author berghofe
Tue, 09 Apr 1996 12:12:27 +0200
changeset 1654 faa643c33ee6
parent 1053 a19fbe807f91
permissions -rw-r--r--
select_match now sorts list of matching theorems according to the number of premises and size of the required substitution

#  $Id$
#									#
#	Makefile for the report "A Fixedpoint Approach ..."		#
#									#

FILES =  ind-defs.tex iman.sty extra.sty

ind-defs.dvi.gz:   $(FILES) 
	-rm ind-defs.dvi.gz
	latex209 ind-defs
	bibtex ind-defs
	latex209 ind-defs
	latex209 ind-defs
	gzip -f ind-defs.dvi