author nipkow
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 12:17:21 +0200
changeset 13250 efd5db7dc7cc
parent 13249 4b3de6370184
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(*<*)theory Sets = Main:(*>*)

section{*Sets, Functions and Relations*}

subsection{*Set Notation*}

@{term "A \<union> B"} & @{term "A \<inter> B"} & @{term "A - B"} \\
@{term "a \<in> A"} & @{term "b \<notin> A"} \\
@{term "{a,b}"} & @{text "{x. P x}"} \\
@{term "\<Union> M"} & @{text "\<Union>a \<in> A. F a"}
(*<*)term "A \<union> B" term "A \<inter> B" term "A - B"
term "a \<in> A" term "b \<notin> A"
term "{a,b}" term "{x. P x}"
term "\<Union> M"  term "\<Union>a \<in> A. F a"(*>*)

subsection{*Some Functions*}

@{thm id_def}\\
@{thm o_def[no_vars]}\\
@{thm image_def[no_vars]}\\
@{thm vimage_def[no_vars]}
(*<*)thm id_def o_def[no_vars] image_def[no_vars] vimage_def[no_vars](*>*)

subsection{*Some Relations*}

@{thm Id_def}\\
@{thm converse_def[no_vars]}\\
@{thm Image_def[no_vars]}\\
@{thm rtrancl_refl[no_vars]}\\
@{thm rtrancl_into_rtrancl[no_vars]}\\
@{thm trancl_def[no_vars]}
(*<*)thm Id_def
thm converse_def[no_vars]
thm Image_def[no_vars]
thm relpow.simps[no_vars]
thm rtrancl.intros[no_vars]
thm trancl_def[no_vars](*>*)


@{thm wf_def[no_vars]}\\
@{thm wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain[no_vars]}
(*<*)thm wf_def[no_vars]
thm wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain[no_vars](*>*)

subsection{*Fixed Point Operators*}

@{thm lfp_def[no_vars]}\\
@{thm lfp_unfold[no_vars]}\\
@{thm lfp_induct[no_vars]}
(*<*)thm lfp_def gfp_def
thm lfp_unfold
thm lfp_induct(*>*)

subsection{*Case Study: Verified Model Checking*}

typedecl state

consts M :: "(state \<times> state)set"

typedecl atom

consts L :: "state \<Rightarrow> atom set"

datatype formula = Atom atom
                  | Neg formula
                  | And formula formula
                  | AX formula
                  | EF formula

consts valid :: "state \<Rightarrow> formula \<Rightarrow> bool"   ("(_ \<Turnstile> _)" [80,80] 80)

"s \<Turnstile> Atom a  = (a \<in> L s)"
"s \<Turnstile> Neg f   = (\<not>(s \<Turnstile> f))"
"s \<Turnstile> And f g = (s \<Turnstile> f \<and> s \<Turnstile> g)"
"s \<Turnstile> AX f    = (\<forall>t. (s,t) \<in> M \<longrightarrow> t \<Turnstile> f)"
"s \<Turnstile> EF f    = (\<exists>t. (s,t) \<in> M\<^sup>* \<and> t \<Turnstile> f)"

consts mc :: "formula \<Rightarrow> state set"
"mc(Atom a)  = {s. a \<in> L s}"
"mc(Neg f)   = -mc f"
"mc(And f g) = mc f \<inter> mc g"
"mc(AX f)    = {s. \<forall>t. (s,t) \<in> M  \<longrightarrow> t \<in> mc f}"
"mc(EF f)    = lfp(\<lambda>T. mc f \<union> (M\<inverse> `` T))"

lemma mono_ef: "mono(\<lambda>T. A \<union> (M\<inverse> `` T))"
apply(rule monoI)
apply blast

lemma EF_lemma:
  "lfp(\<lambda>T. A \<union> (M\<inverse> `` T)) = {s. \<exists>t. (s,t) \<in> M\<^sup>* \<and> t \<in> A}"
apply(rule equalityI)
 thm lfp_lowerbound
 apply(rule lfp_lowerbound)
 apply(blast intro: rtrancl_trans)
apply(rule subsetI)
apply clarsimp
apply(erule converse_rtrancl_induct)
thm lfp_unfold[OF mono_ef]
 apply(subst lfp_unfold[OF mono_ef])
apply(subst lfp_unfold[OF mono_ef])

theorem "mc f = {s. s \<Turnstile> f}"
apply(induct_tac f)
apply(auto simp add: EF_lemma)

@{term AX} has a dual operator @{term EN}\footnote{We cannot use the customary @{text EX}
as that is the \textsc{ascii}-equivalent of @{text"\<exists>"}}
(``there exists a next state such that'') with the intended semantics
@{prop[display]"(s \<Turnstile> EN f) = (EX t. (s,t) : M & t \<Turnstile> f)"}
Fortunately, @{term"EN f"} can already be expressed as a PDL formula. How?

Show that the semantics for @{term EF} satisfies the following recursion equation:
@{prop[display]"(s \<Turnstile> EF f) = (s \<Turnstile> f | s \<Turnstile> EN(EF f))"}