/* Title: Tools/VSCode/src/language_server.scala
Author: Makarius
Server for VS Code Language Server Protocol 2.0/3.0, see also
PIDE protocol extensions depend on system option "vscode_pide_extensions".
package isabelle.vscode
import isabelle._
import java.io.{PrintStream, OutputStream, File => JFile}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
object Language_Server {
type Editor = isabelle.Editor[Unit]
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
private lazy val default_logic = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_LOGIC")
val isabelle_tool =
Isabelle_Tool("vscode_server", "VSCode Language Server for PIDE", Scala_Project.here,
{ args =>
try {
var logic_ancestor: Option[String] = None
var log_file: Option[Path] = None
var logic_requirements = false
var dirs: List[Path] = Nil
var include_sessions: List[String] = Nil
var logic = default_logic
var modes: List[String] = Nil
var no_build = false
var options = Options.init()
var verbose = false
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle vscode_server [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-A NAME ancestor session for option -R (default: parent)
-L FILE logging on FILE
-R NAME build image with requirements from other sessions
-d DIR include session directory
-i NAME include session in name-space of theories
-l NAME logic session name (default ISABELLE_LOGIC=""" + quote(default_logic) + """)
-m MODE add print mode for output
-n no build of session image on startup
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-v verbose logging
Run the VSCode Language Server protocol (JSON RPC) over stdin/stdout.
"A:" -> (arg => logic_ancestor = Some(arg)),
"L:" -> (arg => log_file = Some(Path.explode(File.standard_path(arg)))),
"R:" -> (arg => { logic = arg; logic_requirements = true }),
"d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(File.standard_path(arg)))),
"i:" -> (arg => include_sessions = include_sessions ::: List(arg)),
"l:" -> (arg => logic = arg),
"m:" -> (arg => modes = arg :: modes),
"n" -> (_ => no_build = true),
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
val log = Logger.make_file(log_file)
val channel = new Channel(System.in, System.out, log, verbose)
val server =
new Language_Server(channel, options, session_name = logic, session_dirs = dirs,
include_sessions = include_sessions, session_ancestor = logic_ancestor,
session_requirements = logic_requirements, session_no_build = no_build,
modes = modes, log = log)
// prevent spurious garbage on the main protocol channel
val orig_out = System.out
try {
System.setOut(new PrintStream(OutputStream.nullOutputStream()))
finally { System.setOut(orig_out) }
catch {
case exn: Throwable =>
val channel = new Channel(System.in, System.out, new Logger)
class Language_Server(
val channel: Channel,
options: Options,
session_name: String = Language_Server.default_logic,
include_sessions: List[String] = Nil,
session_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
session_ancestor: Option[String] = None,
session_requirements: Boolean = false,
session_no_build: Boolean = false,
modes: List[String] = Nil,
log: Logger = new Logger
) {
server =>
/* prover session */
private val session_ = Synchronized(None: Option[Session])
def session: Session = session_.value getOrElse error("Server inactive")
def resources: VSCode_Resources = session.resources.asInstanceOf[VSCode_Resources]
def rendering_offset(node_pos: Line.Node_Position): Option[(VSCode_Rendering, Text.Offset)] =
for {
rendering <- resources.get_rendering(new JFile(node_pos.name))
offset <- rendering.model.content.doc.offset(node_pos.pos)
} yield (rendering, offset)
private val dynamic_output = Dynamic_Output(server)
/* input from client or file-system */
private val file_watcher: File_Watcher =
File_Watcher(sync_documents, options.seconds("vscode_load_delay"))
private val delay_input: Delay =
Delay.last(options.seconds("vscode_input_delay"), channel.Error_Logger) {
resources.flush_input(session, channel)
private val delay_load: Delay =
Delay.last(options.seconds("vscode_load_delay"), channel.Error_Logger) {
val (invoke_input, invoke_load) =
resources.resolve_dependencies(session, editor, file_watcher)
if (invoke_input) delay_input.invoke()
if (invoke_load) delay_load.invoke()
private def close_document(file: JFile): Unit = {
if (resources.close_model(file)) {
private def sync_documents(changed: Set[JFile]): Unit = {
private def change_document(
file: JFile,
version: Long,
changes: List[LSP.TextDocumentChange]
): Unit = {
changes.foreach(change =>
resources.change_model(session, editor, file, version, change.text, change.range))
/* caret handling */
private val delay_caret_update: Delay =
Delay.last(options.seconds("vscode_input_delay"), channel.Error_Logger) {
private def update_caret(caret: Option[(JFile, Line.Position)]): Unit = {
/* preview */
private lazy val preview_panel = new Preview_Panel(resources)
private lazy val delay_preview: Delay =
Delay.last(options.seconds("vscode_output_delay"), channel.Error_Logger) {
if (preview_panel.flush(channel)) delay_preview.invoke()
private def request_preview(file: JFile, column: Int): Unit = {
preview_panel.request(file, column)
/* output to client */
private val delay_output: Delay =
Delay.last(options.seconds("vscode_output_delay"), channel.Error_Logger) {
if (resources.flush_output(channel)) delay_output.invoke()
def update_output(changed_nodes: Iterable[JFile]): Unit = {
def update_output_visible(): Unit = {
private val prover_output =
Session.Consumer[Session.Commands_Changed](getClass.getName) {
case changed =>
private val syslog_messages =
Session.Consumer[Prover.Output](getClass.getName) {
case output => channel.log_writeln(resources.output_xml(output.message))
/* init and exit */
def init(id: LSP.Id): Unit = {
def reply_ok(msg: String): Unit = {
channel.write(LSP.Initialize.reply(id, ""))
def reply_error(msg: String): Unit = {
channel.write(LSP.Initialize.reply(id, msg))
val try_session =
try {
val session_background =
options, session_name, dirs = session_dirs,
include_sessions = include_sessions, session_ancestor = session_ancestor,
session_requirements = session_requirements).check_errors
def build(no_build: Boolean = false): Build.Results =
selection = Sessions.Selection.session(session_background.session_name),
build_heap = true, no_build = no_build, dirs = session_dirs,
infos = session_background.infos)
if (!session_no_build && !build(no_build = true).ok) {
val start_msg = "Build started for Isabelle/" + session_background.session_name + " ..."
val fail_msg = "Session build failed -- prover process remains inactive!"
val progress = channel.progress(verbose = true)
progress.echo(start_msg); channel.writeln(start_msg)
if (!build().ok) { progress.echo(fail_msg); error(fail_msg) }
val resources =
new VSCode_Resources(options, session_background, log) {
override def commit(change: Session.Change): Unit =
if (change.deps_changed || undefined_blobs(change.version).nonEmpty) {
val session_options = options.bool.update("editor_output_state", true)
val session = new Session(session_options, resources)
Some((session_background, session))
catch { case ERROR(msg) => reply_error(msg); None }
for ((session_background, session) <- try_session) {
val store = Store(options)
val session_heaps =
ML_Process.session_heaps(store, session_background, logic = session_background.session_name)
session_.change(_ => Some(session))
session.commands_changed += prover_output
session.syslog_messages += syslog_messages
try {
options, session, session_background, session_heaps, modes = modes).await_startup()
"Welcome to Isabelle/" + session_background.session_name +
catch { case ERROR(msg) => reply_error(msg) }
def shutdown(id: LSP.Id): Unit = {
def reply(err: String): Unit = channel.write(LSP.Shutdown.reply(id, err))
case Some(session) =>
session.commands_changed -= prover_output
session.syslog_messages -= syslog_messages
val result = session.stop()
if (result.ok) reply("")
else reply("Prover shutdown failed: " + result.rc)
case None =>
reply("Prover inactive")
def exit(): Unit = {
sys.exit(if (session_.value.isEmpty) Process_Result.RC.ok else Process_Result.RC.failure)
/* completion */
def completion(id: LSP.Id, node_pos: Line.Node_Position): Unit = {
val result =
(for ((rendering, offset) <- rendering_offset(node_pos))
yield rendering.completion(node_pos, offset)) getOrElse Nil
channel.write(LSP.Completion.reply(id, result))
/* spell-checker dictionary */
def update_dictionary(include: Boolean, permanent: Boolean): Unit = {
for {
spell_checker <- resources.spell_checker.get
caret <- resources.get_caret()
rendering = resources.rendering(caret.model)
range = rendering.before_caret_range(caret.offset)
Text.Info(_, word) <- Spell_Checker.current_word(rendering, range)
} {
spell_checker.update(word, include, permanent)
def reset_dictionary(): Unit = {
for (spell_checker <- resources.spell_checker.get) {
/* hover */
def hover(id: LSP.Id, node_pos: Line.Node_Position): Unit = {
val result =
for {
(rendering, offset) <- rendering_offset(node_pos)
info <- rendering.tooltips(VSCode_Rendering.tooltip_elements, Text.Range(offset, offset + 1))
} yield {
val range = rendering.model.content.doc.range(info.range)
val contents = info.info.map(t => LSP.MarkedString(resources.output_pretty_tooltip(List(t))))
(range, contents)
channel.write(LSP.Hover.reply(id, result))
/* goto definition */
def goto_definition(id: LSP.Id, node_pos: Line.Node_Position): Unit = {
val result =
(for ((rendering, offset) <- rendering_offset(node_pos))
yield rendering.hyperlinks(Text.Range(offset, offset + 1))) getOrElse Nil
channel.write(LSP.GotoDefinition.reply(id, result))
/* document highlights */
def document_highlights(id: LSP.Id, node_pos: Line.Node_Position): Unit = {
val result =
(for ((rendering, offset) <- rendering_offset(node_pos))
yield {
val model = rendering.model
rendering.caret_focus_ranges(Text.Range(offset, offset + 1), model.content.text_range)
.map(r => LSP.DocumentHighlight.text(model.content.doc.range(r)))
}) getOrElse Nil
channel.write(LSP.DocumentHighlights.reply(id, result))
/* main loop */
def start(): Unit = {
log("Server started " + Date.now())
def handle(json: JSON.T): Unit = {
try {
json match {
case LSP.Initialize(id) => init(id)
case LSP.Initialized(()) =>
case LSP.Shutdown(id) => shutdown(id)
case LSP.Exit(()) => exit()
case LSP.DidOpenTextDocument(file, _, version, text) =>
change_document(file, version, List(LSP.TextDocumentChange(None, text)))
case LSP.DidChangeTextDocument(file, version, changes) =>
change_document(file, version, changes)
case LSP.DidCloseTextDocument(file) => close_document(file)
case LSP.Completion(id, node_pos) => completion(id, node_pos)
case LSP.Include_Word(()) => update_dictionary(true, false)
case LSP.Include_Word_Permanently(()) => update_dictionary(true, true)
case LSP.Exclude_Word(()) => update_dictionary(false, false)
case LSP.Exclude_Word_Permanently(()) => update_dictionary(false, true)
case LSP.Reset_Words(()) => reset_dictionary()
case LSP.Hover(id, node_pos) => hover(id, node_pos)
case LSP.GotoDefinition(id, node_pos) => goto_definition(id, node_pos)
case LSP.DocumentHighlights(id, node_pos) => document_highlights(id, node_pos)
case LSP.Caret_Update(caret) => update_caret(caret)
case LSP.Output_Set_Margin(margin) => dynamic_output.set_margin(margin)
case LSP.State_Init(id) => State_Panel.init(id, server)
case LSP.State_Exit(state_id) => State_Panel.exit(state_id)
case LSP.State_Locate(state_id) => State_Panel.locate(state_id)
case LSP.State_Update(state_id) => State_Panel.update(state_id)
case LSP.State_Auto_Update(state_id, enabled) => State_Panel.auto_update(state_id, enabled)
case LSP.State_Set_Margin(state_id, margin) => State_Panel.set_margin(state_id, margin)
case LSP.Preview_Request(file, column) => request_preview(file, column)
case _ => if (!LSP.ResponseMessage.is_empty(json)) log("### IGNORED")
catch { case exn: Throwable => channel.log_error_message(Exn.message(exn)) }
@tailrec def loop(): Unit = {
channel.read() match {
case Some(json) =>
json match {
case bulk: List[_] => bulk.foreach(handle)
case _ => handle(json)
case None => log("### TERMINATE")
/* abstract editor operations */
object editor extends Language_Server.Editor {
/* PIDE session and document model */
override def session: Session = server.session
override def flush(): Unit = resources.flush_input(session, channel)
override def invoke(): Unit = delay_input.invoke()
override def get_models(): Iterable[Document.Model] = resources.get_models()
/* current situation */
override def current_node(context: Unit): Option[Document.Node.Name] =
override def current_node_snapshot(context: Unit): Option[Document.Snapshot] =
resources.get_caret().map(caret => resources.snapshot(caret.model))
override def node_snapshot(name: Document.Node.Name): Document.Snapshot = {
resources.get_snapshot(name) match {
case Some(snapshot) => snapshot
case None => session.snapshot(name)
def current_command(snapshot: Document.Snapshot): Option[Command] = {
resources.get_caret() match {
case Some(caret) => snapshot.current_command(caret.node_name, caret.offset)
case None => None
override def current_command(context: Unit, snapshot: Document.Snapshot): Option[Command] =
/* overlays */
override def node_overlays(name: Document.Node.Name): Document.Node.Overlays =
override def insert_overlay(command: Command, fn: String, args: List[String]): Unit =
resources.insert_overlay(command, fn, args)
override def remove_overlay(command: Command, fn: String, args: List[String]): Unit =
resources.remove_overlay(command, fn, args)
/* hyperlinks */
override def hyperlink_command(
focus: Boolean,
snapshot: Document.Snapshot,
id: Document_ID.Generic,
offset: Symbol.Offset = 0
): Option[Hyperlink] = {
if (snapshot.is_outdated) None
snapshot.find_command_position(id, offset).map(node_pos =>
new Hyperlink {
def follow(unit: Unit): Unit = channel.write(LSP.Caret_Update(node_pos, focus))
/* dispatcher thread */
override def assert_dispatcher[A](body: => A): A = session.assert_dispatcher(body)
override def require_dispatcher[A](body: => A): A = session.require_dispatcher(body)
override def send_dispatcher(body: => Unit): Unit = session.send_dispatcher(body)
override def send_wait_dispatcher(body: => Unit): Unit = session.send_wait_dispatcher(body)