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clarified signature;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned: fewer warnings in IntelliJ IDEA;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified modules: more re-usable;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
proper protocol messages (amending 7a1f9e571046);
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified treatment of caret_range: better support for multiple (unrelated) selections;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned whitespace;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
support incremental --- like select-block, but based on selection instead of caret;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified rendering: entity acts as atomic notation / expression;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more rendering for Markup.COMMAND_SPAN, following Rendering.structure_elements;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more NEWS;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
support Isabelle/jEdit action isabelle.select_structure;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more operations;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified text;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
update to jedit5.7.0;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
GUI option "editor_auto_hovering" for Output panel;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
update to scala-3.3.4 LTS;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
removed obsolete markup for "open_block" (see also d5ad89fda714): Isabelle/Scala directly supports XML.Elem pretty-printing;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
Library material from Eberl's Parallel_Shear_Sort
4 months ago, by paulson
Trying to clean up these horribly ugly old proofs, but the requirement of constructivity makes it very difficult
4 months ago, by paulson
use automatically generated time function in HOL-Data_Structures.Selection
4 months ago, by Manuel Eberl
4 months ago, by nipkow
better time_functions (let)
4 months ago, by nipkow
less hidden configuration;
4 months ago, by Fabian Huch
proper passwordless smtp check: must be null;
4 months ago, by Fabian Huch
adjusted documentation
4 months ago, by blanchet
more attribute tuning
4 months ago, by nipkow
tuned attributes
4 months ago, by nipkow
4 months ago, by nipkow
added lemmas
4 months ago, by nipkow
tuned proofs;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned NEWS;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
markup for "..." notation;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more robust: avoid non-authentic translations;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned whitespace of sources;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
update documentation;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
update documentation: print mode "latex" only affects syntax tables, but output of symbols;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
misc tuning and clarification;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified section structure;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified symbolic output: avoid redundant "block" element for open_block = true;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified (again): Markup.intensify is already part of Variable.markup_fixed for undeclared variable, Markup.fixed is already part of Mariable.markup;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more accurate Symbol.length;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more inner-syntax markup;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
obsolete (see a8502d492dde);
4 months ago, by wenzelm
minor performance tuning;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned proofs;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more inner-syntax markup;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by nipkow
time_fun: lambdas and lets work now
4 months ago, by nipkow
variable instantiation in Sledgehammer and Metis
4 months ago, by blanchet
prefer rewrite_term_yoyo for improved performance and occasionally better results (conforming to Ast.normalize);
4 months ago, by wenzelm
revert b35c2aa05fcf: redundant due to 89ea66c2045b, if object-logic judgment lacks delimiters;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified position constraints: omit redundant information, e.g. for implicit object-logic judgment;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
unused (see 0199acc01aa8);
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more robust: avoid ambiguity of contract_abbrevs;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
misc tuning: more concise (or hermetic) pointfree style;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
provide rewrite_term_yoyo, which is analogous to Ast.normalize;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned names;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
misc tuning and clarification;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
misc tuning and clarification;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
adhoc option to disable const constraints, notably for AFP/Isabelle_DOF;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
proper treatment of position constraints;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more liberal ast matching, notably for case-translations in HOLCF that operate on logical consts rather than syntax consts;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more parser markup, based on position constraints for logical mixfix syntax;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more concise representation of term positions;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more robust;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned comments;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
misc tuning and clarification;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified concrete vs. abstract syntax: avoid translations on logical consts;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
misc tuning and clarification;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified markers for syntax consts: avoid overlap with logical consts;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
update ci mail address;
4 months ago, by Fabian Huch
minor performance tuning;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
notable performance tuning (amending a59d9b81be24 and 8976c5bc9e97): avoid costly could_beta_eta_contract, which traverses the whole term;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
4 months ago, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
tuned whitespace;
4 months ago, by wenzelm
support multiple positions (non-empty list);
4 months ago, by wenzelm
more robust syntax translation;
4 months ago, by wenzelm