2010-11-03 wenzelm discontinued obsolete function sys_error and exception SYS_ERROR;
2010-10-31 nipkow merged
2010-10-29 nipkow Plus -> Sum_Type.Plus
2010-10-30 wenzelm support for real valued preferences;
2010-10-30 wenzelm support for real valued configuration options;
2010-10-29 wenzelm merged
2010-10-29 bulwahn NEWS
2010-10-28 wenzelm discontinued obsolete ML antiquotation @{theory_ref};
2010-10-26 krauss fixed typo
2010-10-26 krauss NEWS
2010-10-26 boehmes joined setup of SMT solvers in one place; turned Z3-specific options into SMT options (renamed configuration options from z3_* to smt_*); more detailed SMT exception; improved SMT filter interface
2010-10-25 wenzelm merged
2010-10-25 wenzelm significantly improved Isabelle/Isar implementation manual;
2010-10-25 blanchet merged
2010-10-25 blanchet introduced manual version of "Auto Solve" as "solve_direct"
2010-10-25 wenzelm added ML antiquotation @{assert};
2010-10-24 nipkow renamed nat_number
2010-10-22 blanchet make Sledgehammer minimizer fully work with SMT
2010-10-21 blanchet use consistent terminology in Sledgehammer: "prover = ATP or SMT solver or ..."
2010-10-14 krauss NEWS
2010-10-06 blanchet merged
2010-10-05 blanchet document latest changes to Meson/Metis/Sledgehammer
2010-10-04 haftmann turned distinct and sorted into inductive predicates: yields nice induction principles for free
2010-10-01 haftmann constant `contents` renamed to `the_elem`
2010-09-28 haftmann NEWS
2010-09-28 krauss no longer declare .psimps rules as [simp].
2010-09-24 wenzelm clarified @{type} antiquotation: abbreviations and nonterminals count as "syntactic", disallow TFrees;
2010-09-23 haftmann CONTRIBUTORS and NEWS
2010-09-22 wenzelm renamed setmp_noncritical to Unsynchronized.setmp to emphasize its meaning;
2010-09-20 wenzelm renamed structure PureThy to Pure_Thy and moved most content to Global_Theory, to emphasize that this is global-only;
2010-09-17 wenzelm discontinued Output.debug, which belongs to early PGIP experiments (b6788dbd2ef9) and causes just too many problems (like spamming the message channel if it is used by more than one module);
2010-09-13 haftmann merged
2010-09-13 haftmann 'class' and 'type' are now antiquoations by default
2010-09-13 nipkow renamed lemmas: ext_iff -> fun_eq_iff, set_ext_iff -> set_eq_iff, set_ext -> set_eqI
2010-09-13 nipkow added and renamed lemmas
2010-09-10 wenzelm merged
2010-09-09 bulwahn changing String.literal to a type instead of a datatype
2010-09-09 wenzelm NEWS: some notes on interrupts;
2010-09-08 haftmann NEWS
2010-09-07 nipkow renamed expand_*_eq in HOLCF as well
2010-09-06 wenzelm ML_Context.thm and ML_Context.thms no longer pervasive;
2010-09-06 wenzelm merged;
2010-09-05 krauss removed duplicate lemma
2010-09-05 wenzelm turned show_brackets into proper configuration option;
2010-09-05 wenzelm turned show_sorts/show_types into proper configuration options;
2010-09-03 wenzelm turned eta_contract into proper configuration option;
2010-09-03 wenzelm configuration options Syntax.ambiguity_enabled (inverse of former Syntax.ambiguity_is_error), Syntax.ambiguity_level (with Isar attribute "syntax_ambiguity_level"), Syntax.ambiguity_limit;
2010-09-03 wenzelm pretty_goals: turned some global references and function arguments into configuration options (goals_limit = 10, goals_total = true, show_main_goal = false) depending on the context;
2010-09-03 wenzelm merged
2010-09-02 hoelzl merged
2010-09-02 hoelzl NEWS
2010-09-03 wenzelm turned show_consts into proper configuration option;
2010-09-01 wenzelm turned show_question_marks into proper configuration option;
2010-08-28 haftmann formerly unnamed infix equality now named HOL.eq
2010-08-28 haftmann merged
2010-08-27 haftmann renamed class/constant eq to equal; tuned some instantiations
2010-08-27 wenzelm merged
2010-08-27 haftmann merged
2010-08-27 haftmann official support for Scala
2010-08-27 wenzelm structure Unsynchronized is never opened and set/reset/toggle have been discontinued;
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