/* Title: Pure/Build/build_manager.scala
Author: Fabian Huch, TU Muenchen
Isabelle manager for automated and quasi-interactive builds, with web frontend.
package isabelle
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Build_Manager {
/** task state synchronized via db **/
object Component {
def parse(s: String): Component =
space_explode('/', s) match {
case name :: rev :: Nil => Component(name, rev)
case _ => error("Malformed component: " + quote(s))
def AFP(rev: String = "") = Component("AFP", rev)
case class Component(name: String, rev: String = "") {
override def toString: String = name + "/" + rev
def is_local: Boolean = rev.isEmpty
sealed trait Build_Config {
def name: String
def components: List[Component]
def fresh_build: Boolean
def build_cluster: Boolean
def command(job_url: Url, build_hosts: List[Build_Cluster.Host]): String
object CI_Build {
def apply(job: Build_CI.Job): CI_Build =
CI_Build(job.name, job.hosts.build_cluster, job.components.map(Component(_, "default")))
def task(job: Build_CI.Job): Task =
Task(CI_Build(job), job.hosts.hosts_spec, job.timeout, other_settings = job.other_settings,
isabelle_rev = "default")
case class CI_Build(name: String, build_cluster: Boolean, components: List[Component])
extends Build_Config {
def fresh_build: Boolean = true
def command(job_url: Url, build_hosts: List[Build_Cluster.Host]): String =
" build_ci" +
" -u " + Bash.string(job_url.toString) +
if_proper(build_cluster, build_hosts.map(host => " -H " + Bash.string(host.print)).mkString) +
" " + name
object User_Build {
val name: String = "user"
case class User_Build(
afp_rev: Option[String] = None,
prefs: List[Options.Spec] = Nil,
requirements: Boolean = false,
all_sessions: Boolean = false,
base_sessions: List[String] = Nil,
exclude_session_groups: List[String] = Nil,
exclude_sessions: List[String] = Nil,
session_groups: List[String] = Nil,
sessions: List[String] = Nil,
build_heap: Boolean = false,
clean_build: Boolean = false,
export_files: Boolean = false,
fresh_build: Boolean = false,
presentation: Boolean = false,
verbose: Boolean = false
) extends Build_Config {
def name: String = User_Build.name
def components: List[Component] = afp_rev.map(Component.AFP).toList
def build_cluster: Boolean = true
def command(job_url: Url, build_hosts: List[Build_Cluster.Host]): String = {
" build" +
if_proper(afp_rev, " -A:") +
base_sessions.map(session => " -B " + Bash.string(session)).mkString +
build_hosts.map(host => " -H " + Bash.string(host.print)).mkString +
if_proper(presentation, " -P:") +
if_proper(requirements, " -R") +
exclude_session_groups.map(session => " -X " + Bash.string(session)).mkString +
if_proper(all_sessions, " -a") +
if_proper(build_heap, " -b") +
if_proper(clean_build, " -c") +
if_proper(export_files, " -e") +
if_proper(fresh_build, " -f") +
session_groups.map(session => " -g " + Bash.string(session)).mkString +
Options.Spec.bash_strings(prefs, bg = true) +
if_proper(verbose, " -v") +
exclude_sessions.map(session => " -x " + Bash.string(session)).mkString +
sessions.map(session => " " + Bash.string(session)).mkString
enum Priority { case low, normal, high }
object Build {
def name(kind: String, id: Long): String = kind + "/" + id
sealed trait Build extends Name.T
sealed case class Task(
build_config: Build_Config,
hosts_spec: String,
timeout: Time,
other_settings: List[String] = Nil,
uuid: UUID.T = UUID.random(),
submit_date: Date = Date.now(),
priority: Priority = Priority.normal,
isabelle_rev: String = ""
) extends Build {
def name: String = uuid.toString
def kind: String = build_config.name
def components: List[Component] = build_config.components
def build_cluster = build_config.build_cluster
def build_hosts: List[Build_Cluster.Host] =
Build_Cluster.Host.parse(Registry.global, hosts_spec)
sealed case class Job(
uuid: UUID.T,
kind: String,
id: Long,
isabelle_rev: String,
build_cluster: Boolean,
hostnames: List[String],
components: List[Component],
timeout: Time,
start_date: Date = Date.now(),
cancelled: Boolean = false
) extends Build { def name: String = Build.name(kind, id) }
object Status {
def from_result(result: Process_Result): Status = {
if (result.ok) Status.ok
else if (result.interrupted) Status.cancelled
else Status.failed
enum Status { case ok, cancelled, aborted, failed }
object Result {
def read_log(
store: Store,
kind: String,
id: Long,
uuid: Option[UUID.T] = None
): Result = {
val build_log_file = Build_Log.Log_File.read(store.log_file(kind, id).file)
val End = """^Job ended at [^,]+, with status (\w+)$""".r
val meta_info = build_log_file.parse_meta_info()
val status =
build_log_file.lines.last match {
case End(status) => Status.valueOf(status)
case _ => Status.aborted
val build_host = meta_info.get_build_host.getOrElse(error("No build host"))
val start_date = meta_info.get_build_start.getOrElse(error("No start date"))
val end_date = meta_info.get_build_end
val isabelle_version = meta_info.get(Build_Log.Prop.isabelle_version)
val afp_version = meta_info.get(Build_Log.Prop.afp_version)
Result(kind, id, status, uuid, build_host, start_date, end_date, isabelle_version,
sealed case class Result(
kind: String,
id: Long,
status: Status,
uuid: Option[UUID.T],
build_host: String,
start_date: Date,
end_date: Option[Date],
isabelle_version: Option[String],
afp_version: Option[String],
serial: Long = 0,
) extends Build { def name: String = Build.name(kind, id) }
object State {
def max_serial(serials: Iterable[Long]): Long = serials.maxOption.getOrElse(0L)
def inc_serial(serial: Long): Long = {
require(serial < Long.MaxValue, "number overflow")
serial + 1
type Pending = Name.Data[Task]
type Running = Name.Data[Job]
type Finished = Map[String, Result]
sealed case class State(
serial: Long = 0,
pending: State.Pending = Map.empty,
running: State.Running = Map.empty,
finished: State.Finished = Map.empty
) {
def next_serial: Long = State.inc_serial(serial)
def add_pending(task: Task): State = copy(pending = pending + (task.name -> task))
def remove_pending(name: String): State = copy(pending = pending - name)
def num_builds = running.size + finished.size
def next(build_hosts: List[Build_Cluster.Host]): Option[Task] = {
val cluster_running = running.values.exists(_.build_cluster)
val available = build_hosts.map(_.hostname).toSet -- running.values.flatMap(_.hostnames).toSet
val ready =
for {
(_, task) <- pending
if !task.build_cluster || !cluster_running
if task.build_hosts.map(_.hostname).forall(available.contains)
} yield task
if (ready.isEmpty) None
else {
val priority = ready.map(_.priority).maxBy(_.ordinal)
ready.filter(_.priority == priority).toList.sortBy(_.submit_date)(Date.Ordering).headOption
def add_running(job: Job): State = copy(running = running + (job.name -> job))
def remove_running(name: String): State = copy(running = running - name)
def cancel_running(name: String): State =
running.get(name) match {
case Some(job) => copy(running = (running - name) + (name -> job.copy(cancelled = true)))
case None => this
def add_finished(result: Result): State = copy(finished = finished + (result.name -> result))
lazy val kinds = (
pending.values.map(_.kind) ++
running.values.map(_.kind) ++
def next_id(kind: String): Long = {
val serials = get_finished(kind).map(_.id) ::: get_running(kind).map(_.id)
def get_running(kind: String): List[Job] =
(for ((_, job) <- running if job.kind == kind) yield job).toList
def get_finished(kind: String): List[Result] =
(for ((_, result) <- finished if result.kind == kind) yield result).toList
def get(name: String): Option[Build] =
def get(uuid: UUID.T): Option[Build] =
pending.values.find(_.uuid == uuid).orElse(
running.values.find(_.uuid == uuid)).orElse(
/** SQL data model **/
object private_data extends SQL.Data("isabelle_build_manager") {
/* tables */
override lazy val tables: SQL.Tables =
SQL.Tables(State.table, Pending.table, Running.table, Finished.table)
/* state */
object State {
val serial = SQL.Column.long("serial").make_primary_key
val table = make_table(List(serial), name = "state")
def read_serial(db: SQL.Database): Long =
def pull_state(db: SQL.Database, state: State): State = {
val serial_db = read_serial(db)
if (serial_db == state.serial) state
else {
val serial = serial_db max state.serial
val pending = pull_pending(db)
val running = pull_running(db)
val finished = pull_finished(db, state.finished)
state.copy(serial = serial, pending = pending, running = running, finished = finished)
def push_state(db: SQL.Database, old_state: State, state: State): State = {
val finished = push_finished(db, state.finished)
val updates =
update_pending(db, old_state.pending, state.pending),
update_running(db, old_state.running, state.running),
if (updates.isEmpty && finished == old_state.finished) state
else {
val serial = state.next_serial
db.execute_statement(State.table.insert(), body =
{ (stmt: SQL.Statement) =>
stmt.long(1) = serial
state.copy(serial = serial, finished = finished)
/* pending */
object Pending {
val kind = SQL.Column.string("kind")
val build_cluster = SQL.Column.bool("build_cluster")
val hosts_spec = SQL.Column.string("hosts_spec")
val timeout = SQL.Column.long("timeout")
val other_settings = SQL.Column.string("other_settings")
val uuid = SQL.Column.string("uuid").make_primary_key
val submit_date = SQL.Column.date("submit_date")
val priority = SQL.Column.string("priority")
val isabelle_rev = SQL.Column.string("isabelle_rev")
val components = SQL.Column.string("components")
val prefs = SQL.Column.string("prefs")
val requirements = SQL.Column.bool("requirements")
val all_sessions = SQL.Column.bool("all_sessions")
val base_sessions = SQL.Column.string("base_sessions")
val exclude_session_groups = SQL.Column.string("exclude_session_groups")
val exclude_sessions = SQL.Column.string("exclude_sessions")
val session_groups = SQL.Column.string("session_groups")
val sessions = SQL.Column.string("sessions")
val build_heap = SQL.Column.bool("build_heap")
val clean_build = SQL.Column.bool("clean_build")
val export_files = SQL.Column.bool("export_files")
val fresh_build = SQL.Column.bool("fresh_build")
val presentation = SQL.Column.bool("presentation")
val verbose = SQL.Column.bool("verbose")
val table =
make_table(List(kind, build_cluster, hosts_spec, timeout, other_settings, uuid, submit_date,
priority, isabelle_rev, components, prefs, requirements, all_sessions, base_sessions,
exclude_session_groups, exclude_sessions, session_groups, sessions, build_heap,
clean_build, export_files, fresh_build, presentation, verbose),
name = "pending")
def pull_pending(db: SQL.Database): Build_Manager.State.Pending =
db.execute_query_statement(Pending.table.select(), Map.from[String, Task], get =
{ res =>
val kind = res.string(Pending.kind)
val build_cluster = res.bool(Pending.build_cluster)
val hosts_spec = res.string(Pending.hosts_spec)
val timeout = Time.ms(res.long(Pending.timeout))
val other_settings = split_lines(res.string(Pending.other_settings))
val uuid = res.string(Pending.uuid)
val submit_date = res.date(Pending.submit_date)
val priority = Priority.valueOf(res.string(Pending.priority))
val isabelle_rev = res.string(Pending.isabelle_rev)
val components = space_explode(',', res.string(Pending.components)).map(Component.parse)
val build_config =
if (kind != User_Build.name) CI_Build(kind, build_cluster, components)
else {
val prefs = Options.Spec.parse(res.string(Pending.prefs))
val requirements = res.bool(Pending.requirements)
val all_sessions = res.bool(Pending.all_sessions)
val base_sessions = space_explode(',', res.string(Pending.base_sessions))
val exclude_session_groups =
space_explode(',', res.string(Pending.exclude_session_groups))
val exclude_sessions = space_explode(',', res.string(Pending.exclude_sessions))
val session_groups = space_explode(',', res.string(Pending.session_groups))
val sessions = space_explode(',', res.string(Pending.sessions))
val build_heap = res.bool(Pending.build_heap)
val clean_build = res.bool(Pending.clean_build)
val export_files = res.bool(Pending.export_files)
val fresh_build = res.bool(Pending.fresh_build)
val presentation = res.bool(Pending.presentation)
val verbose = res.bool(Pending.verbose)
val afp_rev = components.find(_.name == Component.AFP().name).map(_.rev)
User_Build(afp_rev, prefs, requirements, all_sessions, base_sessions,
exclude_session_groups, exclude_sessions, session_groups, sessions, build_heap,
clean_build, export_files, fresh_build, presentation, verbose)
val task = Task(build_config, hosts_spec, timeout, other_settings, UUID.make(uuid),
submit_date, priority, isabelle_rev)
task.name -> task
def update_pending(
db: SQL.Database,
old_pending: Build_Manager.State.Pending,
pending: Build_Manager.State.Pending
): Update = {
val update = Update.make(old_pending, pending)
val delete = update.delete.map(old_pending(_).uuid.toString)
if (update.deletes)
if (update.inserts) {
db.execute_batch_statement(Pending.table.insert(), batch =
for (name <- update.insert) yield { (stmt: SQL.Statement) =>
val task = pending(name)
stmt.string(1) = task.kind
stmt.bool(2) = task.build_cluster
stmt.string(3) = task.hosts_spec
stmt.long(4) = task.timeout.ms
stmt.string(5) = cat_lines(task.other_settings)
stmt.string(6) = task.uuid.toString
stmt.date(7) = task.submit_date
stmt.string(8) = task.priority.toString
stmt.string(9) = task.isabelle_rev
stmt.string(10) = task.components.mkString(",")
def get[A](f: User_Build => A): Option[A] =
task.build_config match {
case user_build: User_Build => Some(f(user_build))
case _ => None
stmt.string(11) = get(user_build => user_build.prefs.map(_.print).mkString(","))
stmt.bool(12) = get(_.requirements)
stmt.bool(13) = get(_.all_sessions)
stmt.string(14) = get(_.base_sessions.mkString(","))
stmt.string(15) = get(_.exclude_session_groups.mkString(","))
stmt.string(16) = get(_.exclude_sessions.mkString(","))
stmt.string(17) = get(_.session_groups.mkString(","))
stmt.string(18) = get(_.sessions.mkString(","))
stmt.bool(19) = get(_.build_heap)
stmt.bool(20) = get(_.clean_build)
stmt.bool(21) = get(_.export_files)
stmt.bool(22) = get(_.fresh_build)
stmt.bool(23) = get(_.presentation)
stmt.bool(24) = get(_.verbose)
/* running */
object Running {
val uuid = SQL.Column.string("uuid").make_primary_key
val kind = SQL.Column.string("kind")
val id = SQL.Column.long("id")
val isabelle_rev = SQL.Column.string("isabelle_rev")
val build_cluster = SQL.Column.bool("build_cluster")
val hostnames = SQL.Column.string("hostnames")
val components = SQL.Column.string("components")
val timeout = SQL.Column.long("timeout")
val start_date = SQL.Column.date("start_date")
val cancelled = SQL.Column.bool("cancelled")
val table =
make_table(List(uuid, kind, id, isabelle_rev, build_cluster, hostnames, components, timeout,
start_date, cancelled),
name = "running")
def pull_running(db: SQL.Database): Build_Manager.State.Running =
db.execute_query_statement(Running.table.select(), Map.from[String, Job], get =
{ res =>
val uuid = res.string(Running.uuid)
val kind = res.string(Running.kind)
val id = res.long(Running.id)
val isabelle_rev = res.string(Running.isabelle_rev)
val build_cluster = res.bool(Running.build_cluster)
val hostnames = space_explode(',', res.string(Running.hostnames))
val components = space_explode(',', res.string(Running.components)).map(Component.parse)
val timeout = Time.ms(res.long(Running.timeout))
val start_date = res.date(Running.start_date)
val cancelled = res.bool(Running.cancelled)
val job = Job(UUID.make(uuid), kind, id, isabelle_rev, build_cluster, hostnames,
components, timeout, start_date, cancelled)
job.name -> job
def update_running(
db: SQL.Database,
old_running: Build_Manager.State.Running,
running: Build_Manager.State.Running
): Update = {
val update = Update.make(old_running, running)
val delete = update.delete.map(old_running(_).uuid.toString)
if (update.deletes)
if (update.inserts) {
db.execute_batch_statement(Running.table.insert(), batch =
for (name <- update.insert) yield { (stmt: SQL.Statement) =>
val job = running(name)
stmt.string(1) = job.uuid.toString
stmt.string(2) = job.kind
stmt.long(3) = job.id
stmt.string(4) = job.isabelle_rev
stmt.bool(5) = job.build_cluster
stmt.string(6) = job.hostnames.mkString(",")
stmt.string(7) = job.components.mkString(",")
stmt.long(8) = job.timeout.ms
stmt.date(9) = job.start_date
stmt.bool(10) = job.cancelled
/* finished */
object Finished {
val kind = SQL.Column.string("kind")
val id = SQL.Column.long("id")
val status = SQL.Column.string("status")
val uuid = SQL.Column.string("uuid")
val build_host = SQL.Column.string("build_host")
val start_date = SQL.Column.date("start_date")
val end_date = SQL.Column.date("end_date")
val isabelle_version = SQL.Column.string("isabelle_version")
val afp_version = SQL.Column.string("afp_version")
val serial = SQL.Column.long("serial").make_primary_key
val table =
List(kind, id, status, uuid, build_host, start_date, end_date, isabelle_version,
afp_version, serial),
name = "finished")
def read_finished_serial(db: SQL.Database): Long =
def pull_finished(
db: SQL.Database,
finished: Build_Manager.State.Finished
): Build_Manager.State.Finished = {
val max_serial0 = Build_Manager.State.max_serial(finished.values.map(_.serial))
val max_serial1 = read_finished_serial(db)
val missing = (max_serial0 + 1) to max_serial1
finished ++ db.execute_query_statement(
Finished.table.select(sql = Finished.serial.where_member_long(missing)),
Map.from[String, Result], get =
{ res =>
val kind = res.string(Finished.kind)
val id = res.long(Finished.id)
val status = Status.valueOf(res.string(Finished.status))
val uuid = res.get_string(Finished.uuid).map(UUID.make)
val build_host = res.string(Finished.build_host)
val start_date = res.date(Finished.start_date)
val end_date = res.get_date(Finished.end_date)
val isabelle_version = res.get_string(Finished.isabelle_version)
val afp_version = res.get_string(Finished.afp_version)
val serial = res.long(Finished.serial)
val result = Result(kind, id, status, uuid, build_host, start_date, end_date,
isabelle_version, afp_version, serial)
result.name -> result
def push_finished(
db: SQL.Database,
finished: Build_Manager.State.Finished
): Build_Manager.State.Finished = {
val (insert0, old) = finished.partition(_._2.serial == 0L)
val max_serial = Build_Manager.State.max_serial(finished.map(_._2.serial))
val insert =
for (((_, result), n) <- insert0.zipWithIndex)
yield result.copy(serial = max_serial + 1 + n)
if (insert.nonEmpty)
db.execute_batch_statement(Finished.table.insert(), batch =
for (result <- insert) yield { (stmt: SQL.Statement) =>
stmt.string(1) = result.kind
stmt.long(2) = result.id
stmt.string(3) = result.status.toString
stmt.string(4) = result.uuid.map(_.toString)
stmt.string(5) = result.build_host
stmt.date(6) = result.start_date
stmt.date(7) = result.end_date
stmt.string(8) = result.isabelle_version
stmt.string(9) = result.afp_version
stmt.long(10) = result.serial
old ++ insert.map(result => result.serial.toString -> result)
/** running build manager processes **/
abstract class Loop_Process[A](name: String, store: Store, progress: Progress)
extends Runnable {
val options = store.options
private val _database =
try { store.open_database() }
catch { case exn: Throwable => close(); throw exn }
def close(): Unit = Option(_database).foreach(_.close())
protected var _state = State()
protected def synchronized_database[A](label: String)(body: => A): A = synchronized {
Build_Manager.private_data.transaction_lock(_database, label = name + "." + label) {
val old_state = Build_Manager.private_data.pull_state(_database, _state)
_state = old_state
val res = body
_state = Build_Manager.private_data.push_state(_database, old_state, _state)
protected def delay = options.seconds("build_manager_delay")
def init: A
def loop_body(a: A): A
def stopped(a: A): Boolean = progress.stopped
private val interrupted = Synchronized(false)
private def sleep(time_limit: Time): Unit =
interrupted.timed_access(_ => Some(time_limit), b => if (b) Some((), false) else None)
def interrupt(): Unit = interrupted.change(_ => true)
@tailrec private def loop(a: A): Unit =
if (!stopped(a)) {
val start = Time.now()
val a1 = loop_body(a)
if (!stopped(a)) {
sleep(start + delay)
override def run(): Unit = {
progress.echo("Started " + name)
progress.echo("Stopped " + name)
def echo(msg: String) = progress.echo(name + ": " + msg)
def echo_error_message(msg: String) = progress.echo_error_message(name + ": " + msg)
/* build runner */
object Runner {
object State {
def empty: State = new State(Map.empty, Map.empty)
class State private(
process_futures: Map[String, Future[Build_Process]],
result_futures: Map[String, Future[Process_Result]]
) {
def is_empty = process_futures.isEmpty && result_futures.isEmpty
def init(context: Context): State = {
val process_future = Future.fork(Build_Process.open(context))
val result_future =
process_future.join_result match {
case Exn.Res(process) => process.run()
case Exn.Exn(exn) => Process_Result(Process_Result.RC.interrupt).error(exn.getMessage)
new State(
process_futures + (context.name -> process_future),
result_futures + (context.name -> result_future))
def running: List[String] = process_futures.keys.toList
def update: (State, Map[String, Process_Result]) = {
val finished =
for ((name, future) <- result_futures if future.is_finished)
yield name ->
(future.join_result match {
case Exn.Res(result) => result
case Exn.Exn(exn) => Process_Result(Process_Result.RC.interrupt).error(exn.getMessage)
val process_futures1 = process_futures.filterNot((name, _) => finished.contains(name))
val result_futures1 = result_futures.filterNot((name, _) => finished.contains(name))
(new State(process_futures1, result_futures1), finished)
def cancel(cancelled: List[String]): State = {
for (name <- cancelled) {
val process_future = process_futures(name)
if (process_future.is_finished) process_future.join.cancel()
else process_future.cancel()
new State(process_futures.filterNot((name, _) => cancelled.contains(name)), result_futures)
class Runner(
store: Store,
build_hosts: List[Build_Cluster.Host],
isabelle_repository: Mercurial.Repository,
sync_dirs: List[Sync.Dir],
progress: Progress
) extends Loop_Process[Runner.State]("Runner", store, progress) {
val rsync_context = Rsync.Context()
private def sync(repository: Mercurial.Repository, rev: String, target: Path): String = {
if (rev.nonEmpty) repository.sync(rsync_context, target, rev = rev)
Exn.capture(repository.id(File.read(target + Mercurial.Hg_Sync.PATH_ID))) match {
case Exn.Res(res) => res
case Exn.Exn(exn) => ""
private def start_next(): Option[Context] =
synchronized_database("start_next") {
for ((name, task) <- _state.pending if Exn.is_exn(Exn.capture(task.build_hosts))) {
progress.echo("Invalid host spec for task " + name + ": " + quote(task.hosts_spec))
_state = _state.remove_pending(name)
_state.next(build_hosts).flatMap { task =>
echo("Initializing " + task.name)
_state = _state.remove_pending(task.name)
val id = _state.next_id(task.kind)
val context = Context(store, task, id)
val start_date = Date.now()
val start_msg =
"Starting job " + Build.name(task.kind, id) +
" at " + Build_Log.print_date(start_date) + "," +
" on " + (
if (task.build_cluster) "cluster"
else Library.the_single(task.build_hosts).hostname)
echo(start_msg + " (id " + task.uuid + ")")
Exn.capture {
val isabelle_rev = sync(isabelle_repository, task.isabelle_rev, context.task_dir)
val hostnames = task.build_hosts.map(_.hostname).distinct
val components =
for (component <- task.components)
yield sync_dirs.find(_.name == component.name) match {
case Some(sync_dir) =>
val target = context.task_dir + sync_dir.target
val rev = sync(sync_dir.hg, component.rev, target)
if (!component.is_local)
File.append(context.task_dir + Sync.DIRS_ROOTS, sync_dir.roots_entry + "\n")
component.copy(rev = rev)
case None =>
if (component.is_local) component
else error("Unknown component " + component)
Job(task.uuid, task.kind, id, isabelle_rev, task.build_cluster, hostnames, components,
task.timeout, start_date)
} match {
case Exn.Res(job) =>
_state = _state.add_running(job)
for {
component <- Component("Isabelle", job.isabelle_rev) :: job.components
if !component.is_local
} context.progress.echo("Using " + component.toString)
case Exn.Exn(exn) =>
context.progress.echo_error_message("Failed to start job: " + exn.getMessage)
echo_error_message("Failed to start " + task.uuid + ": " + exn.getMessage)
_state = _state.add_finished(Result.read_log(store, task.kind, id, Some(task.uuid)))
private def stop_cancelled(state: Runner.State): Runner.State =
synchronized_database("stop_cancelled") {
val now = Date.now()
for {
name <- state.running
job = _state.running(name)
if now - job.start_date > job.timeout
} {
_state = _state.cancel_running(name)
val timeout_msg = "Timeout after " + job.timeout.message_hms
new File_Progress(store.log_file(job.kind, job.id)).echo_error_message(timeout_msg)
echo(job.name + ": " + timeout_msg)
val cancelled = for (name <- state.running if _state.running(name).cancelled) yield name
private def finish_job(name: String, process_result: Process_Result): Unit =
synchronized_database("finish_job") {
val job = _state.running(name)
val end_date = Date.now()
val status = Status.from_result(process_result)
val end_msg = "Job ended at " + Build_Log.print_date(end_date) + ", with status " + status
new File_Progress(store.log_file(job.kind, job.id)).echo(end_msg)
val result = Result.read_log(store, job.kind, job.id, Some(job.uuid))
val interrupted_error = process_result.interrupted && process_result.err.nonEmpty
val err_msg = if_proper(interrupted_error, ": " + process_result.err)
echo(end_msg + " (code " + process_result.rc + ")" + err_msg)
_state = _state
override def stopped(state: Runner.State): Boolean = progress.stopped && state.is_empty
def init: Runner.State = Runner.State.empty
def loop_body(state: Runner.State): Runner.State = {
val state1 =
if (progress.stopped) state
else {
start_next() match {
case None => state
case Some(context) => state.init(context)
val state2 = stop_cancelled(state1)
val (state3, results) = state2.update
/* repository poller */
object Poller {
case class Versions(isabelle: String, components: List[Component])
case class State(current: Versions, next: Future[Versions])
class Poller(
ci_jobs: List[Build_CI.Job],
store: Store,
isabelle_repository: Mercurial.Repository,
sync_dirs: List[Sync.Dir],
progress: Progress
) extends Loop_Process[Poller.State]("Poller", store, progress) {
override def delay = options.seconds("build_manager_poll_delay")
private def current: Poller.Versions =
Poller.Versions(isabelle_repository.id("default"), sync_dirs.map(dir =>
Component(dir.name, dir.hg.id("default"))))
private def poll: Future[Poller.Versions] = Future.fork {
Par_List.map((repo: Mercurial.Repository) => repo.pull(),
isabelle_repository :: sync_dirs.map(_.hg))
val init: Poller.State = Poller.State(current, poll)
private def add_tasks(current: Poller.Versions, next: Poller.Versions): Unit = {
val isabelle_updated = current.isabelle != next.isabelle
val updated_components =
next.components.zip(current.components).filter(_ != _).map(_._1.name).toSet
synchronized_database("add_tasks") {
for {
ci_job <- ci_jobs
if ci_job.trigger == Build_CI.On_Commit
if isabelle_updated || ci_job.components.exists(updated_components.contains)
if !_state.pending.values.exists(_.kind == ci_job.name)
} _state = _state.add_pending(CI_Build.task(ci_job))
def loop_body(state: Poller.State): Poller.State =
if (!state.next.is_finished) state
else {
state.next.join_result match {
case Exn.Exn(exn) =>
echo_error_message("Could not reach repository: " + exn.getMessage)
Poller.State(state.current, poll)
case Exn.Res(next) =>
if (state.current != next) {
echo("Found new revisions: " + next)
add_tasks(state.current, next)
Poller.State(next, poll)
class Timer(
ci_jobs: List[Build_CI.Job],
store: Store,
isabelle_repository: Mercurial.Repository,
sync_dirs: List[Sync.Dir],
progress: Progress
) extends Loop_Process[Date]("Timer", store, progress) {
override def delay = options.seconds("build_manager_timer_delay")
private def add_tasks(previous: Date, next: Date): Unit = synchronized_database("add_tasks") {
for (ci_job <- ci_jobs)
ci_job.trigger match {
case Build_CI.Timed(in_interval) if in_interval(previous, next) =>
val task = CI_Build.task(ci_job)
echo("Triggered task " + task.kind)
_state = _state.add_pending(task)
case _ =>
def init: Date = Date.now()
def loop_body(previous: Date): Date = {
val now = Date.now()
add_tasks(previous, now)
/* web server */
object Web_Server {
val Id = new Properties.String(Markup.ID)
object Page {
val HOME = Path.basic("home")
val OVERVIEW = Path.basic("overview")
val BUILD = Path.basic("build")
def paths(store: Store): Web_App.Paths =
Web_App.Paths(store.address, Path.current, serve_frontend = true, landing = Page.HOME)
object API {
val BUILD_CANCEL = Path.explode("api/build/cancel")
object Cache {
def empty: Cache = new Cache()
class Cache private(keep: Time = Time.minutes(1)) {
private var logs: Map[(String, Long), (Time, String)] = Map.empty
def update(store: Store, state: State): Unit = synchronized {
logs =
for {
((kind, id), (time, log)) <- logs
if time + keep > Time.now()
} yield (kind, id) -> (time, File.read(store.log_file(kind, id)))
def lookup(store: Store, kind: String, id: Long): String = synchronized {
val name = (kind, id)
logs.get(name) match {
case Some((_, log)) =>
logs += name -> (Time.now(), log)
case None =>
logs += name -> (Time.now(), File.read(store.log_file(kind, id)))
class Web_Server(port: Int, store: Store, progress: Progress)
extends Loop_Process[Unit]("Web_Server", store, progress) {
import Web_App.*
import Web_Server.*
val paths = Web_Server.paths(store)
val cache = Cache.empty
enum Model {
case Error extends Model
case Cancelled extends Model
case Home(state: State) extends Model
case Overview(kind: String, state: State) extends Model
case Details(build: Build, state: State, public: Boolean = true) extends Model
object View {
import HTML.*
import More_HTML.*
def render_if(cond: Boolean, body: XML.Body): XML.Body = if (cond) body else Nil
def frontend_link(url: Url, xml: XML.Body): XML.Elem =
link(url.toString, xml) + ("target" -> "_parent")
def link_kind(kind: String): XML.Elem =
frontend_link(paths.frontend_url(Page.OVERVIEW, Markup.Kind(kind)), text(kind))
def link_build(name: String, id: Long): XML.Elem =
frontend_link(paths.frontend_url(Page.BUILD, Markup.Name(name)), text("#" + id))
private def render_page(name: String)(body: => XML.Body): XML.Body = {
def nav_link(path: Path, s: String): XML.Elem =
frontend_link(paths.frontend_url(Page.HOME), text("Home"))
More_HTML.header(List(nav(List(nav_link(Page.HOME, "home"))))) ::
main(chapter(name) :: body ::: Nil) :: Nil
private def summary(start: Date): XML.Body =
text(" running since " + Build_Log.print_date(start))
private def summary(status: Status, start: Date, end: Option[Date]): XML.Body =
text(" (" + status.toString + if_proper(end, " in " + (end.get - start).message_hms) +
") on " + Build_Log.print_date(start))
def render_home(state: State): XML.Body = render_page("Dashboard") {
def render_kind(kind: String): XML.Elem = {
val running = state.get_running(kind).sortBy(_.id).reverse
val finished = state.get_finished(kind).sortBy(_.id).reverse
def render_previous(finished: List[Result]): XML.Body = {
val (failed, rest) = finished.span(_.status != Status.ok)
val first_failed = failed.lastOption.map(result =>
text("first failure: ") ::: link_build(result.name, result.id) ::
summary(result.status, result.start_date, result.end_date)))
val last_success = rest.headOption.map(result =>
text("last success: ") ::: link_build(result.name, result.id) ::
summary(result.status, result.start_date, result.end_date)))
first_failed.toList ::: last_success.toList
def render_job(job: Job): XML.Body =
par(link_build(job.name, job.id) :: summary(job.start_date)) ::
finished.headOption.exists(_.status != Status.ok) && job.kind != User_Build.name,
def render_result(result: Result): XML.Body =
link_build(result.name, result.id) ::
summary(result.status, result.start_date, result.end_date)) ::
render_if(result.status != Status.ok && result.kind != User_Build.name,
XML.elem("legend", List(link_kind(kind))) ::
(if (running.nonEmpty) render_job(running.head)
else if (finished.nonEmpty) render_result(finished.head)
else Nil))
text("Queue: " + state.pending.size + " tasks waiting") :::
section("Builds") :: par(text("Total: " + state.num_builds + " builds")) ::
def render_overview(kind: String, state: State): XML.Body =
render_page("Overview: " + kind + " job ") {
def render_job(job: Job): XML.Body =
List(par(link_build(job.name, job.id) :: summary(job.start_date)))
def render_result(result: Result): XML.Body =
link_build(result.name, result.id) ::
summary(result.status, result.start_date, result.end_date)))
state.get_running(kind).sortBy(_.id).reverse.map(render_job) :::
state.get_finished(kind).sortBy(_.id).reverse.map(render_result)) :: Nil
private val ID = Params.key(Markup.ID)
def render_details(build: Build, state: State, public: Boolean): XML.Body =
render_page("Build: " + build.name) {
def render_cancel(uuid: UUID.T): XML.Body =
render_if(!public, List(
submit_form("", List(hidden(ID, uuid.toString),
api_button(paths.api_route(API.BUILD_CANCEL), "cancel build")))))
def render_rev(isabelle_rev: String, components: List[Component]): XML.Body =
for {
component <- Component("Isabelle", isabelle_rev) :: components
if !component.is_local
} yield par(text(component.toString))
build match {
case task: Task =>
par(text("Task from " + Build_Log.print_date(task.submit_date) + ". ")) ::
render_rev(task.isabelle_rev, task.components) :::
case job: Job =>
par(text("Start: " + Build_Log.print_date(job.start_date))) ::
if (job.cancelled) text("Cancelling...")
else text("Running...") ::: render_cancel(job.uuid)) ::
render_rev(job.isabelle_rev, job.components) :::
source(cache.lookup(store, job.kind, job.id)) :: Nil
case result: Result =>
par(text("Start: " + Build_Log.print_date(result.start_date) +
", took " + (result.end_date.get - result.start_date).message_hms))) ::
par(text("Status: " + result.status)) ::
source(cache.lookup(store, result.kind, result.id)) :: Nil
def render_cancelled: XML.Body = render_page("Build cancelled")(
List(frontend_link(paths.frontend_url(Page.HOME), text("Home"))))
def parse_uuid(params: Params.Data): Option[UUID.T] =
for {
id <- params.get(ID)
uuid <- UUID.unapply(id)
} yield uuid
private val server = new Server[Model](paths, port, progress = progress) {
/* control */
def overview: Some[Model.Home] = Some(Model.Home(_state))
def get_overview(props: Properties.T): Option[Model.Overview] =
props match {
case Markup.Kind(kind) => Some(Model.Overview(kind, _state))
case _ => None
def get_build(props: Properties.T): Option[Model.Details] =
props match {
case Markup.Name(name) =>
val state = _state
state.get(name).map(Model.Details(_, state))
case Web_Server.Id(UUID(uuid)) =>
val state = _state
state.get(uuid).map(Model.Details(_, state, public = false))
case _ => None
def cancel_build(params: Params.Data): Option[Model] =
for {
uuid <- View.parse_uuid(params)
model <-
synchronized_database("cancel_build") {
_state.get(uuid).map {
case task: Task =>
_state = _state.remove_pending(task.name)
case job: Job =>
_state = _state.cancel_running(job.name)
case result: Result => Model.Details(result, _state, public = false)
} yield model
def render(model: Model): XML.Body =
HTML.title("Isabelle Build Manager") :: (
model match {
case Model.Error => HTML.text("invalid request")
case Model.Home(state) => View.render_home(state)
case Model.Overview(kind, state) => View.render_overview(kind, state)
case Model.Details(build, state, public) => View.render_details(build, state, public)
case Model.Cancelled => View.render_cancelled
val error_model: Model = Model.Error
val endpoints = List(
Get(Page.HOME, "home", _ => overview),
Get(Page.OVERVIEW, "overview", get_overview),
Get(Page.BUILD, "build", get_build),
Post(API.BUILD_CANCEL, "cancel build", cancel_build))
val logo = Bytes.read(Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/logo/isabelle_transparent-48.gif"))
val head =
HTML.title("Isabelle Build Manager"),
Web_App.More_HTML.icon("data:image/x-icon;base64," + logo.encode_base64.text),
HTML.style("html { background-color: white; }"))
def init: Unit = server.start()
def loop_body(u: Unit): Unit = {
if (progress.stopped) server.stop()
else synchronized_database("iterate") { cache.update(store, _state) }
/** context **/
case class Context(store: Store, task: Task, id: Long) {
def name = Build.name(task.kind, id)
def progress: Progress = new File_Progress(store.log_file(task.kind, id))
def task_dir: Path = store.task_dir(task)
def init(): Unit = Isabelle_System.make_directory(store.log_file(task.kind, id).dir)
def isabelle_identifier: String =
if (task.build_cluster) store.options.string("build_cluster_identifier") else store.identifier
def open_ssh(): SSH.System = {
if (task.build_cluster) store.open_ssh()
else Library.the_single(task.build_hosts).open_ssh(store.options)
/** build process **/
object Build_Process {
def open(context: Context): Build_Process = new Build_Process(context.open_ssh(), context)
class Build_Process(ssh: SSH.System, context: Context) {
private val task = context.task
private val progress = context.progress
/* resources with cleanup operations */
private val _dir = ssh.tmp_dir()
private val _isabelle =
try {
val rsync_context = Rsync.Context(ssh = ssh)
val source = File.standard_path(context.task_dir)
Rsync.exec(rsync_context, clean = true, args = List("--", Url.direct_path(source),
Other_Isabelle(_dir, context.isabelle_identifier, ssh, progress)
catch { case exn: Throwable => close(); throw exn }
private val _process =
try {
val init_components =
for {
component <- task.build_config.components
target = _dir + Sync.DIRS + Path.basic(component.name)
if Components.is_component_dir(target)
} yield "init_component " + quote(target.absolute.implode)
other_settings = _isabelle.init_components() ::: init_components ::: task.other_settings,
fresh = task.build_config.fresh_build, echo = true)
val paths = Web_Server.paths(context.store)
val job_url = paths.frontend_url(Web_Server.Page.BUILD, Markup.Name(context.name))
val cmd = task.build_config.command(job_url, task.build_hosts)
progress.echo("isabelle" + cmd)
val script = File.bash_path(Isabelle_Tool.exe(_isabelle.isabelle_home)) + cmd
ssh.bash_process(_isabelle.bash_context(script), settings = false)
catch { case exn: Throwable => close(); throw exn }
def cancel(): Unit = Option(_process).foreach(_.interrupt())
def close(): Unit = {
/* execution */
def run(): Process_Result = {
val process_result =
_process.result(progress_stdout = progress.echo(_), progress_stderr = progress.echo(_))
/** build manager store **/
case class Store(options: Options) {
val base_dir = Path.explode(options.string("build_manager_dir"))
val identifier = options.string("build_manager_identifier")
val address = Url(options.string("build_manager_address"))
val pending = base_dir + Path.basic("pending")
val finished = base_dir + Path.basic("finished")
def task_dir(task: Task) = pending + Path.basic(task.uuid.toString)
def log_file(kind: String, id: Long): Path =
finished + Path.make(List(kind, id.toString, "build-manager")).log
def sync_permissions(dir: Path, ssh: SSH.System = SSH.Local): Unit = {
ssh.execute("chmod -R g+rwx " + File.bash_path(dir))
ssh.execute("chown -R :" + ssh_group + " " + File.bash_path(dir))
def init_dirs(): Unit =
List(pending, finished).foreach(dir => sync_permissions(Isabelle_System.make_directory(dir)))
val ssh_group: String = options.string("build_manager_ssh_group")
def open_ssh(): SSH.Session =
host = options.string("build_manager_ssh_host"),
port = options.int("build_manager_ssh_port"),
user = options.string("build_manager_ssh_user"))
def open_database(server: SSH.Server = SSH.no_server): PostgreSQL.Database =
PostgreSQL.open_database_server(options, server = server,
user = options.string("build_manager_database_user"),
password = options.string("build_manager_database_password"),
database = options.string("build_manager_database_name"),
host = options.string("build_manager_database_host"),
port = options.int("build_manager_database_port"),
ssh_host = options.string("build_manager_database_ssh_host"),
ssh_port = options.int("build_manager_database_ssh_port"),
ssh_user = options.string("build_manager_database_ssh_user"))
def open_postgresql_server(): SSH.Server =
host = options.string("build_manager_database_host"),
port = options.int("build_manager_database_port"),
ssh_host = options.string("build_manager_ssh_host"),
ssh_port = options.int("build_manager_ssh_port"),
ssh_user = options.string("build_manager_ssh_user"))
/** build manager server **/
/* build manager */
def build_manager(
build_hosts: List[Build_Cluster.Host],
options: Options,
port: Int,
sync_dirs: List[Sync.Dir] = Nil,
progress: Progress = new Progress
): Unit = {
val store = Store(options)
val isabelle_repository = Mercurial.self_repository()
val ci_jobs = space_explode(',', options.string("build_manager_ci_jobs")).map(Build_CI.the_job)
progress.echo_if(ci_jobs.nonEmpty, "Managing ci jobs: " + commas_quote(ci_jobs.map(_.name)))
using(store.open_database())(db =>
create = true, label = "Build_Manager.build_manager") { store.init_dirs() })
val processes = List(
new Runner(store, build_hosts, isabelle_repository, sync_dirs, progress),
new Poller(ci_jobs, store, isabelle_repository, sync_dirs, progress),
new Timer(ci_jobs, store, isabelle_repository, sync_dirs, progress),
new Web_Server(port, store, progress))
val threads = processes.map(Isabelle_Thread.create(_))
POSIX_Interrupt.handler {
} {
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
private def show_options(relevant_options: List[String], options: Options): String =
private val notable_server_options =
val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build_manager", "run build manager", Scala_Project.here,
{ args =>
var afp_root: Option[Path] = None
val dirs = new mutable.ListBuffer[Path]
val build_hosts = new mutable.ListBuffer[Build_Cluster.Host]
var options = Options.init()
var port = 8080
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle build_manager [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-A ROOT include AFP with given root directory (":" for """ + AFP.BASE.implode + """)
-D DIR include extra component in given directory
-H HOSTS host specifications for all available hosts of the form
NAMES:PARAMETERS (separated by commas)
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-p PORT explicit web server port
Run Isabelle build manager. Notable system options:
""" + Library.indent_lines(2, show_options(notable_server_options, options)) + "\n",
"A:" -> (arg => afp_root = Some(if (arg == ":") AFP.BASE else Path.explode(arg))),
"D:" -> (arg => dirs += Path.explode(arg)),
"H:" -> (arg => build_hosts ++= Build_Cluster.Host.parse(Registry.global, arg)),
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"p:" -> (arg => port = Value.Int.parse(arg)))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress()
val sync_dirs =
Sync.afp_dirs(afp_root) ::: dirs.toList.map(dir => Sync.Dir(dir.file_name, dir))
build_manager(build_hosts = build_hosts.toList, options = options, port = port,
sync_dirs = sync_dirs, progress = progress)
/** restore build manager database **/
def build_manager_database(options: Options, progress: Progress = new Progress): Unit = {
val store = Store(options)
using(store.open_database()) { db =>
db.transaction {
val tables0 = Build_Manager.private_data.tables.list
val tables = tables0.filter(t => db.exists_table(t.name))
if (tables.nonEmpty) {
progress.echo("Removing tables " + commas_quote(tables.map(_.name)) + " ...")
val results =
for {
kind <- File.read_dir(store.finished)
entry <- File.read_dir(store.finished + Path.basic(kind))
id <- Value.Long.unapply(entry)
log_file = store.log_file(kind, id)
if log_file.is_file
} yield Result.read_log(store, kind, id)
val state = State(finished = results.map(result => result.name -> result).toMap)
create = true, label = "Build_Manager.build_manager_database") {
progress.echo("Writing " + results.length + " results ...")
Build_Manager.private_data.push_state(db, State(), state)
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool1 = Isabelle_Tool("build_manager_database",
"restore build_manager database from log files",
{ args =>
var options = Options.init()
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle build_manager_database [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
Restore build_manager database from log files.
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
val progress = new Console_Progress()
build_manager_database(options, progress = progress)
/** build manager client */
/* build task */
def build_task(
options: Options,
store: Store,
afp_root: Option[Path] = None,
base_sessions: List[String] = Nil,
presentation: Boolean = false,
requirements: Boolean = false,
exclude_session_groups: List[String] = Nil,
all_sessions: Boolean = false,
build_heap: Boolean = false,
clean_build: Boolean = false,
export_files: Boolean = false,
fresh_build: Boolean = false,
session_groups: List[String] = Nil,
sessions: List[String] = Nil,
prefs: List[Options.Spec] = Nil,
exclude_sessions: List[String] = Nil,
verbose: Boolean = false,
rev: String = "",
progress: Progress = new Progress
): UUID.T = {
val uuid = UUID.random()
val afp_rev = if (afp_root.nonEmpty) Some("") else None
val hosts_spec = options.string("build_manager_cluster")
val timeout = options.seconds("build_manager_timeout")
val paths = Web_Server.paths(store)
val build_config = User_Build(afp_rev, prefs, requirements, all_sessions,
base_sessions, exclude_session_groups, exclude_sessions, session_groups, sessions, build_heap,
clean_build, export_files, fresh_build, presentation, verbose)
val task = Task(build_config, hosts_spec, timeout, uuid = uuid, priority = Priority.high)
val dir = store.task_dir(task)
progress.interrupt_handler {
using(store.open_ssh()) { ssh =>
val rsync_context = Rsync.Context(ssh = ssh)
progress.echo("Transferring repositories...")
Sync.sync(store.options, rsync_context, dir, preserve_jars = true,
dirs = Sync.afp_dirs(afp_root), rev = rev)
store.sync_permissions(dir, ssh)
if (progress.stopped) {
progress.echo("Cancelling submission...")
} else {
using(store.open_postgresql_server()) { server =>
using(store.open_database(server = server)) { db =>
Build_Manager.private_data.transaction_lock(db, label = "Build_Manager.build_task") {
val old_state = Build_Manager.private_data.pull_state(db, State())
val state = old_state.add_pending(task)
Build_Manager.private_data.push_state(db, old_state, state)
val address = paths.frontend_url(Web_Server.Page.BUILD, Web_Server.Id(task.uuid.toString))
progress.echo("Submitted task. Private url: " + address)
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val notable_client_options = List("build_manager_ssh_user", "build_manager_ssh_group")
val isabelle_tool2 = Isabelle_Tool("build_task", "submit build task for build manager",
{ args =>
var afp_root: Option[Path] = None
val base_sessions = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
var presentation = false
var requirements = false
val exclude_session_groups = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
var all_sessions = false
var build_heap = false
var clean_build = false
var export_files = false
var fresh_build = false
val session_groups = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
var options = Options.init(specs = Options.Spec.ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS)
val prefs = new mutable.ListBuffer[Options.Spec]
var verbose = false
var rev = ""
val exclude_sessions = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle build_task [OPTIONS] [SESSIONS ...]
Options are:
-A ROOT include AFP with given root directory (":" for """ + AFP.BASE.implode + """)
-B NAME include session NAME and all descendants
-P enable HTML/PDF presentation
-R refer to requirements of selected sessions
-X NAME exclude sessions from group NAME and all descendants
-a select all sessions
-b build heap images
-c clean build
-e export files from session specification into file-system
-f fresh build
-g NAME select session group NAME
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-p OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION for build process (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-r REV explicit revision (default: state of working directory)
-v verbose
-x NAME exclude session NAME and all descendants
Submit build task on SSH server. Notable system options:
""" + Library.indent_lines(2, show_options(notable_client_options, options)) + "\n",
"A:" -> (arg => afp_root = Some(if (arg == ":") AFP.BASE else Path.explode(arg))),
"B:" -> (arg => base_sessions += arg),
"P" -> (_ => presentation = true),
"R" -> (_ => requirements = true),
"X:" -> (arg => exclude_session_groups += arg),
"a" -> (_ => all_sessions = true),
"b" -> (_ => build_heap = true),
"c" -> (_ => clean_build = true),
"e" -> (_ => export_files = true),
"f" -> (_ => fresh_build = true),
"g:" -> (arg => session_groups += arg),
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"p:" -> (arg => prefs += Options.Spec.make(arg)),
"r:" -> (arg => rev = arg),
"v" -> (_ => verbose = true),
"x:" -> (arg => exclude_sessions += arg))
val sessions = getopts(args)
val store = Store(options)
val progress = new Console_Progress()
build_task(options, store, afp_root = afp_root, base_sessions = base_sessions.toList,
presentation = presentation, requirements = requirements, exclude_session_groups =
exclude_session_groups.toList, all_sessions = all_sessions, build_heap = build_heap,
clean_build = clean_build, export_files = export_files, fresh_build = fresh_build,
session_groups = session_groups.toList, sessions = sessions, prefs = prefs.toList, verbose =
verbose, rev = rev, exclude_sessions = exclude_sessions.toList, progress = progress)