/* Title: Pure/PIDE/document.scala
Author: Makarius
Document as collection of named nodes, each consisting of an editable
list of commands.
package isabelle
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Document
/* formal identifiers */
type ID = Long
type Exec_ID = ID
type Command_ID = ID
type Version_ID = ID
val NO_ID: ID = 0
def parse_id(s: String): ID = java.lang.Long.parseLong(s)
def print_id(id: ID): String = id.toString
/** named document nodes **/
object Node
val empty: Node = new Node(Linear_Set())
def command_starts(commands: Iterator[Command], offset: Int = 0): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
var i = offset
for (command <- commands) yield {
val start = i
i += command.length
(command, start)
class Node(val commands: Linear_Set[Command])
/* command ranges */
def command_starts: Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
def command_start(cmd: Command): Option[Int] =
command_starts.find(_._1 == cmd).map(_._2)
def command_range(i: Int): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
command_starts dropWhile { case (cmd, start) => start + cmd.length <= i }
def command_range(i: Int, j: Int): Iterator[(Command, Int)] =
command_range(i) takeWhile { case (_, start) => start < j }
def command_at(i: Int): Option[(Command, Int)] =
val range = command_range(i)
if (range.hasNext) Some(range.next) else None
def proper_command_at(i: Int): Option[Command] =
command_at(i) match {
case Some((command, _)) =>
commands.reverse_iterator(command).find(cmd => !cmd.is_ignored)
case None => None
/* initial document */
val init: Document =
val doc = new Document(NO_ID, Map().withDefaultValue(Node.empty), Map())
/** changes of plain text, eventually resulting in document edits **/
type Node_Text_Edit = (String, List[Text_Edit]) // FIXME None: remove
type Edit[C] =
(String, // node name
Option[List[(Option[C], Option[C])]]) // None: remove, Some: insert/remove commands
abstract class Snapshot
val document: Document
val node: Document.Node
val is_outdated: Boolean
def convert(offset: Int): Int
def revert(offset: Int): Int
def state(command: Command): Command.State
object Change
val init = new Change(Future.value(Document.init), Nil, Future.value(Nil, Document.init))
class Change(
val prev: Future[Document],
val edits: List[Node_Text_Edit],
val result: Future[(List[Edit[Command]], Document)])
val document: Future[Document] = result.map(_._2)
def is_finished: Boolean = prev.is_finished && document.is_finished
def is_assigned: Boolean = is_finished && document.join.assignment.is_finished
/** editing **/
def text_edits(session: Session, old_doc: Document, edits: List[Node_Text_Edit])
: (List[Edit[Command]], Document) =
/* phase 1: edit individual command source */
@tailrec def edit_text(eds: List[Text_Edit],
commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
eds match {
case e :: es =>
Node.command_starts(commands.iterator).find {
case (cmd, cmd_start) =>
e.can_edit(cmd.source, cmd_start) ||
e.is_insert && e.start == cmd_start + cmd.length
} match {
case Some((cmd, cmd_start)) if e.can_edit(cmd.source, cmd_start) =>
val (rest, text) = e.edit(cmd.source, cmd_start)
val new_commands = commands.insert_after(Some(cmd), Command.unparsed(text)) - cmd
edit_text(rest.toList ::: es, new_commands)
case Some((cmd, cmd_start)) =>
edit_text(es, commands.insert_after(Some(cmd), Command.unparsed(e.text)))
case None =>
require(e.is_insert && e.start == 0)
edit_text(es, commands.insert_after(None, Command.unparsed(e.text)))
case Nil => commands
/* phase 2: recover command spans */
@tailrec def parse_spans(commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
commands.iterator.find(_.is_unparsed) match {
case Some(first_unparsed) =>
val first =
commands.reverse_iterator(first_unparsed).find(_.is_command) getOrElse commands.head
val last =
commands.iterator(first_unparsed).find(_.is_command) getOrElse commands.last
val range =
commands.iterator(first).takeWhile(_ != last).toList ::: List(last)
val sources = range.flatMap(_.span.map(_.source))
val spans0 = Thy_Syntax.parse_spans(session.current_syntax.scan(sources.mkString))
val (before_edit, spans1) =
if (!spans0.isEmpty && first.is_command && first.span == spans0.head)
(Some(first), spans0.tail)
else (commands.prev(first), spans0)
val (after_edit, spans2) =
if (!spans1.isEmpty && last.is_command && last.span == spans1.last)
(Some(last), spans1.take(spans1.length - 1))
else (commands.next(last), spans1)
val inserted = spans2.map(span => new Command(session.create_id(), span))
val new_commands =
commands.delete_between(before_edit, after_edit).append_after(before_edit, inserted)
case None => commands
/* phase 3: resulting document edits */
val doc_edits = new mutable.ListBuffer[Edit[Command]]
var nodes = old_doc.nodes
var former_assignment = old_doc.assignment.join
for ((name, text_edits) <- edits) {
val commands0 = nodes(name).commands
val commands1 = edit_text(text_edits, commands0)
val commands2 = parse_spans(commands1) // FIXME somewhat slow
val removed_commands = commands0.iterator.filter(!commands2.contains(_)).toList
val inserted_commands = commands2.iterator.filter(!commands0.contains(_)).toList
val cmd_edits =
removed_commands.reverse.map(cmd => (commands0.prev(cmd), None)) :::
inserted_commands.map(cmd => (commands2.prev(cmd), Some(cmd)))
doc_edits += (name -> Some(cmd_edits))
nodes += (name -> new Node(commands2))
former_assignment --= removed_commands
(doc_edits.toList, new Document(session.create_id(), nodes, former_assignment))
class Document(
val id: Document.Version_ID,
val nodes: Map[String, Document.Node],
former_assignment: Map[Command, Command]) // FIXME !?
/* command state assignment */
val assignment = Future.promise[Map[Command, Command]]
def await_assignment { assignment.join }
@volatile private var tmp_assignment = former_assignment
def assign_execs(execs: List[(Command, Command)])
assignment.fulfill(tmp_assignment ++ execs)
tmp_assignment = Map()
def current_state(cmd: Command): Command.State =
(assignment.join).get(cmd) match {
case Some(cmd_state) => cmd_state.current_state
case None => new Command.State(cmd, Command.Status.UNDEFINED, 0, Nil, cmd.empty_markup)