pretty_goals: turned some global references and function arguments into configuration options (goals_limit = 10, goals_total = true, show_main_goal = false) depending on the context;
(* Title: Pure/goal_display.ML
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Author: Makarius
Display tactical goal state.
signature GOAL_DISPLAY =
val goals_limit_default: int Unsynchronized.ref
val goals_limit_value: Config.value Config.T
val goals_limit: int Config.T
val goals_total: bool Config.T
val show_main_goal_default: bool Unsynchronized.ref
val show_main_goal_value: Config.value Config.T
val show_main_goal: bool Config.T
val show_consts_default: bool Unsynchronized.ref
val show_consts_value: Config.value Config.T
val show_consts: bool Config.T
val pretty_flexpair: Proof.context -> term * term -> Pretty.T
val pretty_goals: Proof.context -> thm -> Pretty.T list
val pretty_goals_without_context: thm -> Pretty.T list
structure Goal_Display: GOAL_DISPLAY =
val goals_limit_default = Unsynchronized.ref 10;
val goals_limit_value = Config.declare "goals_limit" (fn _ => Config.Int (! goals_limit_default));
val goals_limit = goals_limit_value;
val goals_total = Config.bool (Config.declare "goals_total" (fn _ => Config.Bool true));
val show_main_goal_default = Unsynchronized.ref false;
val show_main_goal_value =
Config.declare "show_main_goal" (fn _ => Config.Bool (! show_main_goal_default));
val show_main_goal = Config.bool show_main_goal_value;
val show_consts_default = Unsynchronized.ref false;
val show_consts_value = Config.declare "show_consts" (fn _ => Config.Bool (! show_consts_default));
val show_consts = Config.bool show_consts_value;
fun pretty_flexpair ctxt (t, u) = Pretty.block
[Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t, Pretty.str " =?=", Pretty.brk 1, Syntax.pretty_term ctxt u];
(*print thm A1,...,An/B in "goal style" -- premises as numbered subgoals*)
fun ins_entry (x, y) =
AList.default (op =) (x, []) #>
AList.map_entry (op =) x (insert (op =) y);
val add_consts = Term.fold_aterms
(fn Const (c, T) => ins_entry (T, (c, T))
| _ => I);
val add_vars = Term.fold_aterms
(fn Free (x, T) => ins_entry (T, (x, ~1))
| Var (xi, T) => ins_entry (T, xi)
| _ => I);
val add_varsT = Term.fold_atyps
(fn TFree (x, S) => ins_entry (S, (x, ~1))
| TVar (xi, S) => ins_entry (S, xi)
| _ => I);
fun sort_idxs vs = map (apsnd (sort (prod_ord string_ord int_ord))) vs;
fun sort_cnsts cs = map (apsnd (sort_wrt fst)) cs;
fun consts_of t = sort_cnsts (add_consts t []);
fun vars_of t = sort_idxs (add_vars t []);
fun varsT_of t = rev (sort_idxs (Term.fold_types add_varsT t []));
fun pretty_goals ctxt0 state =
val ctxt = Config.put show_free_types false ctxt0;
val show_all_types = Config.get ctxt show_all_types;
val goals_limit = Config.get ctxt goals_limit;
val goals_total = Config.get ctxt goals_total;
val show_main_goal = Config.get ctxt show_main_goal;
val prt_sort = Syntax.pretty_sort ctxt;
val prt_typ = Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt;
val prt_term = Syntax.pretty_term ctxt;
fun prt_atoms prt prtT (X, xs) = Pretty.block
[Pretty.block (Pretty.commas (map prt xs)), Pretty.str " ::",
Pretty.brk 1, prtT X];
fun prt_var (x, ~1) = prt_term ( x)
| prt_var xi = prt_term (Syntax.var xi);
fun prt_varT (x, ~1) = prt_typ (TFree (x, []))
| prt_varT xi = prt_typ (TVar (xi, []));
val prt_consts = prt_atoms (prt_term o Const) prt_typ;
val prt_vars = prt_atoms prt_var prt_typ;
val prt_varsT = prt_atoms prt_varT prt_sort;
fun pretty_list _ _ [] = []
| pretty_list name prt lst = [Pretty.big_list name (map prt lst)];
fun pretty_subgoal (n, A) = Pretty.markup Markup.subgoal
[Pretty.str (" " ^ string_of_int n ^ ". "), prt_term A];
fun pretty_subgoals As = map pretty_subgoal (1 upto length As ~~ As);
val pretty_ffpairs = pretty_list "flex-flex pairs:" (pretty_flexpair ctxt);
val pretty_consts = pretty_list "constants:" prt_consts o consts_of;
val pretty_vars = pretty_list "variables:" prt_vars o vars_of;
val pretty_varsT = pretty_list "type variables:" prt_varsT o varsT_of;
val {prop, tpairs, ...} = Thm.rep_thm state;
val (As, B) = Logic.strip_horn prop;
val ngoals = length As;
fun pretty_gs (types, sorts) =
(if show_main_goal then [prt_term B] else []) @
(if ngoals = 0 then [Pretty.str "No subgoals!"]
else if ngoals > goals_limit then
pretty_subgoals (take goals_limit As) @
(if goals_total then [Pretty.str ("A total of " ^ string_of_int ngoals ^ " subgoals...")]
else [])
else pretty_subgoals As) @
pretty_ffpairs tpairs @
(if Config.get ctxt show_consts then pretty_consts prop else []) @
(if types then pretty_vars prop else []) @
(if sorts then pretty_varsT prop else []);
setmp_CRITICAL show_types (! show_types orelse ! show_sorts orelse show_all_types)
(setmp_CRITICAL show_sorts false pretty_gs)
(! show_types orelse ! show_sorts orelse show_all_types, ! show_sorts)
fun pretty_goals_without_context th =
let val ctxt =
Config.put show_main_goal true (Syntax.init_pretty_global (Thm.theory_of_thm th))
in pretty_goals ctxt th end;