce their operands to a natural number using the function natify,making the algebraic laws unconditional;* ZF: as above, for int: operators coerce their operands to an integerusing the function intify;* ZF: the integer library now contains many of the usual laws for theorderings, including $<=, and monotonicity laws for $+ and $*;* ZF: new example ZF/ex/NatSum to demonstrate integer arithmeticsimplification;* FOL and ZF: AddIffs now available, giving theorems of the form P<->Qto the simplifier and classical reasoner simultaneously;*** General **** Provers: blast_tac now handles actual object-logic rules asassumptions; note that auto_tac uses blast_tac internally as well;* Provers: new functions rulify/rulify_no_asm: thm -> thm for turningouter -->/All/Ball into ==>/!!; qed_spec_mp now uses rulify_no_asm;* Provers: delrules now handles destruct rules as well (no longer needexplicit make_elim);* Provers: Blast_tac now warns of and ignores "weak elimination rules" e.g. [| inj ?f; ?f ?x = ?f ?y; ?x = ?y ==> ?W |] ==> ?Wuse instead the strong form, [| inj ?f; ~ ?W ==> ?f ?x = ?f ?y; ?x = ?y ==> ?W |] ==> ?Win HOL, FOL and ZF the function cla_make_elim will create such rulesfrom destruct-rules;* Provers: Simplifier.easy_setup provides a fast path to basicSimplifier setup for new object-logics;* Pure: AST translation rules no longer require constant head on LHS;* Pure: improved name spaces: ambiguous output is qualified; supportfor hiding of names;* system: smart setup of canonical ML_HOME, ISABELLE_INTERFACE, andXSYMBOL_HOME; no longer need to do manual configuration in mostsituations;* system: compression of ML heaps images may now be controlled via -coption of isabelle and isatool usedir (currently only observed byPoly/ML);* system: isatool installfonts may handle X-Symbol fonts as well (veryuseful for remote X11);* system: provide TAGS file for Isabelle sources;* ML: infix 'OF' is a version of 'MRS' with more appropriate argumentorder;* ML: renamed flags Syntax.trace_norm_ast to Syntax.trace_ast; globaltiming flag supersedes proof_timing and Toplevel.trace;* ML: new combinators |>> and |>>> for incremental transformationswith secondary results (e.g. certain theory extensions):* ML: PureThy.add_defs gets additional argument to indicate potentialoverloading (usually false);* ML: PureThy.add_thms/add_axioms/add_defs now return theorems asresults;New in Isabelle99 (October 1999)--------------------------------*** Overview of INCOMPATIBILITIES (see below for more details) **** HOL: The THEN and ELSE parts of conditional expressions (if P then x else y)are no longer simplified. (This allows the simplifier to unfold recursivefunctional programs.) To restore the old behaviour, declare Delcongs [if_weak_cong];* HOL: Removed the obsolete syntax "Compl A"; use -A for setcomplement;* HOL: the predicate "inj" is now defined by translation to "inj_on";* HOL/datatype: mutual_induct_tac no longer exists -- use induct_tac "x_1 ... x_n" instead of mutual_induct_tac ["x_1", ..., "x_n"]* HOL/typedef: fixed type inference for representing set; typearguments now have to occur explicitly on the rhs as type constraints;* ZF: The con_defs part of an inductive definition may no longer referto constants declared in the same theory;* HOL, ZF: the function mk_cases, generated by the inductivedefinition package, has lost an argument. To simplify its result, ituses the default simpset instead of a supplied list of theorems.* HOL/List: the constructors of type list are now Nil and Cons;* Simplifier: the type of the infix ML functions setSSolver addSSolver setSolver addSolveris now simpset * solver -> simpset where `solver' is a new abstract typefor packaging solvers. A solver is created via mk_solver: string -> (thm list -> int -> tactic) -> solverwhere the string argument is only a comment.*** Proof tools **** Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML contains a functor for creating adecision procedure for linear arithmetic. Currently it is used fortypes `nat', `int', and `real' in HOL (see below); it can, should andwill be instantiated for other types and logics as well.* The simplifier now accepts rewrite rules with flexible heads, eg hom ?f ==> ?f(?x+?y) = ?f ?x + ?f ?y They are applied like any rule with a non-pattern lhs, i.e. by first-order matching.*** General **** New Isabelle/Isar subsystem provides an alternative to traditionaltactical theorem proving; together with the ProofGeneral/isar userinterface it offers an interactive environment for developing humanreadable proof documents (Isar == Intelligible semi-automatedreasoning); for further information see isatool doc isar-ref,src/HOL/Isar_examples and* improved and simplified presentation of theories: better HTML markup(including colors), graph views in several sizes; isatool usedir nowprovides a proper interface for user theories (via -P option); actualdocument preparation based on (PDF)LaTeX is available as well (fornew-style theories only); see isatool doc system for more information;* native support for Proof General, both for classic Isabelle andIsabelle/Isar;* ML function thm_deps visualizes dependencies of theorems and lemmas,using the graph browser tool;* Isabelle manuals now also available as PDF;* theory loader rewritten from scratch (may not be fullybug-compatible); old loadpath variable has been replaced by show_path,add_path, del_path, reset_path functions; new operations such asupdate_thy, touch_thy, remove_thy, use/update_thy_only (see alsoisatool doc ref);* improved isatool install: option -k creates KDE application icon,option -p DIR installs standalone binaries;* added ML_PLATFORM setting (useful for cross-platform installations);more robust handling of platform specific ML images for SML/NJ;* the settings environment is now statically scoped, i.e. it is nevercreated again in sub-processes invoked from isabelle, isatool, orIsabelle;* path element specification '~~' refers to '$ISABELLE_HOME';* in locales, the "assumes" and "defines" parts may be omitted ifempty;* new print_mode "xsymbols" for extended symbol support (e.g. genuinelong arrows);* new print_mode "HTML";* new flag show_tags controls display of tags of theorems (which arebasically just comments that may be attached by some tools);* Isamode 2.6 requires patch to accomodate change of Isabelle fontmode and goal output format:diff -r Isamode-2.6/elisp/isa-load.el Isamode/elisp/isa-load.el244c244< (list (isa-getenv "ISABELLE") "-msymbols" logic-name)---> (list (isa-getenv "ISABELLE") "-misabelle_font" "-msymbols" logic-name)diff -r Isabelle-2.6/elisp/isa-proofstate.el Isamode/elisp/isa-proofstate.el181c181< (defconst proofstate-proofstart-regexp "^Level [0-9]+$"---> (defconst proofstate-proofstart-regexp "^Level [0-9]+"* function bind_thms stores lists of theorems (cf. bind_thm);* new shorthand tactics ftac, eatac, datac, fatac;* qed (and friends) now accept "" as result name; in that case thetheorem is not stored, but proper checks and presentation of theresult still apply;* theorem database now also indexes constants "Trueprop", "all","==>", "=="; thus thms_containing, findI etc. may retrieve more rules;*** HOL ***** HOL arithmetic *** There are now decision procedures for linear arithmetic over nat andint:1. arith_tac copes with arbitrary formulae involving `=', `<', `<=',`+', `-', `Suc', `min', `max' and numerical constants; other subtermsare treated as atomic; subformulae not involving type `nat' or `int'are ignored; quantified subformulae are ignored unless they arepositive universal or negative existential. The tactic has to beinvoked by hand and can be a little bit slow. In particular, therunning time is exponential in the number of occurrences of `min' and`max', and `-' on `nat'.2. fast_arith_tac is a cut-down version of arith_tac: it only takes(negated) (in)equalities among the premises and the conclusion intoaccount (i.e. no compound formulae) and does not know about `min' and`max', and `-' on `nat'. It is fast and is used automatically by thesimplifier.NB: At the moment, these decision procedures do not cope with mixednat/int formulae where the two parts interact, such as `m < n ==>int(m) < int(n)'.* HOL/Numeral provides a generic theory of numerals (encodedefficiently as bit strings); setup for types nat/int/real is in place;INCOMPATIBILITY: since numeral syntax is now polymorphic, rather thanint, existing theories and proof scripts may require a few additionaltype constraints;* integer division and remainder can now be performed on constantarguments;* many properties of integer multiplication, division and remainderare now available;* An interface to the Stanford Validity Checker (SVC) is available through thetactic svc_tac. Propositional tautologies and theorems of linear arithmeticare proved automatically. SVC must be installed separately, and its resultsmust be TAKEN ON TRUST (Isabelle does not check the proofs, but tags anyinvocation of the underlying oracle). For SVC see* IsaMakefile: the HOL-Real target now builds an actual image;** HOL misc *** HOL/Real/HahnBanach: the Hahn-Banach theorem for real vector spaces(in Isabelle/Isar) -- by Gertrud Bauer;* HOL/BCV: generic model of bytecode verification, i.e. data-flowanalysis for assembly languages with subtypes;* HOL/TLA (Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions): major reorganization-- avoids syntactic ambiguities and treats state, transition, andtemporal levels more uniformly; introduces INCOMPATIBILITIES due tochanged syntax and (many) tactics;* HOL/inductive: Now also handles more general introduction rules such as "ALL y. (y, x) : r --> y : acc r ==> x : acc r"; monotonicity theorems are now maintained within the theory (maintained via the "mono" attribute);* HOL/datatype: Now also handles arbitrarily branching datatypes (using function types) such as datatype 'a tree = Atom 'a | Branch "nat => 'a tree"* HOL/record: record_simproc (part of the default simpset) takes careof selectors applied to updated records; record_split_tac is no longerpart of the default claset; update_defs may now be removed from thesimpset in many cases; COMPATIBILITY: old behavior achieved by claset_ref () := claset() addSWrapper record_split_wrapper; Delsimprocs [record_simproc]* HOL/typedef: fixed type inference for representing set; typearguments now have to occur explicitly on the rhs as type constraints;* HOL/recdef (TFL): 'congs' syntax now expects comma separated list of theoremnames rather than an ML expression;* HOL/defer_recdef (TFL): like recdef but the well-founded relation can besupplied later. Program schemes can be defined, such as "While B C s = (if B s then While B C (C s) else s)"where the well-founded relation can be chosen after B and C have been given.* HOL/List: the constructors of type list are now Nil and Cons;INCOMPATIBILITY: while [] and infix # syntax is still there, ofcourse, ML tools referring to List.list.op # etc. have to be adapted;* HOL_quantifiers flag superseded by "HOL" print mode, which isdisabled by default; run isabelle with option -m HOL to get back tothe original Gordon/HOL-style output;* HOL/Ord.thy: new bounded quantifier syntax (input only): ALL x<y. P,ALL x<=y. P, EX x<y. P, EX x<=y. P;* HOL basic syntax simplified (more orthogonal): all variants ofAll/Ex now support plain / symbolic / HOL notation; plain syntax forEps operator is provided as well: "SOME x. P[x]";* HOL/Sum.thy: sum_case has been moved to HOL/Datatype;* HOL/Univ.thy: infix syntax <*>, <+>, <**>, <+> eliminated and madethus available for user theories;* HOLCF/IOA/Sequents: renamed 'Cons' to 'Consq' to avoid clash withHOL/List; hardly an INCOMPATIBILITY since '>>' syntax is used all thetime;* HOL: new tactic smp_tac: int -> int -> tactic, which applies specseveral times and then mp;*** LK **** the notation <<...>> is now available as a notation for sequences offormulas;* the simplifier is now installed* the axiom system has been generalized (thanks to Soren Heilmann)* the classical reasoner now has a default rule database*** ZF **** new primrec section allows primitive recursive functions to be givendirectly (as in HOL) over datatypes and the natural numbers;* new tactics induct_tac and exhaust_tac for induction (or caseanalysis) over datatypes and the natural numbers;* the datatype declaration of type T now defines the recursor T_rec;* simplification automatically does freeness reasoning for datatypeconstructors;* automatic type-inference, with AddTCs command to insert newtype-checking rules;* datatype introduction rules are now added as Safe Introduction rulesto the claset;* the syntax "if P then x else y" is now available in addition toif(P,x,y);*** Internal programming interfaces **** tuned simplifier trace output; new flag debug_simp;* structures Vartab / Termtab (instances of TableFun) offer efficienttables indexed by indexname_ord / term_ord (compatible with aconv);* AxClass.axclass_tac lost the theory argument;* tuned current_goals_markers semantics: begin / end goal avoidsprinting empty lines;* removed prs and prs_fn hook, which was broken because it did notinclude \n in its semantics, forcing writeln to add oneuncoditionally; replaced prs_fn by writeln_fn; consider std_output:string -> unit if you really want to output text without newline;* Symbol.output subject to print mode; INCOMPATIBILITY: defaults toplain output, interface builders may have to enable 'isabelle_font'mode to get Isabelle font glyphs as before;* refined token_translation interface; INCOMPATIBILITY: output lengthnow of type real instead of int;* theory loader actions may be traced via new ThyInfo.add_hookinterface (see src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML); example application: keepyour own database of information attached to *whole* theories -- asopposed to intra-theory data slots offered via TheoryDataFun;* proper handling of dangling sort hypotheses (at last!);Thm.strip_shyps and Drule.strip_shyps_warning take care of removingextra sort hypotheses that can be witnessed from the type signature;the force_strip_shyps flag is gone, any remaining shyps are simplyleft in the theorem (with a warning issued by strip_shyps_warning);New in Isabelle98-1 (October 1998)----------------------------------*** Overview of INCOMPATIBILITIES (see below for more details) **** several changes of automated proof tools;* HOL: major changes to the inductive and datatype packages, includingsome minor incompatibilities of theory syntax;* HOL: renamed r^-1 to 'converse' from 'inverse'; 'inj_onto' is nowcalled `inj_on';* HOL: removed duplicate thms in Arith: less_imp_add_less should be replaced by trans_less_add1 le_imp_add_le should be replaced by trans_le_add1* HOL: unary minus is now overloaded (new type constraints may berequired);* HOL and ZF: unary minus for integers is now #- instead of #~. InZF, expressions such as n#-1 must be changed to n#- 1, since #-1 isnow taken as an integer constant.* Pure: ML function 'theory_of' renamed to 'theory';*** Proof tools **** Simplifier: 1. Asm_full_simp_tac is now more aggressive. 1. It will sometimes reorient premises if that increases their power to simplify. 2. It does no longer proceed strictly from left to right but may also rotate premises to achieve further simplification. For compatibility reasons there is now Asm_lr_simp_tac which is like the old Asm_full_simp_tac in that it does not rotate premises. 2. The simplifier now knows a little bit about nat-arithmetic.* Classical reasoner: wrapper mechanism for the classical reasoner nowallows for selected deletion of wrappers, by introduction of names forwrapper functionals. This implies that addbefore, addSbefore,addaltern, and addSaltern now take a pair (name, tactic) as argument,and that adding two tactics with the same name overwrites the firstone (emitting a warning). type wrapper = (int -> tactic) -> (int -> tactic) setWrapper, setSWrapper, compWrapper and compSWrapper are replaced by addWrapper, addSWrapper: claset * (string * wrapper) -> claset delWrapper, delSWrapper: claset * string -> claset getWrapper is renamed to appWrappers, getSWrapper to appSWrappers;* Classical reasoner: addbefore/addSbefore now have APPEND/ORELSEsemantics; addbefore now affects only the unsafe part of step_tacetc.; this affects addss/auto_tac/force_tac, so EXISTING PROOFS MAYFAIL, but proofs should be fixable easily, e.g. by replacing Auto_tacby Force_tac;* Classical reasoner: setwrapper to setWrapper and compwrapper tocompWrapper; added safe wrapper (and access functions for it);* HOL/split_all_tac is now much faster and fails if there is nothingto split. Some EXISTING PROOFS MAY REQUIRE ADAPTION because the orderand the names of the automatically generated variables have changed.split_all_tac has moved within claset() from unsafe wrappers to safewrappers, which means that !!-bound variables are split much moreaggressively, and safe_tac and clarify_tac now split such variables.If this splitting is not appropriate, use delSWrapper "split_all_tac".Note: the same holds for record_split_tac, which does the job ofsplit_all_tac for record fields.* HOL/Simplifier: Rewrite rules for case distinctions can now be addedpermanently to the default simpset using Addsplits just likeAddsimps. They can be removed via Delsplits just likeDelsimps. Lower-case versions are also available.* HOL/Simplifier: The rule split_if is now part of the defaultsimpset. This means that the simplifier will eliminate all occurrencesof if-then-else in the conclusion of a goal. To prevent this, you caneither remove split_if completely from the default simpset by`Delsplits [split_if]' or remove it in a specific call of thesimplifier using `... delsplits [split_if]'. You can also add/deleteother case splitting rules to/from the default simpset: every datatypegenerates suitable rules `split_t_case' and `split_t_case_asm' (wheret is the name of the datatype).* Classical reasoner / Simplifier combination: new force_tac (andderivatives Force_tac, force) combines rewriting and classicalreasoning (and whatever other tools) similarly to auto_tac, but isaimed to solve the given subgoal completely.*** General **** new top-level commands `Goal' and `Goalw' that improve upon `goal'and `goalw': the theory is no longer needed as an explicit argument -the current theory context is used; assumptions are no longer returnedat the ML-level unless one of them starts with ==> or !!; it isrecommended to convert to these new commands using isatool fixgoal(backup your sources first!);* new top-level commands 'thm' and 'thms' for retrieving theorems fromthe current theory context, and 'theory' to lookup stored theories;* new theory section 'locale' for declaring constants, assumptions anddefinitions that have local scope;* new theory section 'nonterminals' for purely syntactic types;* new theory section 'setup' for generic ML setup functions(e.g. package initialization);* the distribution now includes Isabelle icons: seelib/logo/isabelle-{small,tiny}.xpm;* isatool install - install binaries with absolute references toISABELLE_HOME/bin;* isatool logo -- create instances of the Isabelle logo (as EPS);* print mode 'emacs' reserved for Isamode;* support multiple print (ast) translations per constant name;* theorems involving oracles are now printed with a suffixed [!];*** HOL **** there is now a tutorial on Isabelle/HOL (do 'isatool doc tutorial');* HOL/inductive package reorganized and improved: now supports mutualdefinitions such as inductive EVEN ODD intrs null "0 : EVEN" oddI "n : EVEN ==> Suc n : ODD" evenI "n : ODD ==> Suc n : EVEN"new theorem list "elims" contains an elimination rule for each of therecursive sets; inductive definitions now handle disjunctive premisescorrectly (also ZF);INCOMPATIBILITIES: requires Inductive as an ancestor; component"mutual_induct" no longer exists - the induction rule is alwayscontained in "induct";* HOL/datatype package re-implemented and greatly improved: nowsupports mutually recursive datatypes such as datatype 'a aexp = IF_THEN_ELSE ('a bexp) ('a aexp) ('a aexp) | SUM ('a aexp) ('a aexp) | DIFF ('a aexp) ('a aexp) | NUM 'a and 'a bexp = LESS ('a aexp) ('a aexp) | AND ('a bexp) ('a bexp) | OR ('a bexp) ('a bexp)as well as indirectly recursive datatypes such as datatype ('a, 'b) term = Var 'a | App 'b ((('a, 'b) term) list)The new tactic mutual_induct_tac [<var_1>, ..., <var_n>] i performsinduction on mutually / indirectly recursive datatypes.Primrec equations are now stored in theory and can be accessed via<function_name>.simps.INCOMPATIBILITIES: - Theories using datatypes must now have theory Datatype as an ancestor. - The specific <typename>.induct_tac no longer exists - use the generic induct_tac instead. - natE has been renamed to nat.exhaust - use exhaust_tac instead of res_inst_tac ... natE. Note that the variable names in nat.exhaust differ from the names in natE, this may cause some "fragile" proofs to fail. - The theorems split_<typename>_case and split_<typename>_case_asm have been renamed to <typename>.split and <typename>.split_asm. - Since default sorts of type variables are now handled correctly, some datatype definitions may have to be annotated with explicit sort constraints. - Primrec definitions no longer require function name and type of recursive argument.Consider using isatool fixdatatype to adapt your theories and proofscripts to the new package (backup your sources first!).* HOL/record package: considerably improved implementation; nowincludes concrete syntax for record types, terms, updates; theoremsfor surjective pairing and splitting !!-bound record variables; proofsupport is as follows: 1) standard conversions (selectors or updates applied to recordconstructor terms) are part of the standard simpset; 2) inject equations of the form ((x, y) = (x', y')) == x=x' & y=y' aremade part of standard simpset and claset via addIffs; 3) a tactic for record field splitting (record_split_tac) is part ofthe standard claset (addSWrapper);To get a better idea about these rules you may retrieve them viasomething like 'thms "foo.simps"' or 'thms "foo.iffs"', where "foo" isthe name of your record type.The split tactic 3) conceptually simplifies by the following rule: "(!!x. PROP ?P x) == (!!a b. PROP ?P (a, b))"Thus any record variable that is bound by meta-all will automaticallyblow up into some record constructor term, consequently thesimplifications of 1), 2) apply. Thus force_tac, auto_tac etc. shallsolve record problems automatically.* reorganized the main HOL image: HOL/Integ and String loaded bydefault; theory Main includes everything;* automatic simplification of integer sums and comparisons, using cancellation;* added option_map_eq_Some and not_Some_eq to the default simpset and claset;* added disj_not1 = "(~P | Q) = (P --> Q)" to the default simpset;* many new identities for unions, intersections, set difference, etc.;* expand_if, expand_split, expand_sum_case and expand_nat_case are nowcalled split_if, split_split, split_sum_case and split_nat_case (to gowith add/delsplits);* HOL/Prod introduces simplification procedure unit_eq_proc rewriting(?x::unit) = (); this is made part of the default simpset, which COULDMAKE EXISTING PROOFS FAIL under rare circumstances (consider'Delsimprocs [unit_eq_proc];' as last resort); also note thatunit_abs_eta_conv is added in order to counter the effect ofunit_eq_proc on (%u::unit. f u), replacing it by f rather than by%u.f();* HOL/Fun INCOMPATIBILITY: `inj_onto' is now called `inj_on' (whichmakes more sense);* HOL/Set INCOMPATIBILITY: rule `equals0D' is now a well-formed destruct rule; It and 'sym RS equals0D' are now in the default claset, giving automatic disjointness reasoning but breaking a few old proofs.* HOL/Relation INCOMPATIBILITY: renamed the relational operator r^-1to 'converse' from 'inverse' (for compatibility with ZF and someliterature);* HOL/recdef can now declare non-recursive functions, with {} supplied asthe well-founded relation;* HOL/Set INCOMPATIBILITY: the complement of set A is now written -A instead of Compl A. The "Compl" syntax remains available as input syntax for this release ONLY.* HOL/Update: new theory of function updates: f(a:=b) == %x. if x=a then b else f xmay also be iterated as in f(a:=b,c:=d,...);* HOL/Vimage: new theory for inverse image of a function, syntax f-``B;* HOL/List: - new function list_update written xs[i:=v] that updates the i-th list position. May also be iterated as in xs[i:=a,j:=b,...]. - new function `upt' written [i..j(] which generates the list [i,i+1,...,j-1], i.e. the upper bound is excluded. To include the upper bound write [i..j], which is a shorthand for [i..j+1(]. - new lexicographic orderings and corresponding wellfoundedness theorems.* HOL/Arith: - removed 'pred' (predecessor) function; - generalized some theorems about n-1; - many new laws about "div" and "mod"; - new laws about greatest common divisors (see theory ex/Primes);* HOL/Relation: renamed the relational operator r^-1 "converse"instead of "inverse";* HOL/Induct/Multiset: a theory of multisets, including the wellfoundedness of the multiset ordering;* directory HOL/Real: a construction of the reals using Dedekind cuts (not included by default);* directory HOL/UNITY: Chandy and Misra's UNITY formalism;* directory HOL/Hoare: a new version of Hoare logic which permits many-sorted programs, i.e. different program variables may have different types.* calling (stac rew i) now fails if "rew" has no effect on the goal [previously, this check worked only if the rewrite rule was unconditional] Now rew can involve either definitions or equalities (either == or =).*** ZF **** theory Main includes everything; INCOMPATIBILITY: theory ZF.thy contains only the theorems proved on ZF.ML;* ZF INCOMPATIBILITY: rule `equals0D' is now a well-formed destruct rule; It and 'sym RS equals0D' are now in the default claset, giving automatic disjointness reasoning but breaking a few old proofs.* ZF/Update: new theory of function updates with default rewrite rule f(x:=y) ` z = if(z=x, y, f`z) may also be iterated as in f(a:=b,c:=d,...);* in let x=t in u(x), neither t nor u(x) has to be an FOL term.* calling (stac rew i) now fails if "rew" has no effect on the goal [previously, this check worked only if the rewrite rule was unconditional] Now rew can involve either definitions or equalities (either == or =).* case_tac provided for compatibility with HOL (like the old excluded_middle_tac, but with subgoals swapped)*** Internal programming interfaces **** Pure: several new basic modules made available for general use, seealso src/Pure/README;* improved the theory data mechanism to support encapsulation (datakind name replaced by private Object.kind, acting as authorizationkey); new type-safe user interface via functor TheoryDataFun; genericprint_data function becomes basically useless;* removed global_names compatibility flag -- all theory declarationsare qualified by default;* module Pure/Syntax now offers quote / antiquote translationfunctions (useful for Hoare logic etc. with implicit dependencies);see HOL/ex/Antiquote for an example use;* Simplifier now offers conversions (asm_)(full_)rewrite: simpset ->cterm -> thm;* new tactical CHANGED_GOAL for checking that a tactic modifies asubgoal;* Display.print_goals function moved to Locale.print_goals;* standard print function for goals supports current_goals_markersvariable for marking begin of proof, end of proof, start of goal; thedefault is ("", "", ""); setting current_goals_markers := ("<proof>","</proof>", "<goal>") causes SGML like tagged proof state printing,for example;New in Isabelle98 (January 1998)--------------------------------*** Overview of INCOMPATIBILITIES (see below for more details) **** changed lexical syntax of terms / types: dots made part of longidentifiers, e.g. "%x.x" no longer possible, should be "%x. x";* simpset (and claset) reference variable replaced by functionssimpset / simpset_ref;* no longer supports theory aliases (via merge) and non-trivialimplicit merge of thms' signatures;* most internal names of constants changed due to qualified names;* changed Pure/Sequence interface (see Pure/seq.ML);*** General Changes **** hierachically structured name spaces (for consts, types, axms, thmsetc.); new lexical class 'longid' (e.g. may render much ofold input syntactically incorrect (e.g. "%x.x"); COMPATIBILITY:isatool fixdots ensures space after dots (e.g. "%x. x"); setlong_names for fully qualified output names; NOTE: ML programs(special tactics, packages etc.) referring to internal names may haveto be adapted to cope with fully qualified names; in case of severebackward campatibility problems try setting 'global_names' at compiletime to have enrything declared within a flat name space; one may alsofine tune name declarations in theories via the 'global' and 'local'section;* reimplemented the implicit simpset and claset using the new anytypedata filed in signatures; references simpset:simpset ref etc. arereplaced by functions simpset:unit->simpset andsimpset_ref:unit->simpset ref; COMPATIBILITY: use isatool fixclasimpto patch your ML files accordingly;* HTML output now includes theory graph data for display with Javaapplet or isatool browser; data generated automatically via isatoolusedir (see -i option, ISABELLE_USEDIR_OPTIONS);* defs may now be conditional; improved rewrite_goals_tac to handleconditional equations;* defs now admits additional type arguments, using TYPE('a) syntax;* theory aliases via merge (e.g. M=A+B+C) no longer supported, alwayscreates a new theory node; implicit merge of thms' signatures isrestricted to 'trivial' ones; COMPATIBILITY: one may have to usetransfer:theory->thm->thm in (rare) cases;* improved handling of draft signatures / theories; draft thms (andctyps, cterms) are automatically promoted to real ones;* slightly changed interfaces for oracles: admit many per theory, named(e.g. oracle foo = mlfun), additional name argument for invoke_oracle;* print_goals: optional output of const types (set show_consts andshow_types);* improved output of warnings (###) and errors (***);* subgoal_tac displays a warning if the new subgoal has type variables;* removed old README and Makefiles;* replaced print_goals_ref hook by print_current_goals_fn and result_error_fn;* removed obsolete init_pps and init_database;* deleted the obsolete tactical STATE, which was declared by fun STATE tacfun st = tacfun st st;* cd and use now support path variables, e.g. $ISABELLE_HOME, or ~(which abbreviates $HOME);* changed Pure/Sequence interface (see Pure/seq.ML); COMPATIBILITY:use isatool fixseq to adapt your ML programs (this works for fullyqualified references to the Sequence structure only!);* use_thy no longer requires writable current directory; it alwaysreloads .ML *and* .thy file, if either one is out of date;*** Classical Reasoner **** Clarify_tac, clarify_tac, clarify_step_tac, Clarify_step_tac: newtactics that use classical reasoning to simplify a subgoal withoutsplitting it into several subgoals;* Safe_tac: like safe_tac but uses the default claset;*** Simplifier **** added simplification meta rules: (asm_)(full_)simplify: simpset -> thm -> thm;* simplifier.ML no longer part of Pure -- has to be loaded by objectlogics (again);* added prems argument to simplification procedures;* HOL, FOL, ZF: added infix function `addsplits': instead of `<simpset> setloop (split_tac <thms>)' you can simply write `<simpset> addsplits <thms>'*** Syntax **** TYPE('a) syntax for type reflection terms;* no longer handles consts with name "" -- declare as 'syntax' instead;* pretty printer: changed order of mixfix annotation preference (again!);* Pure: fixed idt/idts vs. pttrn/pttrns syntactic categories;*** HOL **** HOL: there is a new splitter `split_asm_tac' that can be used e.g. with `addloop' of the simplifier to faciliate case splitting in premises.* HOL/TLA: Stephan Merz's formalization of Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions;* HOL/Auth: new protocol proofs including some for the Internet protocol TLS;* HOL/Map: new theory of `maps' a la VDM;* HOL/simplifier: simplification procedures nat_cancel_sums forcancelling out common nat summands from =, <, <= (in)equalities, ordifferences; simplification procedures nat_cancel_factor forcancelling common factor from =, <, <= (in)equalities over naturalsums; nat_cancel contains both kinds of procedures, it is installed bydefault in Arith.thy -- this COULD MAKE EXISTING PROOFS FAIL;* HOL/simplifier: terms of the form `? x. P1(x) & ... & Pn(x) & x=t & Q1(x) & ... Qn(x)' (or t=x) are rewritten to `P1(t) & ... & Pn(t) & Q1(t) & ... Qn(t)', and those of the form `! x. P1(x) & ... & Pn(x) & x=t & Q1(x) & ... Qn(x) --> R(x)' (or t=x) are rewritten to `P1(t) & ... & Pn(t) & Q1(t) & ... Qn(t) --> R(t)',* HOL/datatype Each datatype `t' now comes with a theorem `split_t_case' of the form P(t_case f1 ... fn x) = ( (!y1 ... ym1. x = C1 y1 ... ym1 --> P(f1 y1 ... ym1)) & ... (!y1 ... ymn. x = Cn y1 ... ymn --> P(f1 y1 ... ymn)) ) and a theorem `split_t_case_asm' of the form P(t_case f1 ... fn x) = ~( (? y1 ... ym1. x = C1 y1 ... ym1 & ~P(f1 y1 ... ym1)) | ... (? y1 ... ymn. x = Cn y1 ... ymn & ~P(f1 y1 ... ymn)) ) which can be added to a simpset via `addsplits'. The existing theorems expand_list_case and expand_option_case have been renamed to split_list_case and split_option_case.* HOL/Arithmetic: - `pred n' is automatically converted to `n-1'. Users are strongly encouraged not to use `pred' any longer, because it will disappear altogether at some point. - Users are strongly encouraged to write "0 < n" rather than "n ~= 0". Theorems and proof tools have been modified towards this `standard'.* HOL/Lists: the function "set_of_list" has been renamed "set" (and its theorems too); the function "nth" now takes its arguments in the reverse order and has acquired the infix notation "!" as in "xs!n".* HOL/Set: UNIV is now a constant and is no longer translated to Compl{};* HOL/Set: The operator (UN x.B x) now abbreviates (UN x:UNIV. B x) and its specialist theorems (like UN1_I) are gone. Similarly for (INT x.B x);* HOL/record: extensible records with schematic structural subtyping(single inheritance); EXPERIMENTAL version demonstrating the encoding,still lacks various theorems and concrete record syntax;*** HOLCF **** removed "axioms" and "generated by" sections;* replaced "ops" section by extended "consts" section, which is capable of handling the continuous function space "->" directly;* domain package: . proves theorems immediately and stores them in the theory, . creates hierachical name space, . now uses normal mixfix annotations (instead of cinfix...), . minor changes to some names and values (for consistency), . e.g. cases -> casedist, dists_eq -> dist_eqs, [take_lemma] -> take_lemmas, . separator between mutual domain defs: changed "," to "and", . improved handling of sort constraints; now they have to appear on the left-hand side of the equations only;* fixed LAM <x,y,zs>.b syntax;* added extended adm_tac to simplifier in HOLCF -- can now dischargeadm (%x. P (t x)), where P is chainfinite and t continuous;*** FOL and ZF **** FOL: there is a new splitter `split_asm_tac' that can be used e.g. with `addloop' of the simplifier to faciliate case splitting in premises.* qed_spec_mp, qed_goal_spec_mp, qed_goalw_spec_mp are available, asin HOL, they strip ALL and --> from proved theorems;New in Isabelle94-8 (May 1997)------------------------------*** General Changes **** new utilities to build / run / maintain Isabelle etc. (in partsstill somewhat experimental); old Makefiles etc. still functional;* new 'Isabelle System Manual';* INSTALL text, together with ./configure and ./build scripts;* reimplemented type inference for greater efficiency, better errormessages and clean internal interface;* prlim command for dealing with lots of subgoals (an easier way ofsetting goals_limit);*** Syntax **** supports alternative (named) syntax tables (parser and prettyprinter); internal interface is provided by add_modesyntax(_i);* Pure, FOL, ZF, HOL, HOLCF now support symbolic input and output; tobe used in conjunction with the Isabelle symbol font; uses the"symbols" syntax table;* added token_translation interface (may translate name tokens inarbitrary ways, dependent on their type (free, bound, tfree, ...) andthe current print_mode); IMPORTANT: user print translation functionsare responsible for marking newly introduced bounds(Syntax.mark_boundT);* token translations for modes "xterm" and "xterm_color" that displaynames in bold, underline etc. or colors (which requires a colorversion of xterm);* infixes may now be declared with names independent of their syntax;* added typed_print_translation (like print_translation, but mayaccess type of constant);*** Classical Reasoner ***Blast_tac: a new tactic! It is often more powerful than fast_tac, but hassome limitations. Blast_tac... + ignores addss, addbefore, addafter; this restriction is intrinsic + ignores elimination rules that don't have the correct format (the conclusion MUST be a formula variable) + ignores types, which can make HOL proofs fail + rules must not require higher-order unification, e.g. apply_type in ZF [message "Function Var's argument not a bound variable" relates to this] + its proof strategy is more general but can actually be slower* substitution with equality assumptions no longer permutes otherassumptions;* minor changes in semantics of addafter (now called addaltern); renamedsetwrapper to setWrapper and compwrapper to compWrapper; added safe wrapper(and access functions for it);* improved combination of classical reasoner and simplifier: + functions for handling clasimpsets + improvement of addss: now the simplifier is called _after_ the safe steps. + safe variant of addss called addSss: uses safe simplifications _during_ the safe steps. It is more complete as it allows multiple instantiations of unknowns (e.g. with slow_tac).*** Simplifier **** added interface for simplification procedures (functions thatproduce *proven* rewrite rules on the fly, depending on currentredex);* ordering on terms as parameter (used for ordered rewriting);* new functions delcongs, deleqcongs, and Delcongs. richer rep_ss;* the solver is now split into a safe and an unsafe part.This should be invisible for the normal user, except that thefunctions setsolver and addsolver have been renamed to setSolver andaddSolver; added safe_asm_full_simp_tac;*** HOL **** a generic induction tactic `induct_tac' which works for all datatypes andalso for type `nat';* a generic case distinction tactic `exhaust_tac' which works for alldatatypes and also for type `nat';* each datatype comes with a function `size';* patterns in case expressions allow tuple patterns as arguments toconstructors, for example `case x of [] => ... | (x,y,z)#ps => ...';* primrec now also works with type nat;* recdef: a new declaration form, allows general recursive functions to bedefined in theory files. See HOL/ex/Fib, HOL/ex/Primes, HOL/Subst/Unify.* the constant for negation has been renamed from "not" to "Not" toharmonize with FOL, ZF, LK, etc.;* HOL/ex/LFilter theory of a corecursive "filter" functional forinfinite lists;* HOL/Modelcheck demonstrates invocation of model checker oracle;* HOL/ex/Ring.thy declares cring_simp, which solves equationalproblems in commutative rings, using axiomatic type classes for + and *;* more examples in HOL/MiniML and HOL/Auth;* more default rewrite rules for quantifiers, union/intersection;* a new constant `arbitrary == @x.False';* HOLCF/IOA replaces old HOL/IOA;* HOLCF changes: derived all rules and arities + axiomatic type classes instead of classes + typedef instead of faking type definitions + eliminated the internal constants less_fun, less_cfun, UU_fun, UU_cfun etc. + new axclasses cpo, chfin, flat with flat < chfin < pcpo < cpo < po + eliminated the types void, one, tr + use unit lift and bool lift (with translations) instead of one and tr + eliminated blift from Lift3.thy (use Def instead of blift) all eliminated rules are derived as theorems --> no visible changes ;*** ZF **** ZF now has Fast_tac, Simp_tac and Auto_tac. Union_iff is a now a defaultrewrite rule; this may affect some proofs. eq_cs is gone but can be put backas ZF_cs addSIs [equalityI];New in Isabelle94-7 (November 96)---------------------------------* allowing negative levels (as offsets) in prlev and choplev;* super-linear speedup for large simplifications;* FOL, ZF and HOL now use miniscoping: rewriting pushesquantifications in as far as possible (COULD MAKE EXISTING PROOFSFAIL); can suppress it using the command Delsimps (ex_simps @all_simps); De Morgan laws are also now included, by default;* improved printing of ==> : ~:* new object-logic "Sequents" adds linear logic, while replacing LKand Modal (thanks to Sara Kalvala);* HOL/Auth: correctness proofs for authentication protocols;* HOL: new auto_tac combines rewriting and classical reasoning (manyexamples on HOL/Auth);* HOL: new command AddIffs for declaring theorems of the form P=Q tothe rewriter and classical reasoner simultaneously;* function uresult no longer returns theorems in "standard" format;regain previous version by: val uresult = standard o uresult;New in Isabelle94-6-------------------* oracles -- these establish an interface between Isabelle and trustedexternal reasoners, which may deliver results as theorems;* proof objects (in particular record all uses of oracles);* Simp_tac, Fast_tac, etc. that refer to implicit simpset / claset;* "constdefs" section in theory files;* "primrec" section (HOL) no longer requires names;* internal type "tactic" now simply "thm -> thm Sequence.seq";New in Isabelle94-5-------------------* reduced space requirements;* automatic HTML generation from theories;* theory files no longer require "..." (quotes) around most types;* new examples, including two proofs of the Church-Rosser theorem;* non-curried (1994) version of HOL is no longer distributed;New in Isabelle94-4-------------------* greatly reduced space requirements;* theory files (.thy) no longer require \...\ escapes at line breaks;* searchable theorem database (see the section "Retrieving theorems" onpage 8 of the Reference Manual);* new examples, including Grabczewski's monumental case study of theAxiom of Choice;* The previous version of HOL renamed to Old_HOL;* The new version of HOL (previously called CHOL) uses a curried syntaxfor functions. Application looks like f a b instead of f(a,b);* Mutually recursive inductive definitions finally work in HOL;* In ZF, pattern-matching on tuples is now available in all abstractions andtranslates to the operator "split";New in Isabelle94-3-------------------* new infix operator, addss, allowing the classical reasoner toperform simplification at each step of its search. Example: fast_tac (cs addss ss)* a new logic, CHOL, the same as HOL, but with a curried syntaxfor functions. Application looks like f a b instead of f(a,b). Also pairslook like (a,b) instead of <a,b>;* PLEASE NOTE: CHOL will eventually replace HOL!* In CHOL, pattern-matching on tuples is now available in all abstractions.It translates to the operator "split". A new theory of integers is available;* In ZF, integer numerals now denote two's-complement binary integers.Arithmetic operations can be performed by rewriting. See ZF/ex/Bin.ML;* Many new examples: I/O automata, Church-Rosser theorem, equivalentsof the Axiom of Choice;New in Isabelle94-2-------------------* Significantly faster resolution;* the different sections in a .thy file can now be mixed and repeatedfreely;* Database of theorems for FOL, HOL and ZF. Newcommands including qed, qed_goal and bind_thm store theorems in the database.* Simple database queries: return a named theorem (get_thm) or all theorems ofa given theory (thms_of), or find out what theory a theorem was proved in(theory_of_thm);* Bugs fixed in the inductive definition and datatype packages;* The classical reasoner provides deepen_tac and depth_tac, making FOL_dup_csand HOL_dup_cs obsolete;* Syntactic ambiguities caused by the new treatment of syntax in Isabelle94-1have been removed;* Simpler definition of function space in ZF;* new results about cardinal and ordinal arithmetic in ZF;* 'subtype' facility in HOL for introducing new types as subsets of existingtypes;$Id$