Tue, 03 Mar 2009 18:31:59 +0100 moved type bstring from name_space.ML to binding.ML -- it is the primitive concept behind bindings;
wenzelm [Tue, 03 Mar 2009 18:31:59 +0100] rev 30222
moved type bstring from name_space.ML to binding.ML -- it is the primitive concept behind bindings; moved separator/is_qualified from binding.ML back to name_space.ML -- only name space introduces an explicit notation for qualified names; type binding: maintain explicit qualifier, indepently of base name; tuned signature of Binding: renamed name_pos to make, renamed base_name to name_of, renamed map_base to map_name, added mandatory flag to qualify, simplified map_prefix (formerly unused); Binding.str_of: include markup with position properties; misc tuning;
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