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generate more theorems (e.g. for types with only one constructor)
2013-09-19, by panny
added two functions to List (one contributed by Manuel Eberl)
2013-09-18, by traytel
generate constructor view theorems
2013-09-18, by panny
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
tuned proofs;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
tuned proofs;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
added option "jedit_auto_load";
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
limit for text height;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
improved layout, with special treatment for ScrollPane;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
improved FlowLayout for wrapping of components over multiple lines;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
updated to polyml-5.5.1;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
improved printing of exception trace in Poly/ML 5.5.1;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
more antiquotations;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
moved module into plain Isabelle/ML user space;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
more primcorec tactics
2013-09-18, by blanchet
enrich data structure
2013-09-18, by blanchet
include more "discI" rules
2013-09-18, by blanchet
updated docs
2013-09-18, by blanchet
tuning (alphabetical order)
2013-09-18, by blanchet
removed spurious "simp"
2013-09-18, by blanchet
note "discI"
2013-09-18, by blanchet
tuned tactics
2013-09-18, by blanchet
no need thanks to "Code.abort"
2013-09-18, by blanchet
minor change related to code equations in primcorec
2013-09-18, by blanchet
don't unfold as eager as in 11a77e4aa98b
2013-09-18, by traytel
tuned proofs
2013-09-18, by traytel
use singular to avoid confusion
2013-09-18, by blanchet
new tactics for constructor view
2013-09-18, by blanchet
2013-09-18, by blanchet
fixed embarrassing typo in example
2013-09-18, by blanchet
avoid duplicate simp rule warnings
2013-09-18, by blanchet
added and tuned lemmas
2013-09-18, by nipkow
tuned proofs;
2013-09-18, by wenzelm
updated to official polyml-5.5.1;
2013-09-17, by wenzelm
updated to polyml-5.5.1;
2013-09-17, by wenzelm
actually use x86_64 machine;
2013-09-17, by wenzelm
correct merging of restore data
2013-09-17, by kuncar
order_bot, order_top
2013-09-17, by lammich
include Int_Pow into Quotient_Examples; add end of the theory
2013-09-17, by kuncar
NEWS: Simps_Case_Conv
2013-09-17, by noschinl
added lemmas and made concerse executable
2013-09-17, by nipkow
2013-09-17, by blanchet
return right theorems
2013-09-17, by blanchet
more (co)data docs
2013-09-17, by blanchet
tuned proofs about 'convex'
2013-09-13, by huffman
more (co)data docs
2013-09-17, by blanchet
tuned proofs;
2013-09-17, by wenzelm
treat all dummy type variables separately (in contrast to fca432074fb2);
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
removed dead code (see also 69d4543811d0);
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
tuned signature;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
more antiquotations -- avoid unchecked string literals;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
more explicit exception pattern (NB: unqualified exceptions without arguments are in danger of becoming catch-all patterns by accident);
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
distinguish Proof.context vs. local_theory semantically, with corresponding naming conventions;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
tuned white space;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
adhoc check of ML sources, in addition to thy files already covered in Thy_Load;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
proper Isabelle symbols -- no UTF8 here;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
proper Cygwin mirror for Isabelle2013-1;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
explicit test of quick_and_dirty, which is rarely used in practice;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
updated to cygwin-20130916;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
updated cygwin snapshot;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
updated to smlnj 110.76;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
prefer high-level ML_System.share_common_data, ML_System.save_state -- except for bootstrap images (RAW, Pure);
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
more NEWS;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
2013-09-16, by panny
prove simp theorems for newly generated definitions
2013-09-16, by panny
example using restoring Transfer/Lifting context
2013-09-16, by kuncar
use lifting_forget for deregistering numeric types as a quotient type
2013-09-16, by kuncar
restoring Transfer/Lifting context
2013-09-16, by kuncar
make ML function for deleting quotients public
2013-09-16, by kuncar
public access to the raw transfer rules - for restoring transferring
2013-09-16, by kuncar
another move to avoid sporadic kill of poly, which is presumably due to resource management on lxbroy2, lxbroy3 etc.;
2013-09-16, by wenzelm
more (co)data docs
2013-09-16, by blanchet
more (co)data docs
2013-09-15, by blanchet
added missing theorems to "simps" collection
2013-09-15, by blanchet
more (co)data docs
2013-09-15, by blanchet
more (co)data docs
2013-09-15, by blanchet
more (co)data docs
2013-09-15, by blanchet
2013-09-14, by wenzelm
tuned proofs;
2013-09-14, by wenzelm
tuned magic number, for improved reactivity on old 2-core machine;
2013-09-14, by wenzelm
tuned proofs;
2013-09-14, by wenzelm
updated keywords
2013-09-14, by krauss
tuned proof
2013-09-14, by haftmann
2013-09-14, by wenzelm
tuned proofs;
2013-09-14, by wenzelm
print find_thms result in reverse order so best result is on top
2013-09-14, by kleing
more useful sorting of find_thms results
2013-09-14, by kleing
proper sharing after change of directory structure (cf. 32ec957e5c3e);
2013-09-13, by wenzelm
restricted heap, which might improve stability of this test;
2013-09-13, by wenzelm
2013-09-13, by wenzelm
tuned proofs;
2013-09-13, by wenzelm
tuned proofs;
2013-09-13, by wenzelm
updated to jdk-7u40;
2013-09-13, by wenzelm
added component jdk-7u40.tar.gz (inactive);
2013-09-13, by wenzelm
2013-09-13, by blanchet
more (co)data docs
2013-09-13, by blanchet
2013-09-13, by blanchet
more (co)data doc
2013-09-13, by blanchet
generalized and simplified proofs of several theorems about convex sets
2013-09-13, by huffman
more (co)data docs
2013-09-13, by blanchet
removed accidentally submitted line
2013-09-13, by blanchet
more (co)data doc
2013-09-13, by blanchet
more general typing of monadic bind
2013-08-20, by Christian Sternagel
2013-09-13, by krauss
omit automatic Induct.cases_pred declaration, which breaks many existing proofs
2013-09-12, by krauss
2013-09-10, by krauss
2013-09-10, by krauss
added some examples and tests for fun_cases
2013-09-10, by krauss