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clarified modules;
2018-08-29, by wenzelm
tagged some theories
2018-08-29, by immler
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
systematic access to command ids;
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
more robust: Pure entities may lack id;
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
2018-08-28, by Angeliki KoutsoukouArgyraki
tagged 21 theories in the Analysis library for the manual
2018-08-28, by Angeliki KoutsoukouArgyraki
tuned output;
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
Export.Provider for "isabelle dump" output_dir;
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
retain original id, which is command_id/exec_id for PIDE;
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
clarified ML_environment: ML_write_global requires "Isabelle";
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
clarified signature: do not expose internal operation;
2018-08-28, by wenzelm
some NEWS (instead of proper documentation);
2018-08-27, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2018-08-27, by wenzelm
simplified markup;
2018-08-27, by wenzelm
explicit setup of operations: avoid hardwired stuff;
2018-08-27, by wenzelm
clarified environment: allow "read>write" specification;
2018-08-27, by wenzelm
2018-08-27, by wenzelm
2018-08-27, by wenzelm
check environment name;
2018-08-27, by wenzelm
support named ML environments, notably "Isabelle", "SML";
2018-08-27, by wenzelm
2018-08-27, by wenzelm
2018-08-26, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2018-08-26, by wenzelm
clarified -- prefer new 'ML_export' command;
2018-08-26, by wenzelm
2018-08-25, by Lars Hupel
material on finite maps
2018-08-25, by Lars Hupel
more uniform cartouche syntax;
2018-08-25, by wenzelm
more uniform cartouche syntax;
2018-08-25, by wenzelm
more robust exit: avoid later Consolidate_Execution with handle_raw_edits (cf. 2fd3a6d6ba2e);
2018-08-25, by wenzelm
tuned message;
2018-08-25, by wenzelm
clarified message;
2018-08-25, by wenzelm
actually ensure globally unique counter results (amending a5853334c179);
2018-08-25, by wenzelm
retain original PolyML.pointerEq;
2018-08-25, by wenzelm
some modernization of notation
2018-08-24, by haftmann
deprecation of ASCII syntax for indexed big operators
2018-08-24, by haftmann
2018-08-24, by nipkow
2018-08-24, by nipkow
tuned proofs
2018-08-24, by nipkow
2018-08-23, by haftmann
simplified syntax setup for big operators under image, retaining input abbreviations for backward compatibility
2018-08-23, by haftmann
dropped redundant syntax translation rules for big operators
2018-08-23, by haftmann
moved lemma from AFP
2018-08-23, by nipkow
tuned lemmas
2018-08-23, by nipkow
2018-08-23, by nipkow
2018-08-23, by nipkow
prefer constructive primitive_part over implicit content_decompose
2018-08-22, by haftmann
2018-08-22, by nipkow
tuned lemmas
2018-08-22, by nipkow
more uniform parameter naming convention for choose and gchoose
2018-08-22, by haftmann
slightly generalized theorems
2018-08-22, by haftmann
tuned code setup
2018-08-22, by haftmann
2018-08-22, by haftmann
more theorems on fact
2018-08-22, by haftmann
removed ineffective code equation
2018-08-22, by haftmann
tuned whitespace
2018-08-22, by haftmann
new simp rule
2018-08-22, by haftmann
copied but not adapted
2018-08-22, by nipkow
improved sectioning
2018-08-21, by nipkow
2018-08-20, by nipkow
avoid session qualification because no tex is generated when used;
2018-08-20, by nipkow
removed ineffective code declarations
2018-08-20, by haftmann
proper code abbreviation for power on real
2018-08-17, by haftmann
2018-08-17, by haftmann
2018-08-17, by haftmann
suppress redundant messages;
2018-08-19, by wenzelm
optional notification of nodes_status (via progress);
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
tuned output;
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
trim nodes_status: avoid potential memory leak;
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
simplified (cf. dcd69422b953);
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
clarified modules;
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
clarified modules;
2018-08-18, by wenzelm
Finite_Map: monotonicity
2018-08-17, by Lars Hupel
State_Monad: more simp lemmas
2018-08-17, by Lars Hupel
enforce ML_system_64: more robust as cold build, without command_timings;
2018-08-17, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2018-08-17, by wenzelm
removed obsolete RC tags;
2018-08-15, by wenzelm
(re)moved lemmas
2018-07-11, by nipkow
updated to renaming
2018-07-11, by nipkow
updated common hosts;
2018-08-15, by wenzelm
2018-08-15, by wenzelm
Added tag Isabelle2018 for changeset 91162dd89571
2018-08-15, by wenzelm
2018-08-15, by wenzelm
canonical session directories in correspondence to Known.files;
2018-08-15, by wenzelm
Zorn's lemma for relations defined by predicates
2018-08-14, by paulson
2018-08-12, by wenzelm
proper session dirs;
2018-08-12, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-08-11, by wenzelm
2018-08-11, by wenzelm
2018-08-11, by wenzelm
Added tag Isabelle2018-RC4 for changeset 34b8ff7cb109
2018-08-07, by wenzelm
updated for release;
2018-08-06, by wenzelm
updated screenshot;
2018-08-06, by wenzelm
updated documentation;
2018-08-06, by wenzelm
suppress verit-2016post -- not ready for release;
2018-08-02, by wenzelm
isabelle build options -c -x -B refer to imports_graph;
2018-08-01, by wenzelm
more uniform checks;
2018-08-01, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-08-01, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-08-01, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-07-31, by wenzelm
clarified ignored span / core range: include formal comments, e.g. relevant for error messages from antiquotations;
2018-07-31, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-07-31, by wenzelm
export shyps as regular typargs;
2018-08-06, by wenzelm
more uniform facts: single vs. multi;
2018-08-05, by wenzelm
explicit names for bound variables;
2018-08-05, by wenzelm
export in foundational order;
2018-08-04, by wenzelm
recovered HOL-Proofs-Lambda from 8aedca31957d: avoid problems with program extraction according to d136af442665;
2018-08-04, by wenzelm
more Pure theory content;
2018-08-04, by wenzelm
Small lemmas about analysis
2018-08-04, by eberlm
2018-08-04, by paulson
2018-08-04, by paulson
tuned output;
2018-08-03, by wenzelm
tuned signature -- removed somewhat pointless operation;
2018-08-03, by wenzelm
more operations;
2018-08-03, by wenzelm
more operations (as in ML);
2018-08-03, by wenzelm
more explicit entity kind;
2018-08-03, by wenzelm
Pure theory content;
2018-08-03, by wenzelm
tuned signature: more operations;
2018-08-02, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-08-02, by wenzelm
always export Pure theory;
2018-08-02, by wenzelm
2018-08-01, by paulson
2018-07-31, by paulson
de-applying and removal of obsolete aliases
2018-07-29, by paulson
2018-07-29, by wenzelm
Added tag Isabelle2018-RC3 for changeset 71aa5a9128c2
2018-07-29, by wenzelm
proper return code (true) if file is absent;
2018-07-28, by wenzelm
clarified word syntax for the sake of control symbols, e.g. \<^term>;
2018-07-28, by wenzelm
updated to Poly/ML fixes-5.7.1 b3d1ff33a4b4;
2018-07-28, by wenzelm
more robust: do not defer potentially slow/big lazy facts to the very end;
2018-07-28, by wenzelm
more robust: potentially a workaround for spurious HOL build problems seen by Larry Paulson;
2018-07-28, by wenzelm
2018-07-28, by wenzelm
eliminated non-monotomnic Lazy.is_pending: Result may return to Expr due to Interrupt;
2018-07-28, by wenzelm
2018-07-28, by wenzelm
removed junk;
2018-07-27, by wenzelm
clarified documentation;
2018-07-27, by wenzelm
added check_delay / check_limit for more robust treatment of structurally broken theory sources (or genuine non-termination);
2018-07-27, by wenzelm
proper adjust_maxidx: assms could have maxidx >= 0, e.g. from command "subgoal premises";
2018-07-27, by wenzelm
proper maxidx: if x does not occur in A, its maxidx could get lost;
2018-07-27, by wenzelm
2018-07-27, by wenzelm
more flexible session selection as in "isabelle jedit";
2018-07-26, by wenzelm
updated to jdk-8u181;
2018-07-25, by wenzelm
2018-07-28, by paulson
de-applying and simplification
2018-07-28, by paulson
datatype_record produces simp theorems; contributed in part by Yu Zhang
2018-07-28, by Lars Hupel
updated to jdk-8u181;
2018-07-25, by wenzelm
2018-07-25, by paulson
back to post-release mode -- after fork point;
2018-07-22, by wenzelm
Added tag Isabelle2018-RC2 for changeset 14167c321d22
2018-07-22, by wenzelm
2018-07-22, by wenzelm
eliminated spurious Unicode;
2018-07-22, by wenzelm
2018-07-22, by wenzelm
updated to kodkodi-1.5.2-1: modernized settings and renamed directory (same executables);
2018-07-22, by wenzelm
Moved Real_Asymp manual
2018-07-22, by eberlm
2018-07-22, by wenzelm
updated to polyml-5.7.1-7 (see also afa7c5a239e6);
2018-07-22, by wenzelm
2018-07-22, by paulson
2018-07-22, by paulson
avoid Unicode conflict with \<pounds>;
2018-07-22, by wenzelm
fixing a theorem statement, etc.
2018-07-21, by paulson
2018-07-21, by paulson
de-applying and removing junk
2018-07-21, by paulson
don't lose facts that were introduced to deal with a theory or some preprocessing in the prover (e.g. the definition of 'abs' in an SMT proof)
2018-07-20, by blanchet
add lemmas about prod_filter
2018-07-20, by Andreas Lochbihler
2018-07-20, by paulson
corrections to markup
2018-07-20, by paulson
updated material concerning Algebra
2018-07-19, by paulson
2018-07-19, by paulson
2018-07-19, by paulson
added system option "strict_facts";
2018-07-20, by wenzelm
slightly more canonical imports
2018-07-18, by haftmann
setup for Haskell taken over from AFP / Gauss_Jordan
2018-07-18, by haftmann
tuned equation
2018-07-18, by haftmann
restructured for future incorporation of Haskell
2018-07-18, by haftmann
slightly more uniform style
2018-07-18, by haftmann
taken over from AFP / Gauss_Jordan
2018-07-18, by haftmann
more cartouches
2018-07-18, by haftmann
2018-07-19, by traytel
normalize imports
2018-07-19, by traytel
2018-07-17, by Manuel Eberl
evade odd connection problems to from some remote hosts;
2018-07-18, by wenzelm
prefer HTTPS;
2018-07-18, by wenzelm
2018-07-18, by wenzelm
2018-07-18, by wenzelm
more de-applying
2018-07-17, by paulson
2018-07-16, by paulson
de-applying and simplifying proofs
2018-07-16, by paulson
Tagged some more files in HOL-Analysis
2018-07-16, by Manuel Eberl
Made simproc for sqrt/root of numeral more robust
2018-07-16, by Manuel Eberl
2018-07-16, by Andreas Lochbihler
2018-07-15, by Andreas Lochbihler
more examples for Code_Lazy
2018-07-15, by Andreas Lochbihler
de-applying and meta-quantifying
2018-07-15, by paulson
2018-07-15, by paulson
more renaming fixes
2018-07-15, by paulson
fixes and more de-applying
2018-07-15, by paulson
more de-applying and a fix
2018-07-15, by paulson
2018-07-15, by paulson
last bit of renaming
2018-07-15, by paulson
2018-07-14, by paulson
Added Real_Asymp package
2018-07-15, by Manuel Eberl
Tagged Conformal_Mappings in HOL-Analysis
2018-07-15, by Wenda Li
2018-07-13, by paulson
2018-07-13, by paulson
2018-07-13, by paulson
HOL-Analysis: Volume of a simplex, Heron's theorem
2018-07-13, by Manuel Eberl
Tagged Ball_Volume and Gamma_Function in HOL-Analysis
2018-07-13, by Manuel Eberl
correct import
2018-07-13, by nipkow
2018-07-13, by nipkow
unit_cube = cbox 0 One
2018-07-13, by nipkow
relaxed assumptions for dim_image_eq and dim_image_le
2018-07-13, by immler
2018-07-12, by paulson
de-applying (mostly Set_Interval)
2018-07-12, by paulson
more economic tagging
2018-07-12, by nipkow
de-applying (mostly Quotient)
2018-07-11, by paulson
2018-07-11, by paulson
more de-applying
2018-07-11, by paulson
patched a continuity proof
2018-07-11, by paulson
2018-07-11, by paulson
de-applying, etc.
2018-07-10, by paulson
moved lemmas
2018-07-11, by nipkow
2018-07-10, by paulson
final removal of smt from Algebra
2018-07-09, by paulson
make theorem, corollary, and proposition %important for HOL-Analysis manual
2018-07-10, by immler
removal of smt and certain refinements
2018-07-09, by paulson
removal of smt
2018-07-08, by paulson
elimination of some "smt"
2018-07-08, by paulson
2018-07-08, by paulson
2018-07-07, by paulson
de-applying, etc.
2018-07-07, by paulson
more symmetric
2018-07-06, by nipkow
prefer HTTPS;
2018-07-06, by wenzelm
just one global lock for group status: avoid proliferation of mutexes, condvars;
2018-07-06, by wenzelm
more frugal assignment of lazy value: fewer mutexes, condvars;
2018-07-06, by wenzelm
replaced subgroup_imp_subset in Modules
2018-07-06, by paulson
2018-07-05, by paulson
2018-07-05, by paulson
2018-07-05, by paulson
2018-07-05, by paulson
more manual tests;
2018-07-05, by wenzelm
store immutable result: fewer refs, mutexes, condvars;
2018-07-05, by wenzelm
more frugal single-assignment according to David Matthews: dispose mutable lock/cond eventually;
2018-07-04, by wenzelm
2018-07-04, by Lars Hupel
avoid clashes in quickcheck [random]
2018-07-04, by Lars Hupel
infinite products: the final piece
2018-07-04, by paulson
more on infinite products
2018-07-03, by paulson
2018-07-03, by paulson
even more from Paulo
2018-07-03, by paulson
more standard headers;
2018-07-03, by wenzelm
eliminated hard TABs, assuming tabsize=8;
2018-07-03, by wenzelm
more latex problems
2018-07-03, by paulson
latex fixes
2018-07-02, by paulson
more algebra
2018-07-02, by paulson
2018-07-02, by paulson
Hiding the constant "norm", lest it clash with the norm of a vector space
2018-07-02, by paulson
more lemmas from Paulo
2018-07-02, by paulson
2018-07-02, by wenzelm
updated for release;
2018-07-02, by wenzelm
Added tag Isabelle2018-RC1 for changeset cf01d04e94d7
2018-07-02, by wenzelm
fixed (?) LaTeX presentation
2018-07-02, by paulson
2018-07-02, by paulson
Lots of new algebra theories by Martin Baillon and Paulo EmÃlio de Vilhena
2018-07-02, by paulson
more NEWS;
2018-07-02, by wenzelm
2018-07-02, by wenzelm
more robust: avoid dire effect of ui.tweakoptions on hg.known_files;
2018-07-02, by wenzelm
update Sledgehammer docs w.r.t. Vampire
2018-07-02, by blanchet
added Vampire component
2018-07-02, by blanchet
added option for noncommercial Vampire
2018-07-02, by blanchet
2018-07-01, by paulson
new lemmas, de-applying, etc.
2018-07-01, by paulson
2018-07-01, by wenzelm
2018-07-01, by wenzelm
discontinued pending_shyps: too much complication due to lazy facts;
2018-07-01, by wenzelm
proper error;
2018-07-01, by wenzelm
2018-07-01, by paulson
a few more lemmas from Paulo and Martin
2018-07-01, by paulson
2018-07-01, by nipkow
added lemmas
2018-07-01, by nipkow
credits to Paulo and Martin
2018-06-30, by paulson
More on Algebra by Paulo and Martin
2018-06-30, by paulson
2018-06-29, by Andreas Lochbihler
declare case theorems as proper code equations
2018-06-29, by Andreas Lochbihler
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
VSCode extension for official Isabelle release;
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
misc tuning and updates for release;
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
more manual tests;
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
misc tuning for release;
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
clarified error;
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
command-line option for include_sessions;
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
disallow pending hyps;
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
disallow hyps in export;
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
always consolidate: allow errors in presentation;
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
proper build_heap;
2018-06-29, by wenzelm
avoid pending shyps in global theory facts;
2018-06-28, by wenzelm
The unwinding number is an integer.
2018-06-29, by paulson
Now based on Complex_Main, not HOL.Deriv
2018-06-29, by paulson
2018-06-29, by paulson
Incorporating new/strengthened proofs from Library and AFP entries
2018-06-28, by paulson
2018-06-29, by Wenda Li
remove trailing commas
2018-06-29, by Lars Hupel
added lemmas
2018-06-28, by nipkow
2018-06-28, by paulson
Generalising and renaming some basic results
2018-06-28, by paulson
transfer more lemmas
2018-06-28, by immler
fixed some oversights
2018-06-28, by immler
avoid duplicate facts, the "trick" was copied without deeper motivation
2018-06-28, by immler
clarified settings -- avoid hard-wired directories;
2018-06-27, by wenzelm
example for Types_To_Sets: transfer from type-based linear algebra to subspaces
2018-06-27, by immler
added lemmas and transfer rules
2018-06-27, by immler
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
smart_implode "$AFP" as well;
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
2018-06-26, by paulson
a few new lemmas
2018-06-26, by paulson
new theory Trie
2018-06-26, by nipkow
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
updated documentation;
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
clarified syntax;
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
simplified: allow only command names, with dummy for default;
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
clarified: more uniform keyword_tags;
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
more flexible document_tags;
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
prefer explicit options;
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
clarified default tag;
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
add URL;
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
more explicit statement of rat_denum to fit with top100 thms list
2018-06-26, by kleing
deleted redundant theorem
2018-06-26, by paulson
2018-06-26, by paulson
Rationalisation of complex transcendentals, esp the Arg function
2018-06-26, by paulson
support NUMA shuffling in CI
2018-06-26, by Lars Hupel
2018-06-26, by wenzelm
more scalable output;
2018-06-25, by wenzelm
2018-06-25, by Lars Hupel
2018-06-25, by paulson
Renaming Arg -> Arg2pi
2018-06-25, by paulson
added lemmas; uniform names
2018-06-25, by nipkow
disable export_document by default (presently unused and for demo/testing purposes): avoid spurious IO exception in highly parallel environment;
2018-06-24, by wenzelm
simplified ZF theory names (in contrast to 6a0801279f4c): session-qualification already achieves disjointness;
2018-06-24, by wenzelm
2018-06-24, by paulson
more modernisaton and de-applying
2018-06-24, by paulson
2018-06-23, by wenzelm
clarified queue ordering: take session descendants into account, notably for "slow" AFP sessions;
2018-06-23, by wenzelm
2018-06-22, by wenzelm
clarified document antiquotation @{theory};
2018-06-22, by wenzelm
include target sessions as well: avoid default "Draft" qualification;
2018-06-22, by wenzelm
clarified signature;
2018-06-21, by wenzelm
more uniform syntax;
2018-06-21, by wenzelm
more documentation;
2018-06-21, by wenzelm
2018-06-21, by paulson
de-applying Divisibility
2018-06-21, by paulson
more documentation;
2018-06-21, by wenzelm
tuned signature -- facilitate testing;
2018-06-21, by wenzelm
2018-06-21, by paulson
More clear-up of Divisibility
2018-06-20, by paulson
updated to polyml-5.7.1-6;
2018-06-20, by wenzelm
clarified documentation;
2018-06-20, by wenzelm
2018-06-19, by paulson
Partial de-apply of Divisibility
2018-06-19, by paulson
In interpretation commands, clarify what to do with definitions immediately subject to rewriting.
2018-06-19, by ballarin
2018-06-19, by paulson
fixing overloading problems involving vector cross products
2018-06-19, by paulson
corrections to markup
2018-06-18, by paulson
New material in support of quaternions
2018-06-18, by paulson
De-applied Ideal.thy
2018-06-18, by paulson
material on finite sets and maps
2018-06-18, by Lars Hupel
simplify parametricity proofs
2018-06-18, by Lars Hupel
2018-06-18, by nipkow
added simp rules
2018-06-17, by nipkow
2018-06-17, by paulson
Algebra tidy-up
2018-06-17, by paulson
added simp rule
2018-06-17, by nipkow
more simp
2018-06-16, by nipkow