author paulson
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 15:32:32 +0200
changeset 15047 fa62de5862b9
parent 15045 d59f7e2e18d3
child 15048 11b4dce71d73
permissions -rw-r--r--
redefining sumr to be a translation to setsum

(*  Title:      HOL/SetInterval.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Clemens Ballarin
                Additions by Jeremy Avigad in March 2004
    Copyright   2000  TU Muenchen

lessThan, greaterThan, atLeast, atMost and two-sided intervals

header {* Set intervals *}

theory SetInterval = IntArith:

  lessThan    :: "('a::ord) => 'a set"	("(1{..<_})")
  "{..<u} == {x. x<u}"

  atMost      :: "('a::ord) => 'a set"	("(1{.._})")
  "{..u} == {x. x<=u}"

  greaterThan :: "('a::ord) => 'a set"	("(1{_<..})")
  "{l<..} == {x. l<x}"

  atLeast     :: "('a::ord) => 'a set"	("(1{_..})")
  "{l..} == {x. l<=x}"

  greaterThanLessThan :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"  ("(1{_<..<_})")
  "{l<..<u} == {l<..} Int {..<u}"

  atLeastLessThan :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"      ("(1{_..<_})")
  "{l..<u} == {l..} Int {..<u}"

  greaterThanAtMost :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"    ("(1{_<.._})")
  "{l<..u} == {l<..} Int {..u}"

  atLeastAtMost :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"        ("(1{_.._})")
  "{l..u} == {l..} Int {..u}"

(* Old syntax, will disappear! *)
  "_lessThan"    :: "('a::ord) => 'a set"	("(1{.._'(})")
  "_greaterThan" :: "('a::ord) => 'a set"	("(1{')_..})")
  "_greaterThanLessThan" :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"  ("(1{')_.._'(})")
  "_atLeastLessThan" :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"      ("(1{_.._'(})")
  "_greaterThanAtMost" :: "['a::ord, 'a] => 'a set"    ("(1{')_.._})")
  "{..m(}" => "{..<m}"
  "{)m..}" => "{m<..}"
  "{)m..n(}" => "{m<..<n}"
  "{m..n(}" => "{m..<n}"
  "{)m..n}" => "{m<..n}"

  "@UNION_le"   :: "nat => nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3UN _<=_./ _)" 10)
  "@UNION_less" :: "nat => nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3UN _<_./ _)" 10)
  "@INTER_le"   :: "nat => nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3INT _<=_./ _)" 10)
  "@INTER_less" :: "nat => nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3INT _<_./ _)" 10)

syntax (input)
  "@UNION_le"   :: "nat => nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3\<Union> _\<le>_./ _)" 10)
  "@UNION_less" :: "nat => nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3\<Union> _<_./ _)" 10)
  "@INTER_le"   :: "nat => nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3\<Inter> _\<le>_./ _)" 10)
  "@INTER_less" :: "nat => nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3\<Inter> _<_./ _)" 10)

syntax (xsymbols)
  "@UNION_le"   :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3\<Union>(00\<^bsub>_ \<le> _\<^esub>)/ _)" 10)
  "@UNION_less" :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3\<Union>(00\<^bsub>_ < _\<^esub>)/ _)" 10)
  "@INTER_le"   :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3\<Inter>(00\<^bsub>_ \<le> _\<^esub>)/ _)" 10)
  "@INTER_less" :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat => 'b set => 'b set"       ("(3\<Inter>(00\<^bsub>_ < _\<^esub>)/ _)" 10)

  "UN i<=n. A"  == "UN i:{..n}. A"
  "UN i<n. A"   == "UN i:{..<n}. A"
  "INT i<=n. A" == "INT i:{..n}. A"
  "INT i<n. A"  == "INT i:{..<n}. A"

subsection {* Various equivalences *}

lemma lessThan_iff [iff]: "(i: lessThan k) = (i<k)"
by (simp add: lessThan_def)

lemma Compl_lessThan [simp]: 
    "!!k:: 'a::linorder. -lessThan k = atLeast k"
apply (auto simp add: lessThan_def atLeast_def)

lemma single_Diff_lessThan [simp]: "!!k:: 'a::order. {k} - lessThan k = {k}"
by auto

lemma greaterThan_iff [iff]: "(i: greaterThan k) = (k<i)"
by (simp add: greaterThan_def)

lemma Compl_greaterThan [simp]: 
    "!!k:: 'a::linorder. -greaterThan k = atMost k"
apply (simp add: greaterThan_def atMost_def le_def, auto)

lemma Compl_atMost [simp]: "!!k:: 'a::linorder. -atMost k = greaterThan k"
apply (subst Compl_greaterThan [symmetric])
apply (rule double_complement) 

lemma atLeast_iff [iff]: "(i: atLeast k) = (k<=i)"
by (simp add: atLeast_def)

lemma Compl_atLeast [simp]: 
    "!!k:: 'a::linorder. -atLeast k = lessThan k"
apply (simp add: lessThan_def atLeast_def le_def, auto)

lemma atMost_iff [iff]: "(i: atMost k) = (i<=k)"
by (simp add: atMost_def)

lemma atMost_Int_atLeast: "!!n:: 'a::order. atMost n Int atLeast n = {n}"
by (blast intro: order_antisym)

subsection {* Logical Equivalences for Set Inclusion and Equality *}

lemma atLeast_subset_iff [iff]:
     "(atLeast x \<subseteq> atLeast y) = (y \<le> (x::'a::order))" 
by (blast intro: order_trans) 

lemma atLeast_eq_iff [iff]:
     "(atLeast x = atLeast y) = (x = (y::'a::linorder))" 
by (blast intro: order_antisym order_trans)

lemma greaterThan_subset_iff [iff]:
     "(greaterThan x \<subseteq> greaterThan y) = (y \<le> (x::'a::linorder))" 
apply (auto simp add: greaterThan_def) 
 apply (subst linorder_not_less [symmetric], blast) 

lemma greaterThan_eq_iff [iff]:
     "(greaterThan x = greaterThan y) = (x = (y::'a::linorder))" 
apply (rule iffI) 
 apply (erule equalityE) 
 apply (simp add: greaterThan_subset_iff order_antisym, simp) 

lemma atMost_subset_iff [iff]: "(atMost x \<subseteq> atMost y) = (x \<le> (y::'a::order))" 
by (blast intro: order_trans)

lemma atMost_eq_iff [iff]: "(atMost x = atMost y) = (x = (y::'a::linorder))" 
by (blast intro: order_antisym order_trans)

lemma lessThan_subset_iff [iff]:
     "(lessThan x \<subseteq> lessThan y) = (x \<le> (y::'a::linorder))" 
apply (auto simp add: lessThan_def) 
 apply (subst linorder_not_less [symmetric], blast) 

lemma lessThan_eq_iff [iff]:
     "(lessThan x = lessThan y) = (x = (y::'a::linorder))" 
apply (rule iffI) 
 apply (erule equalityE) 
 apply (simp add: lessThan_subset_iff order_antisym, simp) 

subsection {*Two-sided intervals*}

text {* @{text greaterThanLessThan} *}

lemma greaterThanLessThan_iff [simp]:
  "(i : {l<..<u}) = (l < i & i < u)"
by (simp add: greaterThanLessThan_def)

text {* @{text atLeastLessThan} *}

lemma atLeastLessThan_iff [simp]:
  "(i : {l..<u}) = (l <= i & i < u)"
by (simp add: atLeastLessThan_def)

text {* @{text greaterThanAtMost} *}

lemma greaterThanAtMost_iff [simp]:
  "(i : {l<..u}) = (l < i & i <= u)"
by (simp add: greaterThanAtMost_def)

text {* @{text atLeastAtMost} *}

lemma atLeastAtMost_iff [simp]:
  "(i : {l..u}) = (l <= i & i <= u)"
by (simp add: atLeastAtMost_def)

text {* The above four lemmas could be declared as iffs.
  If we do so, a call to blast in Hyperreal/Star.ML, lemma @{text STAR_Int}
  seems to take forever (more than one hour). *}

subsection {* Intervals of natural numbers *}

subsubsection {* The Constant @{term lessThan} *}

lemma lessThan_0 [simp]: "lessThan (0::nat) = {}"
by (simp add: lessThan_def)

lemma lessThan_Suc: "lessThan (Suc k) = insert k (lessThan k)"
by (simp add: lessThan_def less_Suc_eq, blast)

lemma lessThan_Suc_atMost: "lessThan (Suc k) = atMost k"
by (simp add: lessThan_def atMost_def less_Suc_eq_le)

lemma UN_lessThan_UNIV: "(UN m::nat. lessThan m) = UNIV"
by blast

subsubsection {* The Constant @{term greaterThan} *}

lemma greaterThan_0 [simp]: "greaterThan 0 = range Suc"
apply (simp add: greaterThan_def)
apply (blast dest: gr0_conv_Suc [THEN iffD1])

lemma greaterThan_Suc: "greaterThan (Suc k) = greaterThan k - {Suc k}"
apply (simp add: greaterThan_def)
apply (auto elim: linorder_neqE)

lemma INT_greaterThan_UNIV: "(INT m::nat. greaterThan m) = {}"
by blast

subsubsection {* The Constant @{term atLeast} *}

lemma atLeast_0 [simp]: "atLeast (0::nat) = UNIV"
by (unfold atLeast_def UNIV_def, simp)

lemma atLeast_Suc: "atLeast (Suc k) = atLeast k - {k}"
apply (simp add: atLeast_def)
apply (simp add: Suc_le_eq)
apply (simp add: order_le_less, blast)

lemma atLeast_Suc_greaterThan: "atLeast (Suc k) = greaterThan k"
  by (auto simp add: greaterThan_def atLeast_def less_Suc_eq_le)

lemma UN_atLeast_UNIV: "(UN m::nat. atLeast m) = UNIV"
by blast

subsubsection {* The Constant @{term atMost} *}

lemma atMost_0 [simp]: "atMost (0::nat) = {0}"
by (simp add: atMost_def)

lemma atMost_Suc: "atMost (Suc k) = insert (Suc k) (atMost k)"
apply (simp add: atMost_def)
apply (simp add: less_Suc_eq order_le_less, blast)

lemma UN_atMost_UNIV: "(UN m::nat. atMost m) = UNIV"
by blast

subsubsection {* The Constant @{term atLeastLessThan} *}

text{*But not a simprule because some concepts are better left in terms
  of @{term atLeastLessThan}*}
lemma atLeast0LessThan: "{0::nat..<n} = {..<n}"
by(simp add:lessThan_def atLeastLessThan_def)

lemma atLeastLessThan0 [simp]: "{m..<0::nat} = {}"
by (simp add: atLeastLessThan_def)

lemma atLeastLessThan_self [simp]: "{n::'a::order..<n} = {}"
by (auto simp add: atLeastLessThan_def)

lemma atLeastLessThan_empty: "n \<le> m ==> {m..<n::'a::order} = {}"
by (auto simp add: atLeastLessThan_def)

subsubsection {* Intervals of nats with @{term Suc} *}

text{*Not a simprule because the RHS is too messy.*}
lemma atLeastLessThanSuc:
    "{m..<Suc n} = (if m \<le> n then insert n {m..<n} else {})"
by (auto simp add: atLeastLessThan_def) 

lemma atLeastLessThan_singleton [simp]: "{m..<Suc m} = {m}" 
by (auto simp add: atLeastLessThan_def)

lemma atLeast_sum_LessThan [simp]: "{m + k..<k::nat} = {}"
by (induct k, simp_all add: atLeastLessThanSuc)

lemma atLeastSucLessThan [simp]: "{Suc n..<n} = {}"
by (auto simp add: atLeastLessThan_def)

lemma atLeastLessThanSuc_atLeastAtMost: "{l..<Suc u} = {l..u}"
  by (simp add: lessThan_Suc_atMost atLeastAtMost_def atLeastLessThan_def)

lemma atLeastSucAtMost_greaterThanAtMost: "{Suc l..u} = {l<..u}"  
  by (simp add: atLeast_Suc_greaterThan atLeastAtMost_def 

lemma atLeastSucLessThan_greaterThanLessThan: "{Suc l..<u} = {l<..<u}"  
  by (simp add: atLeast_Suc_greaterThan atLeastLessThan_def 

subsubsection {* Finiteness *}

lemma finite_lessThan [iff]: fixes k :: nat shows "finite {..<k}"
  by (induct k) (simp_all add: lessThan_Suc)

lemma finite_atMost [iff]: fixes k :: nat shows "finite {..k}"
  by (induct k) (simp_all add: atMost_Suc)

lemma finite_greaterThanLessThan [iff]:
  fixes l :: nat shows "finite {l<..<u}"
by (simp add: greaterThanLessThan_def)

lemma finite_atLeastLessThan [iff]:
  fixes l :: nat shows "finite {l..<u}"
by (simp add: atLeastLessThan_def)

lemma finite_greaterThanAtMost [iff]:
  fixes l :: nat shows "finite {l<..u}"
by (simp add: greaterThanAtMost_def)

lemma finite_atLeastAtMost [iff]:
  fixes l :: nat shows "finite {l..u}"
by (simp add: atLeastAtMost_def)

lemma bounded_nat_set_is_finite:
    "(ALL i:N. i < (n::nat)) ==> finite N"
  -- {* A bounded set of natural numbers is finite. *}
  apply (rule finite_subset)
   apply (rule_tac [2] finite_lessThan, auto)

subsubsection {* Cardinality *}

lemma card_lessThan [simp]: "card {..<u} = u"
  by (induct_tac u, simp_all add: lessThan_Suc)

lemma card_atMost [simp]: "card {..u} = Suc u"
  by (simp add: lessThan_Suc_atMost [THEN sym])

lemma card_atLeastLessThan [simp]: "card {l..<u} = u - l"
  apply (subgoal_tac "card {l..<u} = card {..<u-l}")
  apply (erule ssubst, rule card_lessThan)
  apply (subgoal_tac "(%x. x + l) ` {..<u-l} = {l..<u}")
  apply (erule subst)
  apply (rule card_image)
  apply (rule finite_lessThan)
  apply (simp add: inj_on_def)
  apply (auto simp add: image_def atLeastLessThan_def lessThan_def)
  apply arith
  apply (rule_tac x = "x - l" in exI)
  apply arith

lemma card_atLeastAtMost [simp]: "card {l..u} = Suc u - l"  
  by (subst atLeastLessThanSuc_atLeastAtMost [THEN sym], simp)

lemma card_greaterThanAtMost [simp]: "card {l<..u} = u - l" 
  by (subst atLeastSucAtMost_greaterThanAtMost [THEN sym], simp)

lemma card_greaterThanLessThan [simp]: "card {l<..<u} = u - Suc l"
  by (subst atLeastSucLessThan_greaterThanLessThan [THEN sym], simp)

subsection {* Intervals of integers *}

lemma atLeastLessThanPlusOne_atLeastAtMost_int: "{l..<u+1} = {l..(u::int)}"
  by (auto simp add: atLeastAtMost_def atLeastLessThan_def)

lemma atLeastPlusOneAtMost_greaterThanAtMost_int: "{l+1..u} = {l<..(u::int)}"  
  by (auto simp add: atLeastAtMost_def greaterThanAtMost_def)

lemma atLeastPlusOneLessThan_greaterThanLessThan_int: 
    "{l+1..<u} = {l<..<u::int}"  
  by (auto simp add: atLeastLessThan_def greaterThanLessThan_def)

subsubsection {* Finiteness *}

lemma image_atLeastZeroLessThan_int: "0 \<le> u ==> 
    {(0::int)..<u} = int ` {..<nat u}"
  apply (unfold image_def lessThan_def)
  apply auto
  apply (rule_tac x = "nat x" in exI)
  apply (auto simp add: zless_nat_conj zless_nat_eq_int_zless [THEN sym])

lemma finite_atLeastZeroLessThan_int: "finite {(0::int)..<u}"
  apply (case_tac "0 \<le> u")
  apply (subst image_atLeastZeroLessThan_int, assumption)
  apply (rule finite_imageI)
  apply auto
  apply (subgoal_tac "{0..<u} = {}")
  apply auto

lemma image_atLeastLessThan_int_shift: 
    "(%x. x + (l::int)) ` {0..<u-l} = {l..<u}"
  apply (auto simp add: image_def atLeastLessThan_iff)
  apply (rule_tac x = "x - l" in bexI)
  apply auto

lemma finite_atLeastLessThan_int [iff]: "finite {l..<u::int}"
  apply (subgoal_tac "(%x. x + l) ` {0..<u-l} = {l..<u}")
  apply (erule subst)
  apply (rule finite_imageI)
  apply (rule finite_atLeastZeroLessThan_int)
  apply (rule image_atLeastLessThan_int_shift)

lemma finite_atLeastAtMost_int [iff]: "finite {l..(u::int)}" 
  by (subst atLeastLessThanPlusOne_atLeastAtMost_int [THEN sym], simp)

lemma finite_greaterThanAtMost_int [iff]: "finite {l<..(u::int)}" 
  by (subst atLeastPlusOneAtMost_greaterThanAtMost_int [THEN sym], simp)

lemma finite_greaterThanLessThan_int [iff]: "finite {l<..<u::int}" 
  by (subst atLeastPlusOneLessThan_greaterThanLessThan_int [THEN sym], simp)

subsubsection {* Cardinality *}

lemma card_atLeastZeroLessThan_int: "card {(0::int)..<u} = nat u"
  apply (case_tac "0 \<le> u")
  apply (subst image_atLeastZeroLessThan_int, assumption)
  apply (subst card_image)
  apply (auto simp add: inj_on_def)

lemma card_atLeastLessThan_int [simp]: "card {l..<u} = nat (u - l)"
  apply (subgoal_tac "card {l..<u} = card {0..<u-l}")
  apply (erule ssubst, rule card_atLeastZeroLessThan_int)
  apply (subgoal_tac "(%x. x + l) ` {0..<u-l} = {l..<u}")
  apply (erule subst)
  apply (rule card_image)
  apply (rule finite_atLeastZeroLessThan_int)
  apply (simp add: inj_on_def)
  apply (rule image_atLeastLessThan_int_shift)

lemma card_atLeastAtMost_int [simp]: "card {l..u} = nat (u - l + 1)"
  apply (subst atLeastLessThanPlusOne_atLeastAtMost_int [THEN sym])
  apply (auto simp add: compare_rls)

lemma card_greaterThanAtMost_int [simp]: "card {l<..u} = nat (u - l)" 
  by (subst atLeastPlusOneAtMost_greaterThanAtMost_int [THEN sym], simp)

lemma card_greaterThanLessThan_int [simp]: "card {l<..<u} = nat (u - (l + 1))"
  by (subst atLeastPlusOneLessThan_greaterThanLessThan_int [THEN sym], simp)

subsection {*Lemmas useful with the summation operator setsum*}

text {* For examples, see Algebra/poly/UnivPoly.thy *}

subsubsection {* Disjoint Unions *}

text {* Singletons and open intervals *}

lemma ivl_disj_un_singleton:
  "{l::'a::linorder} Un {l<..} = {l..}"
  "{..<u} Un {u::'a::linorder} = {..u}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) < u ==> {l} Un {l<..<u} = {l..<u}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) < u ==> {l<..<u} Un {u} = {l<..u}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) <= u ==> {l} Un {l<..u} = {l..u}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) <= u ==> {l..<u} Un {u} = {l..u}"
by auto

text {* One- and two-sided intervals *}

lemma ivl_disj_un_one:
  "(l::'a::linorder) < u ==> {..l} Un {l<..<u} = {..<u}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) <= u ==> {..<l} Un {l..<u} = {..<u}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) <= u ==> {..l} Un {l<..u} = {..u}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) <= u ==> {..<l} Un {l..u} = {..u}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) <= u ==> {l<..u} Un {u<..} = {l<..}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) < u ==> {l<..<u} Un {u..} = {l<..}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) <= u ==> {l..u} Un {u<..} = {l..}"
  "(l::'a::linorder) <= u ==> {l..<u} Un {u..} = {l..}"
by auto

text {* Two- and two-sided intervals *}

lemma ivl_disj_un_two:
  "[| (l::'a::linorder) < m; m <= u |] ==> {l<..<m} Un {m..<u} = {l<..<u}"
  "[| (l::'a::linorder) <= m; m < u |] ==> {l<..m} Un {m<..<u} = {l<..<u}"
  "[| (l::'a::linorder) <= m; m <= u |] ==> {l..<m} Un {m..<u} = {l..<u}"
  "[| (l::'a::linorder) <= m; m < u |] ==> {l..m} Un {m<..<u} = {l..<u}"
  "[| (l::'a::linorder) < m; m <= u |] ==> {l<..<m} Un {m..u} = {l<..u}"
  "[| (l::'a::linorder) <= m; m <= u |] ==> {l<..m} Un {m<..u} = {l<..u}"
  "[| (l::'a::linorder) <= m; m <= u |] ==> {l..<m} Un {m..u} = {l..u}"
  "[| (l::'a::linorder) <= m; m <= u |] ==> {l..m} Un {m<..u} = {l..u}"
by auto

lemmas ivl_disj_un = ivl_disj_un_singleton ivl_disj_un_one ivl_disj_un_two

subsubsection {* Disjoint Intersections *}

text {* Singletons and open intervals *}

lemma ivl_disj_int_singleton:
  "{l::'a::order} Int {l<..} = {}"
  "{..<u} Int {u} = {}"
  "{l} Int {l<..<u} = {}"
  "{l<..<u} Int {u} = {}"
  "{l} Int {l<..u} = {}"
  "{l..<u} Int {u} = {}"
  by simp+

text {* One- and two-sided intervals *}

lemma ivl_disj_int_one:
  "{..l::'a::order} Int {l<..<u} = {}"
  "{..<l} Int {l..<u} = {}"
  "{..l} Int {l<..u} = {}"
  "{..<l} Int {l..u} = {}"
  "{l<..u} Int {u<..} = {}"
  "{l<..<u} Int {u..} = {}"
  "{l..u} Int {u<..} = {}"
  "{l..<u} Int {u..} = {}"
  by auto

text {* Two- and two-sided intervals *}

lemma ivl_disj_int_two:
  "{l::'a::order<..<m} Int {m..<u} = {}"
  "{l<..m} Int {m<..<u} = {}"
  "{l..<m} Int {m..<u} = {}"
  "{l..m} Int {m<..<u} = {}"
  "{l<..<m} Int {m..u} = {}"
  "{l<..m} Int {m<..u} = {}"
  "{l..<m} Int {m..u} = {}"
  "{l..m} Int {m<..u} = {}"
  by auto

lemmas ivl_disj_int = ivl_disj_int_singleton ivl_disj_int_one ivl_disj_int_two

subsection {* Summation indexed over intervals *}

text{* We introduce the obvious syntax @{text"\<Sum>x=a..b. e"} for
@{term"\<Sum>x\<in>{a..b}. e"}. *}

  "_from_to_setsum" :: "idt \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b" ("(SUM _ = _.._./ _)" [0,0,0,10] 10)
syntax (xsymbols)
  "_from_to_setsum" :: "idt \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b" ("(3\<Sum>_ = _.._./ _)" [0,0,0,10] 10)
syntax (HTML output)
  "_from_to_setsum" :: "idt \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b" ("(3\<Sum>_ = _.._./ _)" [0,0,0,10] 10)

translations "\<Sum>x=a..b. t" == "setsum (%x. t) {a..b}"

subsection {* Summation up to *}

text{* Legacy, only used in HoareParallel and Isar-Examples. Really
needed? Probably better to replace it with above syntax. *}

  "_Summation" :: "idt => 'a => 'b => 'b"    ("\<Sum>_<_. _" [0, 51, 10] 10)
  "\<Sum>i < n. b" == "setsum (\<lambda>i. b) {..<n}"

lemma Summation_Suc[simp]: "(\<Sum>i < Suc n. b i) = b n + (\<Sum>i < n. b i)"
by (simp add:lessThan_Suc)
