clarified printing of consts: rename apart from all bounds, and thus avoid old Term.declare_free_names with its adhoc policy ("as they are printed");
(* Title: Pure/Thy/document_source.ML
Author: Makarius
Document source for presentation.
val is_white: Token.T -> bool
val is_black: Token.T -> bool
val is_white_comment: Token.T -> bool
val is_black_comment: Token.T -> bool
val is_improper: Token.T -> bool
val improper: Token.T list parser
val improper_end: Token.T list parser
val blank_end: Token.T list parser
datatype scope = Command | Proof
type tag = string * scope
val eq_tag: tag * tag -> bool
val update_tags: tag -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val get_tags: Proof.context -> tag list
type tagging = tag list
val update_tagging: Proof.context -> tagging -> tag option * tagging
val tag_scope: scope parser
val tag_name: string parser
val old_tags: string list parser
val annotation: unit parser
structure Document_Source: DOCUMENT_SOURCE =
(* white space and comments *)
(*NB: arranging white space around command spans is a black art*)
val is_white = Token.is_space orf Token.is_informal_comment;
val is_black = not o is_white;
val is_white_comment = Token.is_informal_comment;
val is_black_comment = Token.is_formal_comment;
val space_proper = Token.is_blank -- Scan.many is_white_comment -- is_black;
val is_improper = not o (is_black orf Token.is_begin_ignore orf Token.is_end_ignore);
val improper = Scan.many is_improper;
val improper_end = Scan.repeat (Scan.unless space_proper ( is_improper));
val blank_end = Scan.repeat (Scan.unless space_proper ( Token.is_blank));
(** syntactic tags **)
(* scope *)
datatype scope = Command | Proof;
type tag = string * scope;
val eq_tag: tag * tag -> bool = eq_fst op =;
(* context data *)
structure Tags = Proof_Data
type T = tag list;
fun init _ = [];
val update_tags = o update eq_tag;
val get_tags = Tags.get;
(* command tagging *)
type tagging = tag list;
fun update_tagging ctxt tagging =
val tagging' = fold (update eq_tag) (get_tags ctxt) tagging;
val nested_tagging' = filter (fn (_, scope) => scope = Proof) tagging';
in (try hd tagging', nested_tagging') end;
(* parse scope and name *)
val scope = Parse.reserved "command" >> K Command || Parse.reserved "proof" >> K Proof;
val tag_scope = (fn () => "document tag scope") (Parse.$$$ "(" |-- Parse.!!! (scope --| Parse.$$$ ")"));
val tag_name = (fn () => "document tag name") (Parse.short_ident || Parse.string);
(* syntactic tags (old-style) *)
val old_tag = (improper -- Parse.$$$ "%" -- improper) |-- Parse.!!! (tag_name --| blank_end);
val old_tags = Scan.repeat old_tag;
(* semantic markers (operation on presentation context) *)
val marker = improper |-- Parse.document_marker --| blank_end;
val annotation = Scan.repeat (old_tag >> K () || marker >> K ()) >> K ();