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removed generated stuff to avoid bit rot;
2012-06-29, by wenzelm
2012-06-29, by berghofe
Documented "incomplete" option of spark_end
2012-06-29, by berghofe
Various improvements
2012-06-29, by berghofe
no ml-platform-specific components
2012-06-28, by haftmann
instantiate card_UNIV with nibble and code_numeral
2012-06-28, by Andreas Lochbihler
change card_UNIV from itself to phantom type to avoid unnecessary closures in generated code
2012-06-28, by Andreas Lochbihler
add generic phantom type
2012-06-28, by Andreas Lochbihler
added universal jdk-6u31 as standard component;
2012-06-27, by wenzelm
added ProofGeneral-4.1 as standard component, which allows to discontinue special choosefrom magic eventually;
2012-06-27, by wenzelm
2012-06-27, by wenzelm
adding a useful remark in the reference
2012-06-27, by bulwahn
more tests on lxbroy[234], which are 4 core Xeon machines;
2012-06-27, by wenzelm
moved crontab to lxbroy2, one of the newer server machines;
2012-06-27, by wenzelm
some files for universal JDK 1.6.0_31 component;
2012-06-27, by wenzelm
corrected name of components file
2012-06-27, by haftmann
prefer stderr for warnings
2012-06-26, by haftmann
include jedut_build among canonical components
2012-06-26, by haftmann
support for platform-specific components
2012-06-26, by haftmann
correction: proper initialization of existing component
2012-06-26, by haftmann
snippet to be sourced in user settings file in order to initialize components for a repository revision;
2012-06-26, by haftmann
more standard filename for common components
2012-06-23, by haftmann
updated crontab on macbroy27 and macbroy2;
2012-06-26, by wenzelm
use macbroy27 instead of macbroy28, which is broken for several weeks already;
2012-06-26, by wenzelm
reintroduced "t@" encoding, this time sound
2012-06-26, by blanchet
2012-06-26, by blanchet
2012-06-26, by blanchet
renamed experimental option
2012-06-26, by blanchet
finished implementation of DFG type class output
2012-06-26, by blanchet
more work on DFG type classes
2012-06-26, by blanchet
more work on class support
2012-06-26, by blanchet
generate type classes for polymorphic DFG format (SPASS)
2012-06-26, by blanchet
avoid detour through terms
2012-06-26, by blanchet
cleanly distinguish between type declarations and symbol declarations
2012-06-26, by blanchet
removed old hack now that types and terms are cleanly distinguished in the data structure
2012-06-26, by blanchet
added sorts to datastructure
2012-06-26, by blanchet
robustness -- TFF1 does not support type classes
2012-06-26, by blanchet
implement polymorphic DFG output, without type classes for now
2012-06-26, by blanchet
added type arguments to "ATerm" constructor -- but don't use them yet
2012-06-26, by blanchet
started adding polymophic SPASS output
2012-06-26, by blanchet
2012-06-26, by blanchet
removed support for unsorted DFG, now that SPASS 3.7 is no longer supported
2012-06-26, by blanchet
merged, resolving conflict with 87c831e30f0a;
2012-06-25, by wenzelm
eliminated obsolete swap_prems_rl -- rotate_prems usually does the job more directly;
2012-06-25, by wenzelm
prefer direct rotate_prems over old-style COMP;
2012-06-25, by wenzelm
tuned proofs -- prefer direct "rotated" instead of old-style COMP;
2012-06-25, by wenzelm
ignore morphism more explicitly;
2012-06-25, by wenzelm
some special code equations for Id with class constraint enum after adding the set comprehension simproc to the code preprocessing
2012-06-25, by bulwahn
adding set comprehension simproc to code generation's preprocessing to generate code for some set comprehensions;
2012-06-25, by bulwahn
removed obsolete Admin material, which was for E 1.0-004 from 2009;
2012-06-25, by wenzelm
updated "isar-ref" manual, reduced remaining material in "ref" manual.
2012-06-25, by wenzelm
cover @{class_syntax}, @{type_syntax}, @{const_syntax}, @{syntax_const} in isar-ref, in contrast to other ML antiquotations in implementation manual;
2012-06-20, by wenzelm
more on "Syntax translation functions";
2012-06-20, by wenzelm
more on "Applying translation rules";
2012-06-19, by wenzelm
discontinued slightly anochronistic examples;
2012-06-19, by wenzelm
more on syntax translations;
2012-06-19, by wenzelm
more on "Abstract syntax trees";
2012-06-18, by wenzelm
more explicit section "Syntax transformations";
2012-06-18, by wenzelm
avoid duplicate simp rules in norm_arith tactic
2012-06-22, by huffman
2012-06-21, by bulwahn