author wenzelm
Sun, 12 May 2013 20:25:45 +0200
changeset 51949 f6858bb224c9
parent 51085 d90218288d51
child 51950 13fb5e4f2893
permissions -rw-r--r--
some system options as context-sensitive config options;

(* Load this theory to start the WWW_Find server on port defined by environment
   variable "SCGIPORT". Used by the isabelle wwwfind tool.

theory Start_WWW_Find imports WWW_Find begin

ML {*
  Options.default_put_bool "show_question_marks" false;
  YXML_Find_Theorems.init ();
  val port = OS.Process.getEnv "SCGIPORT" |> the |> Int.fromString |> the;
  ScgiServer.server' 10 "/" port;
