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tuned signature: more operations;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned output;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
more robust: prefer strict operations;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned message;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned signature: more operations;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
more specific name for type class
16 months ago, by haftmann
proper check_file operation via (amending 6ad3a412ed97 --- broken in Isabelle2023);
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified modules;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature: more operations;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned comments;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
more NEWS;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
more TODO;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
prefer strict test of system options;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
some build cluster resources at TUM;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
build cluster host specifications are based on registry entries (table prefix "host");
16 months ago, by wenzelm
more robust init;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature: more operations;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
support interpreted/typed entries via Registry.Category and Registry.Table;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature: more operations;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified output;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
support for global registry;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified loading of symbols: permissive entries in $ISABELLE_SYMBOLS require explicit "?";
16 months ago, by wenzelm
slightly less technical formulation of very specific type class
16 months ago, by haftmann
weakened dependency
16 months ago, by haftmann
explicit type class for discrete linordered semidoms
16 months ago, by haftmann
proper dummy timing entries;
16 months ago, by Fabian Huch
use only finished sessions in timing data;
16 months ago, by Fabian Huch
16 months ago, by Fabian Huch
performance tuning for build schedule: explicit schedule generation, without mixing heuristics;
16 months ago, by Fabian Huch
performance tuning for build schedule: faster stopping;
16 months ago, by Fabian Huch
performance tuning for timing heuristic: pre-calculate graph operations;
16 months ago, by Fabian Huch
move timing data into scheduler for more efficient heuristics (e.g., with pre-calculated values);
16 months ago, by Fabian Huch
clarified signature: emphasize mutable instance;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature: more operations;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
support for explicit SSH hostname;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
proper local host (amending 62d7ef1da441);
16 months ago, by wenzelm
16 months ago, by nipkow
added lemma
16 months ago, by nipkow
proper default for disjunction (amending 9f7a94117666);
16 months ago, by wenzelm
16 months ago, by wenzelm
more operations;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
avoid option -C: free this latter for build-related configuration;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
more direct indentation, using Symbol.spaces;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
more accurate treatment of surrounding whitespace;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
obsolete (see also f627ab8c276c);
16 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature: Command_Span.Kind already contains keyword_kind, so parsing document structure no longer requires Keyword.Keywords;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified modules;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
16 months ago, by wenzelm
proper Option.Spec.toString for bash script: avoid Token.quote_name of Options.Spec.print_value (amending 3d1746a716fa, see also 39f6f180008d);
16 months ago, by wenzelm
more tests;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified exploration of history: more uniform options;
16 months ago, by wenzelm
16 months ago, by wenzelm
16 months ago, by wenzelm
enable multi-builds (again, see also 0c7419d3dd59);
16 months ago, by wenzelm
explore history more thoroughly;
16 months ago, by wenzelm