2017-12-10 wenzelm more explicit latex errors;
2017-12-07 wenzelm clarified document preparation vs. skip_proofs;
2017-12-06 wenzelm name mangling for Latex macros;
2017-12-05 wenzelm more documentation;
2017-12-04 wenzelm NEWS;
2017-12-03 wenzelm discontinued old 'def' command;
2017-11-27 wenzelm updated to official release of polyml-5.7.1;
2017-11-25 wenzelm Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite is baseline;
2017-11-13 wenzelm init Mercurial repository for the generated session files;
2017-11-11 haftmann dedicated definition for coprimality
2017-11-11 wenzelm more options for "isabelle mkroot";
2017-11-05 wenzelm more uniform header syntax, in contrast to the former etc/abbrevs file-format (see 73939a9b70a3);
2017-11-03 wenzelm tuned (non-unique example);
2017-11-03 wenzelm clarified situation of global theory names;
2017-11-02 wenzelm allow unrelated ancestor;
2017-11-02 wenzelm support alternative ancestor session;
2017-11-02 wenzelm support focus_session, for much faster startup of Isabelle/jEdit;
2017-11-01 wenzelm added isabelle jedit options -B, -P, clarified -R;
2017-10-31 haftmann removed ancient nat-int transfer
2017-10-30 wenzelm NEWS;
2017-10-30 haftmann rule out pathologic instances
2017-10-23 wenzelm discontinued Linux 32bit platform support;
2017-10-23 wenzelm updated to jdk-8u152, which is for x86_64 only;
2017-10-12 wenzelm more informative Imports.Report with actual session imports (minimized);
2017-10-11 wenzelm tuned whitespace;
2017-10-11 wenzelm clarified meta_digest;
2017-10-11 wenzelm added isablle build option -f;
2017-10-10 paulson Session HOL-Analysis: Moebius functions and the Riemann mapping theorem.
2017-10-08 haftmann Polynomial_Factorial does not depend on Field_as_Ring as such
2017-10-08 haftmann avoid name clashes on interpretation of abstract locales
2017-10-08 haftmann avoid trivial definition
2017-10-08 haftmann avoid fact name clashes
2017-10-08 wenzelm merged
2017-10-03 wenzelm more NEWS;
2017-10-05 wenzelm completion supports theory header imports;
2017-10-04 wenzelm process ROOT files only once, which allows duplicate (or overlapping) session root directories;
2017-10-02 wenzelm discontinued obsolete 'files' in session ROOT;
2017-10-02 wenzelm added command 'external_file';
2017-10-02 wenzelm option -S for "isabelle build";
2017-10-01 blanchet updated NEWS
2017-10-01 wenzelm option -B for "isabelle build" and "isabelle imports";
2017-09-30 wenzelm NEWS;
2017-09-28 wenzelm session-qualified theory names are mandatory;
2017-09-23 wenzelm merged
2017-09-17 wenzelm more documentation;
2017-09-11 haftmann spelling
2017-09-22 blanchet document incompatibility
2017-09-22 blanchet real oracle
2017-09-08 wenzelm back to post-release mode -- after fork point;
2017-09-08 wenzelm tuned;
2017-09-08 paulson Correction of typos and a bit of streamlining
2017-09-08 paulson Simplicial complexes and triangulations; Baire Category Theorem
2017-09-07 blanchet moved Nunchaku to Main; the goal is to move Nitpick out in the next 1-2 years
2017-09-02 wenzelm proper URL;
2017-08-31 wenzelm reverted 6acb28e5ba41: permissiveness of 1e5ae735e026 should be sufficient;
2017-08-30 Andreas Lochbihler add type of unordered pairs
2017-08-29 wenzelm proper theory name;
2017-08-29 nipkow news
2017-08-22 Manuel Eberl HOL-Library: going_to filter
2017-08-22 Lars Hupel output syntax for pattern aliases
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