nipkow [Tue, 02 May 1995 19:59:06 +0200] rev 1080
Sections can now be given in any order.
lcp [Mon, 01 May 1995 11:17:41 +0200] rev 1079
Simplified proof of Hausdorff_next_exists.
nipkow [Fri, 28 Apr 1995 15:38:15 +0200] rev 1078
functor f() = struct end
to hide functors to save space.
lcp [Fri, 28 Apr 1995 11:52:43 +0200] rev 1077
Renamed insert_kbrl to insert_tagged_brl and exported it. Now
subgoals_of_brl calls nprems_of, which is faster than length o prems_of.
lcp [Fri, 28 Apr 1995 11:41:59 +0200] rev 1076
Modified proofs for new claset primitives. The problem is that they enforce
the "most recent added rule has priority" policy more strictly now.
lcp [Fri, 28 Apr 1995 11:31:33 +0200] rev 1075
Modified proofs for new claset primitives. The problem is that they enforce
the "most recent added rule has priority" policy more strictly now.
lcp [Fri, 28 Apr 1995 11:24:32 +0200] rev 1074
Modified proofs for new claset primitives. The problem is that they enforce
the "most recent added rule has priority" policy more strictly now.
lcp [Fri, 28 Apr 1995 10:57:40 +0200] rev 1073
Recoded addSIs, etc., so that nets are built incrementally
instead of from scratch each time. The old approach used excessive time (>1
sec for adding a rule to ZF_cs) and probably excessive space. Now rep_claset
includes all record fields. joinrules no longer sorts the rules on number of
subgoals, since it does not see the full set of them; instead the number of
subgoals modifies the priority.
lcp [Tue, 25 Apr 1995 11:14:03 +0200] rev 1072
updated version
lcp [Tue, 25 Apr 1995 11:06:52 +0200] rev 1071
Simple updates for compatibility with KG