author bulwahn
Mon, 03 Oct 2011 14:43:13 +0200
changeset 45116 f947eeef6b6f
parent 42463 f270e3e18be5
child 46008 c296c75f4cf4
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adding lemma about rel_pow in Transitive_Closure for executable equation of the (refl) transitive closure

(*  Title:      HOL/ex/CTL.thy
    Author:     Gertrud Bauer

header {* CTL formulae *}

theory CTL imports Main begin

text {*
  We formalize basic concepts of Computational Tree Logic (CTL)
  \cite{McMillan-PhDThesis,McMillan-LectureNotes} within the
  simply-typed set theory of HOL.

  By using the common technique of ``shallow embedding'', a CTL
  formula is identified with the corresponding set of states where it
  holds.  Consequently, CTL operations such as negation, conjunction,
  disjunction simply become complement, intersection, union of sets.
  We only require a separate operation for implication, as point-wise
  inclusion is usually not encountered in plain set-theory.

lemmas [intro!] = Int_greatest Un_upper2 Un_upper1 Int_lower1 Int_lower2

type_synonym 'a ctl = "'a set"

  imp :: "'a ctl \<Rightarrow> 'a ctl \<Rightarrow> 'a ctl"    (infixr "\<rightarrow>" 75) where
  "p \<rightarrow> q = - p \<union> q"

lemma [intro!]: "p \<inter> p \<rightarrow> q \<subseteq> q" unfolding imp_def by auto
lemma [intro!]: "p \<subseteq> (q \<rightarrow> p)" unfolding imp_def by rule

text {*
  \smallskip The CTL path operators are more interesting; they are
  based on an arbitrary, but fixed model @{text \<M>}, which is simply
  a transition relation over states @{typ "'a"}.

axiomatization \<M> :: "('a \<times> 'a) set"

text {*
  The operators @{text \<EX>}, @{text \<EF>}, @{text \<EG>} are taken
  as primitives, while @{text \<AX>}, @{text \<AF>}, @{text \<AG>} are
  defined as derived ones.  The formula @{text "\<EX> p"} holds in a
  state @{term s}, iff there is a successor state @{term s'} (with
  respect to the model @{term \<M>}), such that @{term p} holds in
  @{term s'}.  The formula @{text "\<EF> p"} holds in a state @{term
  s}, iff there is a path in @{text \<M>}, starting from @{term s},
  such that there exists a state @{term s'} on the path, such that
  @{term p} holds in @{term s'}.  The formula @{text "\<EG> p"} holds
  in a state @{term s}, iff there is a path, starting from @{term s},
  such that for all states @{term s'} on the path, @{term p} holds in
  @{term s'}.  It is easy to see that @{text "\<EF> p"} and @{text
  "\<EG> p"} may be expressed using least and greatest fixed points

  EX  ("\<EX> _" [80] 90) where "\<EX> p = {s. \<exists>s'. (s, s') \<in> \<M> \<and> s' \<in> p}"
  EF ("\<EF> _" [80] 90)  where "\<EF> p = lfp (\<lambda>s. p \<union> \<EX> s)"
  EG ("\<EG> _" [80] 90)  where "\<EG> p = gfp (\<lambda>s. p \<inter> \<EX> s)"

text {*
  @{text "\<AX>"}, @{text "\<AF>"} and @{text "\<AG>"} are now defined
  dually in terms of @{text "\<EX>"}, @{text "\<EF>"} and @{text

  AX  ("\<AX> _" [80] 90) where "\<AX> p = - \<EX> - p"
  AF  ("\<AF> _" [80] 90) where "\<AF> p = - \<EG> - p"
  AG  ("\<AG> _" [80] 90) where "\<AG> p = - \<EF> - p"

lemmas [simp] = EX_def EG_def AX_def EF_def AF_def AG_def

subsection {* Basic fixed point properties *}

text {*
  First of all, we use the de-Morgan property of fixed points

lemma lfp_gfp: "lfp f = - gfp (\<lambda>s::'a set. - (f (- s)))"
  show "lfp f \<subseteq> - gfp (\<lambda>s. - f (- s))"
    fix x assume l: "x \<in> lfp f"
    show "x \<in> - gfp (\<lambda>s. - f (- s))"
      assume "x \<in> gfp (\<lambda>s. - f (- s))"
      then obtain u where "x \<in> u" and "u \<subseteq> - f (- u)"
        by (auto simp add: gfp_def)
      then have "f (- u) \<subseteq> - u" by auto
      then have "lfp f \<subseteq> - u" by (rule lfp_lowerbound)
      from l and this have "x \<notin> u" by auto
      with `x \<in> u` show False by contradiction
  show "- gfp (\<lambda>s. - f (- s)) \<subseteq> lfp f"
  proof (rule lfp_greatest)
    fix u assume "f u \<subseteq> u"
    then have "- u \<subseteq> - f u" by auto
    then have "- u \<subseteq> - f (- (- u))" by simp
    then have "- u \<subseteq> gfp (\<lambda>s. - f (- s))" by (rule gfp_upperbound)
    then show "- gfp (\<lambda>s. - f (- s)) \<subseteq> u" by auto

lemma lfp_gfp': "- lfp f = gfp (\<lambda>s::'a set. - (f (- s)))"
  by (simp add: lfp_gfp)

lemma gfp_lfp': "- gfp f = lfp (\<lambda>s::'a set. - (f (- s)))"
  by (simp add: lfp_gfp)

text {*
  in order to give dual fixed point representations of @{term "AF p"}
  and @{term "AG p"}:

lemma AF_lfp: "\<AF> p = lfp (\<lambda>s. p \<union> \<AX> s)" by (simp add: lfp_gfp)
lemma AG_gfp: "\<AG> p = gfp (\<lambda>s. p \<inter> \<AX> s)" by (simp add: lfp_gfp)

lemma EF_fp: "\<EF> p = p \<union> \<EX> \<EF> p"
proof -
  have "mono (\<lambda>s. p \<union> \<EX> s)" by rule (auto simp add: EX_def)
  then show ?thesis by (simp only: EF_def) (rule lfp_unfold)

lemma AF_fp: "\<AF> p = p \<union> \<AX> \<AF> p"
proof -
  have "mono (\<lambda>s. p \<union> \<AX> s)" by rule (auto simp add: AX_def EX_def)
  then show ?thesis by (simp only: AF_lfp) (rule lfp_unfold)

lemma EG_fp: "\<EG> p = p \<inter> \<EX> \<EG> p"
proof -
  have "mono (\<lambda>s. p \<inter> \<EX> s)" by rule (auto simp add: EX_def)
  then show ?thesis by (simp only: EG_def) (rule gfp_unfold)

text {*
  From the greatest fixed point definition of @{term "\<AG> p"}, we
  derive as a consequence of the Knaster-Tarski theorem on the one
  hand that @{term "\<AG> p"} is a fixed point of the monotonic
  function @{term "\<lambda>s. p \<inter> \<AX> s"}.

lemma AG_fp: "\<AG> p = p \<inter> \<AX> \<AG> p"
proof -
  have "mono (\<lambda>s. p \<inter> \<AX> s)" by rule (auto simp add: AX_def EX_def)
  then show ?thesis by (simp only: AG_gfp) (rule gfp_unfold)

text {*
  This fact may be split up into two inequalities (merely using
  transitivity of @{text "\<subseteq>" }, which is an instance of the overloaded
  @{text "\<le>"} in Isabelle/HOL).

lemma AG_fp_1: "\<AG> p \<subseteq> p"
proof -
  note AG_fp also have "p \<inter> \<AX> \<AG> p \<subseteq> p" by auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma AG_fp_2: "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AX> \<AG> p"
proof -
  note AG_fp also have "p \<inter> \<AX> \<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AX> \<AG> p" by auto
  finally show ?thesis .

text {*
  On the other hand, we have from the Knaster-Tarski fixed point
  theorem that any other post-fixed point of @{term "\<lambda>s. p \<inter> AX s"} is
  smaller than @{term "AG p"}.  A post-fixed point is a set of states
  @{term q} such that @{term "q \<subseteq> p \<inter> AX q"}.  This leads to the
  following co-induction principle for @{term "AG p"}.

lemma AG_I: "q \<subseteq> p \<inter> \<AX> q \<Longrightarrow> q \<subseteq> \<AG> p"
  by (simp only: AG_gfp) (rule gfp_upperbound)

subsection {* The tree induction principle \label{sec:calc-ctl-tree-induct} *}

text {*
  With the most basic facts available, we are now able to establish a
  few more interesting results, leading to the \emph{tree induction}
  principle for @{text AG} (see below).  We will use some elementary
  monotonicity and distributivity rules.

lemma AX_int: "\<AX> (p \<inter> q) = \<AX> p \<inter> \<AX> q" by auto 
lemma AX_mono: "p \<subseteq> q \<Longrightarrow> \<AX> p \<subseteq> \<AX> q" by auto
lemma AG_mono: "p \<subseteq> q \<Longrightarrow> \<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AG> q"
  by (simp only: AG_gfp, rule gfp_mono) auto 

text {*
  The formula @{term "AG p"} implies @{term "AX p"} (we use
  substitution of @{text "\<subseteq>"} with monotonicity).

lemma AG_AX: "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AX> p"
proof -
  have "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AX> \<AG> p" by (rule AG_fp_2)
  also have "\<AG> p \<subseteq> p" by (rule AG_fp_1) moreover note AX_mono
  finally show ?thesis .

text {*
  Furthermore we show idempotency of the @{text "\<AG>"} operator.
  The proof is a good example of how accumulated facts may get
  used to feed a single rule step.

lemma AG_AG: "\<AG> \<AG> p = \<AG> p"
  show "\<AG> \<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AG> p" by (rule AG_fp_1)
  show "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AG> \<AG> p"
  proof (rule AG_I)
    have "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AG> p" ..
    moreover have "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AX> \<AG> p" by (rule AG_fp_2)
    ultimately show "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AG> p \<inter> \<AX> \<AG> p" ..

text {*
  \smallskip We now give an alternative characterization of the @{text
  "\<AG>"} operator, which describes the @{text "\<AG>"} operator in
  an ``operational'' way by tree induction: In a state holds @{term
  "AG p"} iff in that state holds @{term p}, and in all reachable
  states @{term s} follows from the fact that @{term p} holds in
  @{term s}, that @{term p} also holds in all successor states of
  @{term s}.  We use the co-induction principle @{thm [source] AG_I}
  to establish this in a purely algebraic manner.

theorem AG_induct: "p \<inter> \<AG> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p) = \<AG> p"
  show "p \<inter> \<AG> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p) \<subseteq> \<AG> p"  (is "?lhs \<subseteq> _")
  proof (rule AG_I)
    show "?lhs \<subseteq> p \<inter> \<AX> ?lhs"
      show "?lhs \<subseteq> p" ..
      show "?lhs \<subseteq> \<AX> ?lhs"
      proof -
          have "\<AG> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p) \<subseteq> p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p" by (rule AG_fp_1)
          moreover have "p \<inter> p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p \<subseteq> \<AX> p" ..
          ultimately have "?lhs \<subseteq> \<AX> p" by auto
          have "p \<inter> \<AG> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p) \<subseteq> \<AG> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p)" ..
          also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> \<AX> \<dots>" by (rule AG_fp_2)
          finally have "?lhs \<subseteq> \<AX> \<AG> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p)" .
        ultimately have "?lhs \<subseteq> \<AX> p \<inter> \<AX> \<AG> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p)"
          by (rule Int_greatest)
        also have "\<dots> = \<AX> ?lhs" by (simp only: AX_int)
        finally show ?thesis .
  show "\<AG> p \<subseteq> p \<inter> \<AG> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p)"
    show "\<AG> p \<subseteq> p" by (rule AG_fp_1)
    show "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AG> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p)"
    proof -
      have "\<AG> p = \<AG> \<AG> p" by (simp only: AG_AG)
      also have "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AX> p" by (rule AG_AX) moreover note AG_mono
      also have "\<AX> p \<subseteq> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p)" .. moreover note AG_mono
      finally show ?thesis .

subsection {* An application of tree induction \label{sec:calc-ctl-commute} *}

text {*
  Further interesting properties of CTL expressions may be
  demonstrated with the help of tree induction; here we show that
  @{text \<AX>} and @{text \<AG>} commute.

theorem AG_AX_commute: "\<AG> \<AX> p = \<AX> \<AG> p"
proof -
  have "\<AG> \<AX> p = \<AX> p \<inter> \<AX> \<AG> \<AX> p" by (rule AG_fp)
  also have "\<dots> = \<AX> (p \<inter> \<AG> \<AX> p)" by (simp only: AX_int)
  also have "p \<inter> \<AG> \<AX> p = \<AG> p"  (is "?lhs = _")
    have "\<AX> p \<subseteq> p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p" ..
    also have "p \<inter> \<AG> (p \<rightarrow> \<AX> p) = \<AG> p" by (rule AG_induct)
    also note Int_mono AG_mono
    ultimately show "?lhs \<subseteq> \<AG> p" by fast
    have "\<AG> p \<subseteq> p" by (rule AG_fp_1)
      have "\<AG> p = \<AG> \<AG> p" by (simp only: AG_AG)
      also have "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AX> p" by (rule AG_AX)
      also note AG_mono
      ultimately have "\<AG> p \<subseteq> \<AG> \<AX> p" .
    ultimately show "\<AG> p \<subseteq> ?lhs" ..
  finally show ?thesis .
