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2020-08-28, by paulson
small quantifier fixes
2020-08-28, by paulson
just a bit of streamlining
2020-08-27, by paulson
but not the [cong] rule
2020-08-27, by paulson
tidying up some theorem statements
2020-08-27, by paulson
initial Kodkod.warmup: preloading and basic integrity test;
2020-08-27, by wenzelm
strict init of protocol handlers;
2020-08-27, by wenzelm
clarified treatment of add-on prover_options;
2020-08-27, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2020-08-27, by wenzelm
clarified modules;
2020-08-27, by wenzelm
2020-08-27, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2020-08-27, by wenzelm
tiny tidy-up of proofs
2020-08-26, by paulson
updated to scala-2.12.12;
2020-08-25, by wenzelm
updated to polyml-test-a3cfdf648da: performance improvements for GC statistics;
2020-08-25, by wenzelm
2020-08-25, by wenzelm
test HOL-Nitpick_Examples with Isabelle/Scala instead of external process: much faster;
2020-08-25, by wenzelm
updated to kodkodi-1.5.6: more robust treatment of interrupt;
2020-08-25, by wenzelm
removed pointless version checks: Isabelle component integration does the job already;
2020-08-25, by wenzelm
more robust treatment of execution with interrupts;
2020-08-25, by wenzelm
suppress odd warning for context.exit();
2020-08-24, by wenzelm
more explicit treatment of interrupt;
2020-08-24, by wenzelm
2020-08-24, by wenzelm
more flexible default for max_threads;
2020-08-24, by wenzelm
proper default for max_threads;
2020-08-24, by wenzelm
a proof of concept for generic conversions
2020-08-24, by haftmann
proper name (amending 742d94015918);
2020-08-22, by wenzelm
invoke Nitpick/Kodkod via Isabelle/Scala (instead of external process);
2020-08-22, by wenzelm
avoid odd PIDE markup, notably in kokodi input;
2020-08-22, by wenzelm
clarified names;
2020-08-22, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2020-08-22, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2020-08-22, by wenzelm
proper treatment of timeout: <= 0 means already timed out, but for $KODKODI/bin/kodkodi it would mean NO timeout;
2020-08-22, by wenzelm
proper treatment of absolute deadline vs. relative timeout;
2020-08-22, by wenzelm
clarified session: no parent image for minor theory imports;
2020-08-22, by wenzelm
removed obsolete created_temp_dir: ISABELLE_TMP is always present for the running Isabelle/ML process;
2020-08-22, by wenzelm
more lemmas
2020-08-21, by haftmann
proper syntax declaration
2020-08-21, by haftmann
2020-08-21, by paulson
reversing all the lex crap
2020-08-21, by paulson
2020-08-20, by wenzelm
2020-08-20, by wenzelm
preload library;
2020-08-20, by wenzelm
update to kodkodi-1.5.4-1;
2020-08-20, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2020-08-20, by wenzelm
more realistic kodkod invocation, imitating command-line tool;
2020-08-19, by wenzelm
update to kodkodi-1.5.4;
2020-08-19, by wenzelm
rudiments of Scala interface for Kodkod;
2020-08-18, by wenzelm
updated to kodkodi-1.5.3: include KODKODI_CLASSPATH for Isabelle/Scala;
2020-08-18, by wenzelm
basic integration of Zipperposition 2.0
2020-08-20, by blanchet
tuned Mirabelle comments
2020-08-20, by blanchet
two more lex fixes
2020-08-20, by paulson
more lex fixes
2020-08-19, by paulson
Another go with lex: now lexordp back in class ord
2020-08-19, by paulson
List_Lexorder finally working
2020-08-18, by paulson
lexicographic ordering: new simp setup to prioritise the simpler "less_than" case
2020-08-18, by paulson
2020-08-18, by paulson
fixed for new lex-order. And the effing indentation!
2020-08-18, by paulson
2020-08-17, by paulson
S Holub's proposed generalisation of the lexicographic product of two orderings
2020-08-17, by paulson
allow user-defined server commands via isabelle_scala_service;
2020-08-17, by wenzelm
more systematic support for special directories;
2020-08-17, by wenzelm
proper init of cumulative settings;
2020-08-17, by wenzelm
upgrade phabricator: Promote 2020 Week 31 + subsequent change;
2020-08-16, by wenzelm
clarified management of services: static declarations vs. dynamic instances (e.g. relevant for stateful Session.Protocol_Handler, notably Scala.Handler and session "System");
2020-08-16, by wenzelm
proper protocol init (amending 065dcd80293e);
2020-08-15, by wenzelm
clarified names;
2020-08-15, by wenzelm
provide protocol handlers via isabelle_system_service;
2020-08-15, by wenzelm
prefer formal name;
2020-08-15, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2020-08-14, by wenzelm
misc tuning;
2020-08-14, by wenzelm
clarified demo functions;
2020-08-14, by wenzelm
clarified protocol: ML worker thread blocks and awaits result from Scala, to avoid excessive replacement threads;
2020-08-14, by wenzelm
more documentation;
2020-08-13, by wenzelm
support JVM runtime statistics;
2020-08-13, by wenzelm
clarified worker threads;
2020-08-13, by wenzelm
misc tuning, based on hints by IntelliJ IDEA;
2020-08-13, by wenzelm
clarified GUI;
2020-08-13, by wenzelm
tuned GUI;
2020-08-13, by wenzelm
tuned GUI;
2020-08-13, by wenzelm
clarified order for GUI;
2020-08-13, by wenzelm
2020-08-13, by wenzelm
clarified GUI;
2020-08-13, by wenzelm
show GC progress as "ML cleanup";
2020-08-12, by wenzelm
ML status widget similar to org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.statusbar.MemoryStatusWidgetFactory;
2020-08-12, by wenzelm
support for Poly/ML memory status;
2020-08-12, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2020-08-12, by wenzelm
removed pointless option "ML_statistics": always enabled;
2020-08-12, by wenzelm
removed pointless GUI controls for ML_statistics --- no longer part of prover protocol (see also 38a64cc17403);
2020-08-12, by wenzelm
support for GC state;
2020-08-12, by wenzelm
updated to polyml-test-f54aa41240d0;
2020-08-11, by wenzelm
back to polyml-5.8.1 due to ML compiler crash in HOL-Codegenerator_Test;
2020-08-11, by wenzelm
updated to polyml-test-159dc81efc3b;
2020-08-11, by wenzelm
dedicated symbols for code generation, to pave way for generic conversions from and to word
2020-08-10, by haftmann
consolidated names
2020-08-10, by haftmann
reduced prominence od theory Bits_Int
2020-08-10, by haftmann