author wenzelm
Tue, 23 May 2017 20:38:34 +0200
changeset 65913 f330f538dae6
parent 65488 331f09d9535e
child 65925 4a1b666b6362
permissions -rw-r--r--
support text overview colors via decorations;

/*  Title:      Tools/VSCode/src/vscode_rendering.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Isabelle/VSCode-specific implementation of quasi-abstract rendering and
markup interpretation.

package isabelle.vscode

import isabelle._

import{File => JFile}

import scala.annotation.tailrec

object VSCode_Rendering
  /* decorations */

  private def color_decorations(prefix: String, types: Set[Rendering.Color.Value],
    colors: List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]]): List[Document_Model.Decoration] =
    val color_ranges =
      (Map.empty[Rendering.Color.Value, List[Text.Range]] /: colors) {
        case (m, Text.Info(range, c)) => m + (c -> (range :: m.getOrElse(c, Nil)))
      } =>
      Document_Model.Decoration.ranges(prefix + c.toString, color_ranges.getOrElse(c, Nil).reverse))

  private val background_colors =
    Rendering.Color.background_colors - - Rendering.Color.active_result -

  private val dotted_colors =
    Set(Rendering.Color.writeln, Rendering.Color.information, Rendering.Color.warning)

  /* diagnostic messages */

  private val message_severity =
      Markup.LEGACY -> Protocol.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
      Markup.ERROR -> Protocol.DiagnosticSeverity.Error)

  /* markup elements */

  private val diagnostics_elements =
    Markup.Elements(Markup.LEGACY, Markup.ERROR)

  private val background_elements =
    Rendering.background_elements - Markup.ENTITY -- Rendering.active_elements

  private val dotted_elements =
    Markup.Elements(Markup.WRITELN, Markup.INFORMATION, Markup.WARNING)

  val tooltip_elements =
    Markup.Elements(Markup.WRITELN, Markup.INFORMATION, Markup.WARNING, Markup.BAD) ++

  private val hyperlink_elements =
    Markup.Elements(Markup.ENTITY, Markup.PATH, Markup.POSITION, Markup.CITATION)

class VSCode_Rendering(val model: Document_Model, snapshot: Document.Snapshot)
  extends Rendering(snapshot, model.resources.options, model.session)
  /* completion */

  def completion(range: Text.Range): List[Protocol.CompletionItem] =
    semantic_completion(None, range) match {
      case Some(Text.Info(complete_range, names: Completion.Names)) =>
        model.content.try_get_text(complete_range) match {
          case Some(original) =>
            names.complete(complete_range, Completion.History.empty,
                model.resources.unicode_symbols, original) match {
              case Some(result) =>
                    label = item.replacement,
                    detail = Some(item.description.mkString(" ")),
                    range = Some(model.content.doc.range(item.range))))
              case None => Nil
          case None => Nil
      case _ => Nil

  /* diagnostics */

  def diagnostics: List[Text.Info[Command.Results]] =
      model.content.text_range, Command.Results.empty, VSCode_Rendering.diagnostics_elements, _ =>
        case (res, Text.Info(_, msg @ XML.Elem(Markup(_, Markup.Serial(i)), body)))
        if body.nonEmpty => Some(res + (i -> msg))

        case _ => None
      }).filterNot(info =>

  def diagnostics_output(results: List[Text.Info[Command.Results]]): List[Protocol.Diagnostic] =
    (for {
      Text.Info(text_range, res) <- results.iterator
      range = model.content.doc.range(text_range)
      (_, XML.Elem(Markup(name, _), body)) <- res.iterator
    } yield {
      val message = model.resources.output_pretty_message(body)
      val severity = VSCode_Rendering.message_severity.get(name)
      Protocol.Diagnostic(range, message, severity = severity)

  /* text color */

  def text_color(range: Text.Range): List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]] =
  {, Rendering.text_color_elements, _ =>
        case Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup(name, props), _)) =>
          if (name != Markup.IMPROPER && props.contains((Markup.KIND, Markup.COMMAND))) None
          else Rendering.text_color.get(name)

  /* text overview color */

  private sealed case class Color_Info(
    color: Rendering.Color.Value, offset: Text.Offset, end_offset: Text.Offset, end_line: Int)

  def text_overview_color: List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]] =
    @tailrec def loop(offset: Text.Offset, line: Int, lines: List[Line], colors: List[Color_Info])
      : List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]] =
      if (lines.nonEmpty) {
        val end_offset = offset + lines.head.text.length
        val colors1 =
          (overview_color(Text.Range(offset, end_offset)), colors) match {
            case (Some(color), old :: rest) if color == old.color && line == old.end_line =>
              old.copy(end_offset = end_offset, end_line = line + 1) :: rest
            case (Some(color), _) =>
              Color_Info(color, offset, end_offset, line + 1) :: colors
            case (None, _) => colors
        loop(end_offset + 1, line + 1, lines.tail, colors1)
      else { =>
          Text.Info(Text.Range(info.offset, info.end_offset), info.color))
    loop(0, 0, model.content.doc.lines, Nil)

  /* dotted underline */

  def dotted(range: Text.Range): List[Text.Info[Rendering.Color.Value]] =
    message_underline_color(VSCode_Rendering.dotted_elements, range)

  /* spell checker */

  def spell_checker: Document_Model.Decoration =
    val ranges =
      (for {
        spell_checker <- model.resources.spell_checker.get.iterator
        spell_range <- spell_checker_ranges(model.content.text_range).iterator
        text <- model.content.try_get_text(spell_range).iterator
        info <- spell_checker.marked_words(spell_range.start, text).iterator
      } yield info.range).toList
    Document_Model.Decoration.ranges("spell_checker", ranges)

  /* decorations */

  def decorations: List[Document_Model.Decoration] = // list of canonical length and order
    VSCode_Rendering.color_decorations("background_", VSCode_Rendering.background_colors,
      background(VSCode_Rendering.background_elements, model.content.text_range, Set.empty)) :::
    VSCode_Rendering.color_decorations("foreground_", Rendering.Color.foreground_colors,
      foreground(model.content.text_range)) :::
    VSCode_Rendering.color_decorations("text_", Rendering.Color.text_colors,
      text_color(model.content.text_range)) :::
    VSCode_Rendering.color_decorations("text_overview_", Rendering.Color.text_overview_colors,
      text_overview_color) :::
    VSCode_Rendering.color_decorations("dotted_", VSCode_Rendering.dotted_colors,
      dotted(model.content.text_range)) :::

  def decoration_output(decoration: Document_Model.Decoration): Protocol.Decoration =
    val content =
      for (Text.Info(text_range, msgs) <- decoration.content)
      yield {
        val range = model.content.doc.range(text_range)
 => Protocol.MarkedString(model.resources.output_pretty_tooltip(msg))))
    Protocol.Decoration(decoration.typ, content)

  /* tooltips */

  def timing_threshold: Double = options.real("vscode_timing_threshold")

  /* hyperlinks */

  def hyperlink_source_file(source_name: String, line1: Int, range: Symbol.Range)
    : Option[Line.Node_Range] =
    for {
      platform_path <- model.resources.source_file(source_name)
      file <-
        (try { Some(new JFile(platform_path).getCanonicalFile) }
         catch { case ERROR(_) => None })
    yield {
        if (range.start > 0) {
          model.resources.get_file_content(file) match {
            case Some(text) =>
              val chunk = Symbol.Text_Chunk(text)
              val doc = Line.Document(text)
            case _ =>
              Line.Range(Line.Position((line1 - 1) max 0))
        else Line.Range(Line.Position((line1 - 1) max 0)))

  def hyperlink_command(id: Document_ID.Generic, range: Symbol.Range): Option[Line.Node_Range] =
    if (snapshot.is_outdated) None
      for {
        start <- snapshot.find_command_position(id, range.start)
        stop <- snapshot.find_command_position(id, range.stop)
      } yield Line.Node_Range(, Line.Range(start.pos, stop.pos))

  def hyperlink_position(pos: Position.T): Option[Line.Node_Range] =
    pos match {
      case Position.Item_File(name, line, range) => hyperlink_source_file(name, line, range)
      case Position.Item_Id(id, range) => hyperlink_command(id, range)
      case _ => None

  def hyperlink_def_position(pos: Position.T): Option[Line.Node_Range] =
    pos match {
      case Position.Item_Def_File(name, line, range) => hyperlink_source_file(name, line, range)
      case Position.Item_Def_Id(id, range) => hyperlink_command(id, range)
      case _ => None

  def hyperlinks(range: Text.Range): List[Line.Node_Range] =
      range, Nil, VSCode_Rendering.hyperlink_elements, _ =>
          case (links, Text.Info(_, XML.Elem(Markup.Path(name), _))) =>
            val file = perhaps_append_file(snapshot.node_name, name)
            Some(Line.Node_Range(file) :: links)

          case (links, Text.Info(info_range, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.ENTITY, props), _))) =>
            hyperlink_def_position(props).map(_ :: links)

          case (links, Text.Info(info_range, XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.POSITION, props), _))) =>
            hyperlink_position(props).map(_ :: links)

          case (links, Text.Info(info_range, XML.Elem(Markup.Citation(name), _))) =>
            val iterator =
              for {
                Text.Info(entry_range, (entry, model)) <- model.resources.bibtex_entries_iterator
                if entry == name
              } yield Line.Node_Range(model.node_name.node, model.content.doc.range(entry_range))
            if (iterator.isEmpty) None else Some((links /: iterator)(_ :+ _))

          case _ => None
        }) match { case Text.Info(_, links) :: _ => links.reverse case _ => Nil }