author wenzelm
Tue, 22 Apr 2014 23:49:15 +0200
changeset 56662 f373fb77e0a4
parent 54709 87402674fe2f
child 57612 990ffb84489b
permissions -rw-r--r--
avoid "Adaptation of argument list by inserting ()" -- deprecated in scala-2.11.0;

/*  Title:      Pure/GUI/system_dialog.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Dialog for system processes, with optional output window.

package isabelle

import java.awt.{GraphicsEnvironment, Point, Font}
import javax.swing.WindowConstants
import{File => JFile, BufferedReader, InputStreamReader}

import scala.swing.{ScrollPane, Button, CheckBox, FlowPanel,
  BorderPanel, Frame, TextArea, Component, Label}
import scala.swing.event.ButtonClicked

class System_Dialog extends Build.Progress
  /* GUI state -- owned by Swing thread */

  private var _title = "Isabelle"
  private var _window: Option[Window] = None
  private var _return_code: Option[Int] = None

  private def check_window(): Window =
    Swing_Thread.require {}

    _window match {
      case Some(window) => window
      case None =>
        val window = new Window
        _window = Some(window)

        val point = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getCenterPoint()
        window.location =
          new Point(point.x - window.size.width / 2, point.y - window.size.height / 2)
        window.visible = true


  private val result = Future.promise[Int]

  private def conclude()
    Swing_Thread.require {}

    _window match {
      case None =>
      case Some(window) =>
        window.visible = false
        _window = None

    try { result.fulfill(_return_code.get) }
    catch { case ERROR(_) => }

  def join(): Int = result.join
  def join_exit(): Nothing = sys.exit(join)

  /* window */

  private class Window extends Frame
    title = _title

    /* text */

    val text = new TextArea {
      font = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, GUI.resolution_scale(10) max 14)
      editable = false
      columns = 50
      rows = 20

    val scroll_text = new ScrollPane(text)

    /* layout panel with dynamic actions */

    val action_panel = new FlowPanel(FlowPanel.Alignment.Center)()
    val layout_panel = new BorderPanel
    layout_panel.layout(scroll_text) = BorderPanel.Position.Center
    layout_panel.layout(action_panel) = BorderPanel.Position.South

    contents = layout_panel

    def set_actions(cs: Component*)
      action_panel.contents ++= cs

    /* close */


    override def closeOperation {
      if (_return_code.isDefined) conclude()
      else stopping()

    def stopping()
      is_stopped = true
      set_actions(new Label("Stopping ..."))

    val stop_button = new Button("Stop") {
      reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => stopping() }

    var do_auto_close = true
    def can_auto_close: Boolean = do_auto_close && _return_code == Some(0)

    val auto_close = new CheckBox("Auto close") {
      reactions += {
        case ButtonClicked(_) => do_auto_close = this.selected
        if (can_auto_close) conclude()
    auto_close.selected = do_auto_close
    auto_close.tooltip = "Automatically close dialog when finished"

    set_actions(stop_button, auto_close)

    /* exit */

    val delay_exit =
        if (can_auto_close) conclude()
        else {
          val button =
            new Button(if (_return_code == Some(0)) "OK" else "Exit") {
              reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => conclude() }

  /* progress operations */

  def title(txt: String): Unit =
    Swing_Thread.later {
      _title = txt
      _window.foreach(window => window.title = txt)

  def return_code(rc: Int): Unit =
    Swing_Thread.later {
      _return_code = Some(rc)
      _window match {
        case None => conclude()
        case Some(window) => window.delay_exit.invoke

  override def echo(txt: String): Unit =
    Swing_Thread.later {
      val window = check_window()
      window.text.append(txt + "\n")
      val vertical = window.scroll_text.peer.getVerticalScrollBar

  override def theory(session: String, theory: String): Unit =
    echo(session + ": theory " + theory)

  @volatile private var is_stopped = false
  override def stopped: Boolean = is_stopped

  /* system operations */

  def execute(cwd: JFile, env: Map[String, String], args: String*): Int =
    val proc = Isabelle_System.raw_execute(cwd, env, true, args: _*)

    val stdout = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream, UTF8.charset))
    try {
      var line = stdout.readLine
      while (line != null) {
        line = stdout.readLine
    finally { stdout.close }
