2015-07-18 wenzelm isabelle update_cartouches;
2014-11-02 wenzelm modernized header uniformly as section;
2013-02-15 haftmann two target language numeral types: integer and natural, as replacement for code_numeral;
2013-02-14 haftmann reform of predicate compiler / quickcheck theories:
2012-11-12 haftmann tuned import order
2011-03-30 bulwahn renewing specifications in HOL: replacing types by type_synonym
2010-04-16 wenzelm replaced generic 'hide' command by more conventional 'hide_class', 'hide_type', 'hide_const', 'hide_fact' -- frees some popular keywords;
2010-01-20 bulwahn adopting Sequences
2010-01-20 bulwahn refactoring the predicate compiler; adding theories for Sequences; adding retrieval to Spec_Rules; adding timing to Quickcheck
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