author nipkow
Sat, 23 Jun 2007 19:33:22 +0200
changeset 23477 f4b83f03cac9
parent 22173 7a78b9531b80
child 25475 d5a382ccb5cc
permissions -rw-r--r--
tuned and renamed group_eq_simps and ring_eq_simps

(*  Title:      HOL/ex/Lagrange.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Tobias Nipkow
    Copyright   1996 TU Muenchen

header {* A lemma for Lagrange's theorem *}

theory Lagrange imports Main begin

text {* This theory only contains a single theorem, which is a lemma
in Lagrange's proof that every natural number is the sum of 4 squares.
Its sole purpose is to demonstrate ordered rewriting for commutative

The enterprising reader might consider proving all of Lagrange's
theorem.  *}

definition sq :: "'a::times => 'a" where "sq x == x*x"

text {* The following lemma essentially shows that every natural
number is the sum of four squares, provided all prime numbers are.
However, this is an abstract theorem about commutative rings.  It has,
a priori, nothing to do with nat. *}

(* These two simprocs are even less efficient than ordered rewriting
   and kill the second example: *)
ML_setup {*
  Delsimprocs [ab_group_add_cancel.sum_conv, ab_group_add_cancel.rel_conv]

lemma Lagrange_lemma: fixes x1 :: "'a::comm_ring" shows
  "(sq x1 + sq x2 + sq x3 + sq x4) * (sq y1 + sq y2 + sq y3 + sq y4) =
   sq (x1*y1 - x2*y2 - x3*y3 - x4*y4)  +
   sq (x1*y2 + x2*y1 + x3*y4 - x4*y3)  +
   sq (x1*y3 - x2*y4 + x3*y1 + x4*y2)  +
   sq (x1*y4 + x2*y3 - x3*y2 + x4*y1)"
by (simp add: sq_def ring_simps)

text {* A challenge by John Harrison. Takes about 17s on a 1.6GHz machine. *}

lemma fixes p1 :: "'a::comm_ring" shows
  "(sq p1 + sq q1 + sq r1 + sq s1 + sq t1 + sq u1 + sq v1 + sq w1) * 
   (sq p2 + sq q2 + sq r2 + sq s2 + sq t2 + sq u2 + sq v2 + sq w2) 
    = sq (p1*p2 - q1*q2 - r1*r2 - s1*s2 - t1*t2 - u1*u2 - v1*v2 - w1*w2) + 
      sq (p1*q2 + q1*p2 + r1*s2 - s1*r2 + t1*u2 - u1*t2 - v1*w2 + w1*v2) +
      sq (p1*r2 - q1*s2 + r1*p2 + s1*q2 + t1*v2 + u1*w2 - v1*t2 - w1*u2) +
      sq (p1*s2 + q1*r2 - r1*q2 + s1*p2 + t1*w2 - u1*v2 + v1*u2 - w1*t2) +
      sq (p1*t2 - q1*u2 - r1*v2 - s1*w2 + t1*p2 + u1*q2 + v1*r2 + w1*s2) +
      sq (p1*u2 + q1*t2 - r1*w2 + s1*v2 - t1*q2 + u1*p2 - v1*s2 + w1*r2) +
      sq (p1*v2 + q1*w2 + r1*t2 - s1*u2 - t1*r2 + u1*s2 + v1*p2 - w1*q2) +
      sq (p1*w2 - q1*v2 + r1*u2 + s1*t2 - t1*s2 - u1*r2 + v1*q2 + w1*p2)"
by (simp add: sq_def ring_simps)
