Fri, 16 Dec 1994 17:44:09 +0100 Added Limit_csucc from CardinalArith
lcp [Fri, 16 Dec 1994 17:44:09 +0100] rev 801
Added Limit_csucc from CardinalArith Moved all theorems concerning FINITE functions to Univ.ML and deleted the declaration val Fin_Univ_thy = merge_theories (Univ.thy,Finite.thy);
Fri, 16 Dec 1994 17:41:49 +0100 Limit_csucc: moved to InfDatatype and proved explicitly in
lcp [Fri, 16 Dec 1994 17:41:49 +0100] rev 800
Limit_csucc: moved to InfDatatype and proved explicitly in theory InfDatatype.thy
Fri, 16 Dec 1994 17:39:43 +0100 put quotation marks around constant "and" because it is a
lcp [Fri, 16 Dec 1994 17:39:43 +0100] rev 799
put quotation marks around constant "and" because it is a keyword for inductive definitions!!
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