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2006-11-03, by haftmann
fixed problem with variable names
2006-11-03, by haftmann
tightened notion of function equations
2006-11-03, by haftmann
dropped name_mangler.ML
2006-11-03, by haftmann
some example tweaking
2006-11-03, by haftmann
added particular test for partially applied case constants
2006-11-03, by haftmann
improved evaluation setup
2006-11-03, by haftmann
adapted to changes in codegen_data.ML
2006-11-03, by haftmann
added code gen II
2006-11-03, by haftmann
simplified reasoning tools setup
2006-11-03, by haftmann
dropped prop_cs
2006-11-03, by haftmann
dropped equals_conv for nbe
2006-11-03, by haftmann
first version of style guide
2006-11-03, by haftmann
continued tutorial
2006-11-03, by haftmann
added serialization keywords
2006-11-03, by haftmann
bugfix to zipto: left and right were wrong way around.
2006-11-02, by dixon
added sum_squared
2006-11-02, by nipkow
changed a misplaced "also" to a "moreover" (caused a loop somehow)
2006-11-01, by urbanc
changed to not compile Iteration and Recursion, but Lam_Funs instead
2006-11-01, by urbanc
move DERIV_sumr from Series.thy to Lim.thy
2006-11-01, by huffman
generalize type of lemma isCont_Id
2006-11-01, by huffman
new proof of Bseq_NSbseq using transfer
2006-11-01, by huffman
changed to use Lam_Funs
2006-11-01, by urbanc
clauses for iff-introduction, unfortunately useless
2006-11-01, by paulson
2006-11-01, by urbanc
Numerous cosmetic changes.
2006-11-01, by paulson
not needed anymore
2006-11-01, by urbanc
these files are superseded by the internal recursion combinator and the file Lam_Funs.thy
2006-11-01, by urbanc
More blacklisting
2006-11-01, by paulson
added lexicographic_order tactic
2006-11-01, by bulwahn
new SML serializer
2006-10-31, by haftmann
clarified make_term interface
2006-10-31, by haftmann
introduced CodegenData.add_func_legacy
2006-10-31, by haftmann
cleaned up
2006-10-31, by haftmann
adapted seralizer syntax
2006-10-31, by haftmann
adapted to new serializer syntax
2006-10-31, by haftmann
constructing proof
2006-10-31, by haftmann
dropped constructiv `->
2006-10-31, by haftmann
new serialization syntax; experimental extensions
2006-10-31, by haftmann
2006-10-31, by haftmann
refined algorithm
2006-10-31, by haftmann
simplified preprocessor framework
2006-10-31, by haftmann
2006-10-31, by haftmann
*** empty log message ***
2006-10-31, by haftmann
fixed type signature of Type.varify
2006-10-31, by haftmann
dropped junk
2006-10-31, by haftmann
disabled some code generation (an intermeidate solution)
2006-10-31, by haftmann
adapted to new serializer syntax
2006-10-31, by haftmann
added Equals_conv
2006-10-31, by haftmann
cleaned up
2006-10-31, by haftmann
adaptions to changes in preprocessor
2006-10-31, by haftmann
dropped nth_update
2006-10-31, by haftmann
Purely cosmetic
2006-10-30, by paulson
new file for defining functions in the lambda-calculus
2006-10-30, by urbanc
Added "recdef_wf" and "simp" attribute to "wf_measures"
2006-10-26, by krauss
Removed debugging output
2006-10-26, by krauss
removed free "x" from termination goal...
2006-10-26, by krauss
Added "measures" combinator for lexicographic combinations of multiple measures.
2006-10-26, by krauss
Conversion to clause form now tolerates Boolean variables without looping.
2006-10-26, by paulson
adapted to Stefan's new inductive package
2006-10-24, by urbanc
Fixed bug in the handling of congruence rules
2006-10-23, by krauss
(added entry)
2006-10-23, by haftmann
switched merge_alists'' to AList.merge'' whenever appropriate
2006-10-23, by haftmann
new single-step proofs
2006-10-23, by paulson
meson method MUST NOT use all safe rules, only basic ones for the logical connectives.
2006-10-23, by paulson
Improved tracing
2006-10-23, by paulson
fixed two bugs
2006-10-23, by haftmann
2006-10-23, by haftmann
added example with split
2006-10-23, by haftmann
cleanup in ML setup code
2006-10-23, by haftmann
added option of Haskell serializer
2006-10-23, by haftmann
2006-10-23, by haftmann
Added freshness context to FCBs.
2006-10-23, by berghofe
Adapted to changes in FCBs.
2006-10-23, by berghofe
Added Compile and Height examples.
2006-10-23, by berghofe
Added Compile and Height examples to Nominal directory.
2006-10-23, by berghofe
removed antisym_setup.ML
2006-10-20, by haftmann
cleaned up
2006-10-20, by haftmann
final Haskell serializer
2006-10-20, by haftmann
dropped classop shallow namespace
2006-10-20, by haftmann
added Haskell
2006-10-20, by haftmann
added reserved words for Haskell
2006-10-20, by haftmann
slight cleanup
2006-10-20, by haftmann
extended section on code generator
2006-10-20, by haftmann
small refinements
2006-10-20, by haftmann
2006-10-20, by haftmann
added entries for tutorials
2006-10-20, by haftmann
Proof of "bs # fK bs us vs" no longer depends on FCBs.
2006-10-20, by berghofe
example of a single-step proof reconstruction
2006-10-20, by paulson
Fixed the "exception Empty" bug in elim2Fol
2006-10-20, by paulson
Added more debugging info
2006-10-20, by paulson
nclauses no longer requires its input to be in NNF
2006-10-20, by paulson
2006-10-20, by haftmann
explicit change of code width possible
2006-10-20, by haftmann
code nofunc now permits theorems violating typing discipline
2006-10-20, by haftmann
abandoned foldl
2006-10-20, by haftmann