author haftmann
Mon, 06 Jun 2005 15:09:47 +0200
changeset 16303 fee0a02f61bb
parent 16259 aed1a8ae4b23
child 16357 f1275d2a1dee
permissions -rw-r--r--
integrated MacOS X installation instructions

(*  Author: Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    ID: $Id$
    Copyright 2004 University of Cambridge

ATPs with TPTP format input.

(*Jia: changed: isar_atp now processes entire proof context.  fetch thms from delta simpset/claset*)
(*Claire: changed: added actual watcher calls *)

signature RES_ATP = 
val trace_res : bool ref
val subgoals: Thm.thm list
val traceflag : bool ref
val axiom_file : Path.T
val hyps_file : Path.T
val isar_atp : ProofContext.context * Thm.thm -> unit
val prob_file : Path.T;
(*val atp_ax_tac : Thm.thm list -> int -> Tactical.tactic*)
(*val atp_tac : int -> Tactical.tactic*)
val debug: bool ref
val full_spass: bool ref

structure ResAtp : RES_ATP =


val subgoals = [];

val traceflag = ref true;

val debug = ref false;
fun debug_tac tac = (warning "testing";tac);

val trace_res = ref false;
val full_spass = ref false;

val skolem_tac = skolemize_tac;

val num_of_clauses = ref 0;
val clause_arr = Array.array(3500, ("empty", 0));

val atomize_tac =
     (fn (prop,_) =>
	 let val ts = Logic.strip_assums_hyp prop
	 in EVERY1 
		     (fn hyps => (cut_facts_tac (map (ObjectLogic.atomize_thm o forall_intr_vars) hyps) 1)),
	  REPEAT_DETERM_N (length ts) o (etac thin_rl)]

(* temporarily use these files, which will be loaded by Vampire *)
val file_id_num =ref 0;

fun new_prob_file () =  (file_id_num := (!file_id_num) + 1;"prob"^(string_of_int (!file_id_num)));

val axiom_file = File.tmp_path (Path.basic "axioms");
val clasimp_file = File.tmp_path (Path.basic "clasimp");
val hyps_file = File.tmp_path (Path.basic "hyps");
val prob_file = File.tmp_path (Path.basic "prob");
val dummy_tac = PRIMITIVE(fn thm => thm );

(**** for Isabelle/ML interface  ****)

fun is_proof_char ch = (ch = " ") orelse
     ((ord"!" <= ord ch) andalso (ord ch <= ord"~") andalso (ch <> "?"))  

fun proofstring x = List.filter (is_proof_char) (explode x);

fun call_atp_tac thms n = (tptp_inputs thms ; dummy_tac);


(**** For running in Isar ****)

(* same function as that in res_axioms.ML *)
fun repeat_RS thm1 thm2 =
    let val thm1' =  thm1 RS thm2 handle THM _ => thm1
	if eq_thm(thm1,thm1') then thm1' else (repeat_RS thm1' thm2)

(* a special version of repeat_RS *)
fun repeat_someI_ex thm = repeat_RS thm someI_ex;

(* convert clauses from "assume" to conjecture. write to file "hyps" *)
(* hypotheses of the goal currently being proved                     *)

fun isar_atp_h thms =
    let val prems = map (skolemize o make_nnf o ObjectLogic.atomize_thm) thms
        val prems' = map repeat_someI_ex prems
        val prems'' = make_clauses prems'
        val prems''' = ResAxioms.rm_Eps [] prems''
        val clss = map ResClause.make_conjecture_clause prems'''
	val (tptp_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map ResClause.clause2tptp clss) 
	val tfree_lits = ResLib.flat_noDup tfree_litss
	val tfree_clss = map ResClause.tfree_clause tfree_lits 
        val hypsfile = File.platform_path hyps_file
	val out = TextIO.openOut(hypsfile)
	((ResLib.writeln_strs out (tfree_clss @ tptp_clss); TextIO.closeOut out; if !trace_res then (warning hypsfile) else ());tfree_lits) 

(* write out a subgoal as tptp clauses to the file "probN"           *)
(* where N is the number of this subgoal                             *)

fun tptp_inputs_tfrees thms n tfrees = 
    let val _ = (warning ("in tptp_inputs_tfrees 0"))
        val clss = map (ResClause.make_conjecture_clause_thm) thms
         val _ = (warning ("in tptp_inputs_tfrees 1"))
	val (tptp_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map ResClause.clause2tptp clss)
        val _ = (warning ("in tptp_inputs_tfrees 2"))
	val tfree_clss = map ResClause.tfree_clause ((ResLib.flat_noDup tfree_litss) \\ tfrees) 
         val _ = (warning ("in tptp_inputs_tfrees 3"))
        val probfile = (File.platform_path prob_file) ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n)
	val out = TextIO.openOut(probfile)
	(ResLib.writeln_strs out (tfree_clss @ tptp_clss); TextIO.closeOut out;
	 if !trace_res then (warning probfile) else ())

(* call SPASS with settings and problem file for the current subgoal *)
(* should be modified to allow other provers to be called            *)

fun call_resolve_tac sign thms sg_term (childin, childout,pid) n  =
    let val thmstring = Meson.concat_with_and (map string_of_thm thms) 
	val thm_no = length thms
	val _ = warning ("number of thms is : "^(string_of_int thm_no))
	val _ = warning ("thmstring in call_res is: "^thmstring)
	val goalstr = Sign.string_of_term sign sg_term 
	val goalproofstring = proofstring goalstr
	val no_returns =List.filter not_newline ( goalproofstring)
	val goalstring = implode no_returns
	val _ = warning ("goalstring in call_res is: "^goalstring)
	(*val prob_file =File.tmp_path (Path.basic newprobfile); *)
	(*val _ =( warning ("calling make_clauses "))
	val clauses = make_clauses thms
	val _ =( warning ("called make_clauses "))*)
	(*val _ = tptp_inputs clauses prob_file*)
	val thmstring = Meson.concat_with_and (map string_of_thm thms) 
	val goalstr = Sign.string_of_term sign sg_term 
	val goalproofstring = proofstring goalstr
	val no_returns =List.filter not_newline ( goalproofstring)
	val goalstring = implode no_returns
	val thmproofstring = proofstring ( thmstring)
	val no_returns =List.filter   not_newline ( thmproofstring)
	val thmstr = implode no_returns
	val probfile = (File.platform_path prob_file) ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n)
	val axfile = (File.platform_path axiom_file)
	val hypsfile = (File.platform_path hyps_file)
	val clasimpfile = (File.platform_path clasimp_file)
	val outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "hellofile")))
	val _ = TextIO.output(outfile, "prob file path is "^probfile^" thmstring is "^thmstr^" goalstring is "^goalstring);
	val _ = TextIO.flushOut outfile;
	val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
	(* without paramodulation *)
	(warning ("goalstring in call_res_tac is: "^goalstring));
	(warning ("prob file in cal_res_tac is: "^probfile));
     (* Watcher.callResProvers(childout,
     clasimpfile, axfile, hypsfile, probfile)]);*)
  if !full_spass 
	    [("spass", thmstr, goalstring (*,spass_home*), 
	     getenv "ISABELLE_HOME" ^ "/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/spassshell",  
	     clasimpfile, axfile, hypsfile, probfile)]))
	    [("spass", thmstr, goalstring (*,spass_home*), 
	     getenv "ISABELLE_HOME" ^ "/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/spassshell",  
	     clasimpfile, axfile, hypsfile, probfile)]));
	(* with paramodulation *)
		 prob_path)]); *)
       (* Watcher.callResProvers(childout,
	"-DocProof",  prob_path)]);*)

(* write out the current subgoal as a tptp file, probN,   *)
(* then call dummy_tac - should be call_res_tac           *)

fun call_atp_tac_tfrees sign thms n tfrees sg_term (childin, childout,pid) = 
   warning("in call_atp_tac_tfrees");
   tptp_inputs_tfrees (make_clauses thms) n tfrees;
   call_resolve_tac sign thms sg_term (childin, childout, pid) n;

fun atp_tac_tfrees tfrees sg_term (childin, childout,pid)  n st = 
  let val sign = sign_of_thm st
      val _ = warning ("in atp_tac_tfrees ")
      val _ = warning ("sg_term :" ^ (Sign.string_of_term sign sg_term))
      (EVERY1 [rtac ccontr,atomize_tac, skolemize_tac, 
       METAHYPS(fn negs => (call_atp_tac_tfrees sign negs n tfrees sg_term
                            (childin, childout,pid) ))]) n st

fun isar_atp_g tfrees sg_term (childin, childout, pid) n =       
  ((warning("in isar_atp_g"));
   atp_tac_tfrees tfrees sg_term (childin, childout, pid) n);

(* recursively call atp_tac_g on all subgoals *)
(* sg_term is the nth subgoal as a term - used*)
(* in proof reconstruction                    *)

fun isar_atp_goal' thm k n tfree_lits  (childin, childout, pid) = 
      if (k > n) 
      then () 
	  let val prems = prems_of thm 
	      val sg_term = ReconOrderClauses.get_nth n prems
	      val thmstring = string_of_thm thm
	      (warning("in isar_atp_goal'"));
	      (warning("thmstring in isar_atp_goal': "^thmstring));
	       isar_atp_g tfree_lits  sg_term (childin, childout, pid) k thm; 
	       isar_atp_goal' thm (k+1) n tfree_lits  (childin, childout, pid) 

fun isar_atp_goal thm n_subgoals tfree_lits   (childin, childout, pid) = 
              (if (!debug) then warning (string_of_thm thm) 
               else (isar_atp_goal' thm 1 n_subgoals tfree_lits  (childin, childout, pid) ));

(* convert clauses from "assume" to conjecture.   *)
(* i.e. apply make_clauses and then get tptp for  *)
(* any hypotheses in the goal produced by assume  *)
(* statements;                                    *)
(* write to file "hyps"                           *)

fun isar_atp_aux thms thm n_subgoals  (childin, childout, pid) = 
    let val tfree_lits = isar_atp_h thms 
    in warning("in isar_atp_aux");
       isar_atp_goal thm n_subgoals tfree_lits   (childin, childout, pid)

(* called in Isar automatically                                   *)
(* writes out the current clasimpset to a tptp file               *)
(* passes all subgoals on to isar_atp_aux for further processing  *)
(* turns off xsymbol at start of function, restoring it at end    *)
(*FIX changed to clasimp_file *)
fun isar_atp' (ctxt, thms, thm) =
    let val _=  (print_mode := (Library.gen_rems (op =) (! print_mode, ["xsymbols", "symbols"])))
        val _= (warning ("in isar_atp'"))
        val prems  = prems_of thm
        val sign = sign_of_thm thm
        val thms_string = Meson.concat_with_and (map string_of_thm thms) 
        val thmstring = string_of_thm thm
        val prems_string = Meson.concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term sign) prems) 
	(* set up variables for writing out the clasimps to a tptp file *)
	val (clause_arr, num_of_clauses) =
	    ResClasimp.write_out_clasimp (File.platform_path clasimp_file) 
	                                 (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
        val _ = warning ("clasimp_file is " ^ File.platform_path clasimp_file)

        (* cq: add write out clasimps to file *)

        (* cq:create watcher and pass to isar_atp_aux *)
        (* tracing *) 
        (*val tenth_ax = fst( Array.sub(clause_arr, 1))  
         val tenth_ax_thms = Recon_Transfer.memo_find_clause (tenth_ax, clause_tab)
         val clause_str = Meson.concat_with_and (map string_of_thm tenth_ax_thms)
         val _ = (warning ("tenth axiom in array is: "^tenth_ax))         
         val _ = (warning ("tenth axiom in table is: "^clause_str))         
         val _ = (warning ("num_of_clauses is: "^(string_of_int (num_of_clauses))) )     
        val (childin,childout,pid) = Watcher.createWatcher(thm,clause_arr, num_of_clauses)
        val pidstring = string_of_int(Word.toInt (Word.fromLargeWord ( Posix.Process.pidToWord pid )))
	case prems of [] => () 
		    | _ => ((warning ("initial thms: "^thms_string)); 
                           (warning ("initial thm: "^thmstring));
                           (warning ("subgoals: "^prems_string));
                           (warning ("pid: "^ pidstring))); 
                            isar_atp_aux thms thm (length prems) (childin, childout, pid) ;
                           print_mode := (["xsymbols", "symbols"] @ ! print_mode)


fun get_thms_cs claset =
    let val clsset = rep_cs claset
	val safeEs = #safeEs clsset
	val safeIs = #safeIs clsset
	val hazEs = #hazEs clsset
	val hazIs = #hazIs clsset
	safeEs @ safeIs @ hazEs @ hazIs

fun append_name name [] _ = []
  | append_name name (thm::thms) k = (Thm.name_thm ((name ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int k)),thm)) :: (append_name name thms (k+1));

fun append_names (name::names) (thms::thmss) =
    let val thms' = append_name name thms 0
	thms'::(append_names names thmss)

fun get_thms_ss [] = []
  | get_thms_ss thms =
    let val names = map Thm.name_of_thm thms 
        val thms' = map (mksimps mksimps_pairs) thms
        val thms'' = append_names names thms'
	ResLib.flat_noDup thms''


(* convert locally declared rules to axiom clauses *)
(* write axiom clauses to ax_file *)
(* what about clasimpset - it should already be in the ax file - perhaps append to ax file rather than just *)
(* write out ? Or keep as a separate file and then cat them all together in the watcher, like we do with the *)
(*claset file and prob file*)
(* FIX: update to work with clausify_axiom_pairs now in ResAxioms*)
(*fun isar_local_thms (delta_cs, delta_ss_thms) =
    let val thms_cs = get_thms_cs delta_cs
	val thms_ss = get_thms_ss delta_ss_thms
	val thms_clauses = ResLib.flat_noDup (map ResAxioms.clausify_axiom (thms_cs @ thms_ss))
	val clauses_strs = ResLib.flat_noDup (map ResClause.tptp_clause thms_clauses) (*string list*)
	val ax_file = File.platform_path axiom_file
	val out = TextIO.openOut ax_file
	(ResLib.writeln_strs out clauses_strs; (warning ("axiom file is: "^ax_file));TextIO.closeOut out)

(* called in Isar automatically *)

fun isar_atp (ctxt,thm) =
    let val prems = ProofContext.prems_of ctxt
        val d_cs = Classical.get_delta_claset ctxt 
        val d_ss_thms = Simplifier.get_delta_simpset ctxt
        val thmstring = string_of_thm thm
        val sg_prems = prems_of thm
        val sign = sign_of_thm thm
        val prem_no = length sg_prems
        val prems_string = Meson.concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term sign) sg_prems) 
          (warning ("initial thm in isar_atp: "^thmstring));
          (warning ("subgoals in isar_atp: "^prems_string));
    	  (warning ("number of subgoals in isar_atp: "^(string_of_int prem_no)));
          ((*isar_local_thms (d_cs,d_ss_thms); *)(warning("about to call isar_atp'"));
           isar_atp' (ctxt, prems, thm))



Proof.atp_hook := ResAtp.isar_atp;