(* Title: HOL/Boogie/Examples/VCC_Max.thy
Author: Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
header {* Boogie example from VCC: get the greatest element of a list *}
theory VCC_Max
imports Boogie
uses ("VCC_Max.b2i")
text {*
We prove correct the verification condition generated from the following
C code:
#include "vcc.h"
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
static byte maximum(byte arr[], ulong len)
requires(wrapped(as_array(arr, len)))
requires (0 < len && len < (1UI64 << 40))
ensures (forall(ulong i; i<len ==> arr[i] <= result))
ensures (exists(ulong i; i<len && arr[i] == result))
byte max = arr[0];
ulong p;
spec(ulong witness = 0;)
for (p = 1; p < len; p++)
invariant(p <= len)
invariant(forall(ulong i; i < p ==> arr[i] <= max))
invariant(witness < len && arr[witness] == max)
if (arr[p] > max)
max = arr[p];
speconly(witness = p;)
return max;
boogie_open (quiet) "VCC_Max.b2i"
declare [[smt_certificates="VCC_Max.certs"]]
declare [[smt_fixed=true]]
declare [[smt_oracle=false]]
boogie_vc maximum
by boogie