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moved IMP/Abs_Int_ITP to AFP/Abs_Int_ITP2012
2016-11-23, by nipkow
added lemma
2016-11-22, by nipkow
added simp rule
2016-11-22, by nipkow
generalized experimental feature slightly
2016-11-15, by blanchet
provided more efficient interface
2016-11-08, by nipkow
back to stable scala-2.11.8;
2016-11-04, by wenzelm
updated to scala-2.12.0;
2016-11-03, by wenzelm
2016-11-03, by nipkow
tuned signature
2016-11-01, by traytel
back to post-release mode -- after fork point;
2016-11-01, by wenzelm
2016-11-01, by wenzelm
updated to new cronjob;
2016-11-01, by wenzelm
build_release on lxbroy10 appears to work, including latex and remote_dmg;
2016-11-01, by wenzelm
misc tuning and modernization;
2016-11-01, by wenzelm
always expand equalities in the transfer relation in transfer_prover (cf. 0a7c97c76f46)
2016-10-31, by kuncar
moved contribution to right release
2016-10-31, by blanchet
more explicit pull;
2016-10-31, by wenzelm
types to sets: initial commit
2016-10-30, by kuncar
avoid code generator warnings when deleting equations in BNF commands (e.g., datatype) in locales with assumptions and similar
2016-10-29, by blanchet
adapted Nunchaku integration to keyword renaming
2016-10-29, by blanchet
2016-10-28, by wenzelm
2016-10-28, by wenzelm
Added tag Isabelle2016-1-RC1 for changeset 9ee2480d10b7
2016-10-28, by wenzelm
a more general relator domain rule for the function type
2016-10-28, by kuncar
Haskabelle is presently unmaintained;
2016-10-28, by wenzelm
2016-10-28, by wenzelm
2016-10-27, by wenzelm
more careful PIDE reports: avoid duplicates, notably in situation of backtracking loops;
2016-10-27, by wenzelm
avoid multiple PIDE markup due to (potentially infinite) backtracking;
2016-10-27, by wenzelm
more permissive remote_build_history: failure happens routinely and should not lead error, without saving logs;
2016-10-27, by wenzelm
more lemmas
2016-10-27, by fleury
updated CVC4 component
2016-10-27, by blanchet
2016-10-27, by blanchet
more uniform treatment of codatatype vs. datatype map and rel theorem generation (towards nonuniform codatatypes)
2016-10-27, by blanchet
added lemma
2016-10-27, by nipkow
2016-10-26, by blanchet
preprocess typedefs and quotients correctly
2016-10-26, by blanchet
adapted Nunchaku's input syntax to new design decisions
2016-10-26, by blanchet
more informative error (see 6e9c22c494c5);
2016-10-26, by wenzelm
tuned signature -- more friendly for experimentation;
2016-10-26, by wenzelm
clarified hg push return code: 1 means "nothing to push";
2016-10-26, by wenzelm
proper Nunchaku setup to use CVC4 and Kodkod
2016-10-26, by blanchet
more specific hardware information: relevant for ultimate Mac OS X version;
2016-10-26, by wenzelm
just one task to identify Isabelle + AFP repository snapshots and build release;
2016-10-26, by wenzelm
2016-10-26, by wenzelm
Deleted spurious markup
2016-10-26, by paulson
latest Mac OS X versions *are* still supported, but presently without formal reference systems;
2016-10-26, by wenzelm
pagecolor no longer exists;
2016-10-25, by wenzelm
2016-10-25, by wenzelm
use other remote_mac: macbroy30 is down;
2016-10-25, by wenzelm
more robust printing of names in the context of outer syntax;
2016-10-25, by wenzelm
more informative error (stderr);
2016-10-25, by wenzelm
more new material
2016-10-25, by paulson
2016-10-25, by paulson
more new material
2016-10-25, by paulson
tuned and updated for release;
2016-10-25, by wenzelm
updated for release;
2016-10-25, by wenzelm
2016-10-25, by wenzelm
misc tuning for release;
2016-10-25, by wenzelm
added Nunchaku integration
2016-10-24, by blanchet
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
version provided by web server;
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
proper default Windows ACLs, e.g. relevant when the bundle is placed into the root directory of a volume;
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
tuned documentation
2016-10-24, by blanchet
document limitations
2016-10-24, by blanchet
more accurate error message
2016-10-24, by blanchet
2016-10-24, by blanchet
document transfer_prover_eq and friend_of_corec_simps
2016-10-24, by Andreas Lochbihler
additional user-specified simp (naturality) rules used in friend_of_corec
2016-10-24, by traytel
apply transfer_prover after folding relator_eq
2016-10-24, by traytel
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
more thorough cleanup of lib/classes -- it may contain broken Pure.jar or copies of Scala libraries (in historic versions);
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
remove old target: it is on the classpath and may break scalac;
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
updated to cygwin-20161024: cygwin.exe from current
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
retain Admin component for isabelle tool invocation;
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
more robust;
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
discontinued unused / untested distinction of separate PIDE modules;
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
proper Admin tool;
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
tuned message;
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
updated for release;
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
updated to jedit_build-20161024: Code2HTML 0.7, Navigator 2.7;
2016-10-24, by wenzelm
2016-10-24, by paulson
"subgoal" examples
2016-10-24, by paulson
Updated NEWS/CONTRIBUTORS w.r.t. Old_Number_Theory
2016-10-24, by eberlm
more readable output: whitespace is insignificant in HTML;
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
misc tuning and clarification;
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
more operations;
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
more operations (see also properties.ML);
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
tuned signature: avoid conflict with "paragraph" as section heading;
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
support for XML as HTML;
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
more explicit rev (tip);
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
just one output file;
2016-10-23, by wenzelm
more tasks;
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
remote_builds has PAR-SEQ semantics of old isatest-makedist;
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
expose results on failure (via mail);
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
clarified push/pull chain: current ISABELLE_HOME may server as source for changes that are not published on isabelle_repos_source yet (e.g. isabelle-release branch);
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
support for URL notation;
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
process results immediately;
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
permissive rename operation (amending b265dd04d57d);
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
pro-forma update to cygwin_2016-1 (web service still missing);
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
updated to current Cygwin, after 2.6.0-1 from 31-Aug-2016;
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
regular user tool;
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
avoid deprecated Scala;
2016-10-22, by wenzelm
minor updates after fresh installation of virtual Windows 2012: retain old versions of mingw for this brittle build process;
2016-10-21, by wenzelm
misc tuning and updates;
2016-10-21, by wenzelm
clarified default args;
2016-10-21, by wenzelm
speculative support for latest Mac OS X versions -- no reference systems yet;
2016-10-21, by wenzelm
2016-10-21, by wenzelm
more ambitious default;
2016-10-21, by wenzelm
updated to new structure Foreign;
2016-10-21, by wenzelm
HOL-Probability: Essential Supremum as Limsup over ae_filter
2016-10-21, by hoelzl
less ambitious test;
2016-10-21, by wenzelm
proper type for Poly/ML development version;
2016-10-21, by wenzelm
more operations;
2016-10-21, by wenzelm
more on sgn in linear ordered fields
2016-10-20, by haftmann
2016-10-20, by wenzelm
test for Windows/Cygwin;
2016-10-20, by wenzelm
extra trim_line for the sake of Windows;
2016-10-20, by wenzelm
prevent sporadic disconnection;
2016-10-20, by wenzelm
check Windows file names, e.g. relavant for native Mercurial, but also for Isabelle/Scala;
2016-10-20, by wenzelm
2016-10-20, by nipkow
2016-10-18, by nipkow
HOL-Probability: generalize theorems about cumulative distribution function
2016-10-20, by hoelzl
HOL-Probability: move stopping time from AFP/Markov_Models
2016-10-20, by hoelzl
HOL-Probability: generalize type of essential supremum
2016-10-20, by hoelzl
Repaired LaTeX in HOL-Data_Structures
2016-10-20, by eberlm
More on Fibonacci numbers
2016-10-20, by eberlm
build HTML library in Isabelle/Scala;
2016-10-20, by wenzelm
proper echo;
2016-10-20, by wenzelm
more robust bootstrap, e.g. when experimenting with Poly/ML repository changes;
2016-10-20, by wenzelm
updated to jdk-8u112;
2016-10-19, by wenzelm
basic SSH server configuration;
2016-10-19, by wenzelm
proper isabelle tool in Scala;
2016-10-19, by wenzelm
2016-10-19, by wenzelm
2016-10-19, by wenzelm
added system option "profiling";
2016-10-19, by wenzelm
replaced inefficient valid_accesses by is_valid_access, based on stored input accesses: e.g. relevant for Proof_Context.update_thms;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
tuned signature, in accordance to Isabelle_System;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
clarified modules;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
another attempt to squeeze a list into a property list entry;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
report actual build_args;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
more flexible multicore configuration;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
clarified multiple props: result needs to fit on a single line within the log file;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
clarified properties;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
support for free-form build tags;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
explicit identification of builds and correlated build groups;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
avoid spamming log file;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
shared_home is default for classic isatest home setup;
2016-10-18, by wenzelm
add missing file Essential_Supremum.thy
2016-10-18, by hoelzl
2016-10-18, by paulson
Inserted necessary dependency
2016-10-18, by paulson
suitable logical type class for abs, sgn
2016-10-18, by haftmann
HOL-Analysis: move Function Topology from AFP/Ergodict_Theory; HOL-Probability: move Essential Supremum from AFP/Lp
2016-10-18, by hoelzl
2016-10-18, by paulson
more from
2016-10-18, by paulson
Jenkins: build in system mode again
2016-10-18, by Lars Hupel
Jenkins: configurable clean build
2016-10-18, by Lars Hupel
HOL-Analysis: more theorems from Sébastien Gouëzel's Ergodic_Theory
2016-10-18, by hoelzl
HOL-Probability: move conditional expectation from AFP/Ergodic_Theory
2016-10-13, by hoelzl
Removed Old_Number_Theory; all theories ported (thanks to Jaime Mendizabal Roche)
2016-10-17, by eberlm
restored document structure after theory refactoring
2016-10-18, by haftmann
2016-10-17, by wenzelm
2016-10-17, by wenzelm
2016-10-17, by wenzelm
improved platform coverage: macbroy30, macbroy31;
2016-10-17, by wenzelm
eliminated unused argument;
2016-10-17, by wenzelm
accomodate Poly/ML repository version, which treats singleton strings as boxed;
2016-10-17, by wenzelm
re-use "threads" for --gcthreads;
2016-10-17, by wenzelm
2016-10-17, by nipkow
setprod -> prod
2016-10-17, by nipkow
2016-10-17, by wimmers
Modified transfer principle in HOL/NSA to cause less ho-unficiation
2016-10-17, by Simon Wimmer
2016-10-17, by nipkow
updated to setsum -> sum
2016-10-17, by nipkow
setsum -> sum
2016-10-17, by nipkow
uniform Isabelle settings -- avoid picking up different JAVA_HOME;
2016-10-17, by wenzelm
isabelle build -N;
2016-10-16, by wenzelm
support for Non-Uniform Memory Access of separate CPU nodes;
2016-10-16, by wenzelm
proper result;
2016-10-16, by wenzelm
2016-10-16, by wenzelm
2016-10-16, by wenzelm
more thorough cleanup;
2016-10-16, by wenzelm
2016-10-16, by wenzelm
removed useless operation -- would require bash_process wrapper;
2016-10-16, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2016-10-16, by wenzelm