2015-04-17 wenzelm added Eisbach, using version 3752768caa17 of its Bitbucket repository;
2015-04-11 wenzelm updated for release;
2015-04-08 wenzelm misc tuning for release;
2015-03-25 blanchet more multiset theorems
2014-12-05 hoelzl add integral substitution theorems from Manuel Eberl, Jeremy Avigad, Luke Serafin, and Sudeep Kanav
2014-10-08 Andreas Lochbihler move Code_Test to HOL/Library;
2014-09-06 haftmann theory about lexicographic ordering on functions
2014-08-22 haftmann generic euclidean algorithm (due to Manuel Eberl)
2014-08-10 wenzelm merged -- with manual conflict resolution for src/HOL/SMT_Examples/SMT_Examples.certs2, src/HOL/SMT_Examples/SMT_Word_Examples.certs2, src/Doc/Prog_Prove/document/intro-isabelle.tex;
2014-08-09 wenzelm tuned;
2014-07-30 wenzelm CONTRIBUTORS;
2014-07-27 wenzelm back to post-release mode -- after fork point;
2014-07-05 haftmann CONTRIBUTORS
2014-07-05 wenzelm tuned;
2014-07-05 kleing added Tom's hyp_subst update
2014-07-01 paulson for new release
2014-07-01 wenzelm misc updates for release;
2014-06-28 haftmann CONTRIBUTORS
2014-06-16 hoelzl lemmas about the moments of the normal distribution
2014-06-13 hoelzl properties of normal distributed random variables (by Sudeep Kanav)
2014-06-12 hoelzl properties of Erlang and exponentially distributed random variables (by Sudeep Kanav)
2014-06-11 blanchet updated contributors to include students
2014-05-20 blanchet CONTRIBUTORS
2014-04-05 haftmann avoid romanism
2014-04-05 haftmann CONTRIBUTORS
2014-03-14 blanchet updated NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS (BNF, SMT2, Sledgehammer)
2014-03-05 wenzelm proper UTF-8;
2014-03-04 nipkow added contributor
2014-02-04 Lars Hupel interactive simplifier trace: new panel in Isabelle/jEdit to inspect and modify simplification state
2013-11-11 wenzelm merged, using src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML and src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_run.ML from 347c3b0cab44;
2013-11-05 wenzelm tuned;
2013-10-28 noschinl CONTRIBUTORS
2013-10-03 wenzelm back to post-release mode -- after fork point;
2013-10-03 wenzelm tuned;
2013-10-02 wenzelm tuned;
2013-10-02 traytel NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2013-10-02 kuncar typo
2013-10-02 kuncar NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2013-10-01 blanchet minor textual changes
2013-09-29 wenzelm updated for release;
2013-09-29 wenzelm updated for release;
2013-09-20 blanchet updated CONTRIBUTORS
2013-09-18 blanchet updated NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2013-09-10 krauss NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2013-09-04 wenzelm more contributors;
2013-08-30 blanchet updated news/contributors with BNF stuff
2013-08-23 wenzelm clarified position of Spec_Check for Isabelle/ML -- it is unrelated to Isabelle/HOL;
2013-08-07 wenzelm more NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS;
2013-07-02 wenzelm tuned;
2013-06-30 haftmann CONTRIBUTORS
2013-05-31 bulwahn NEWS about Spec_Check
2013-04-10 traytel NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2013-03-23 haftmann fundamental revision of big operators on sets
2013-03-23 haftmann locales for abstract orders
2013-02-17 haftmann Sieve of Eratosthenes
2013-02-17 haftmann CONTRIBUTORS
2013-01-20 wenzelm back to post-release mode -- after fork point;
2013-01-20 wenzelm updated for release;
2013-01-20 wenzelm misc tuning for release;
2012-12-31 wenzelm updated for release;
2012-12-17 nipkow new contributor
2012-11-26 blanchet added file headers
2012-11-26 blanchet updated NEWS etc.
2012-11-24 wenzelm more NEWS/CONTRIBUTORS;
2012-11-21 hoelzl CONTRIBUTION: add fabians work
2012-10-10 Andreas Lochbihler efficient construction of red black trees from sorted associative lists
2012-09-22 wenzelm some PIDE NEWS from this summer;
2012-09-21 blanchet renamed "Codatatype" directory "BNF" (and corresponding session) -- this opens the door to no-nonsense session names like "HOL-BNF-LFP"
2012-09-20 Andreas Lochbihler NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS for a5377f6d9f14 and f0ecc1550998
2012-09-07 haftmann lattice instances for option type
2012-09-04 Christian Sternagel NEWS; CONTRIBUTORS
2012-08-28 blanchet updated NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2012-07-28 wenzelm announce advanced support for Isabelle sessions and build management;
2012-06-25 wenzelm ignore morphism more explicitly;
2012-06-21 bulwahn NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2012-05-02 wenzelm back to post-release mode -- after fork point;
2012-04-27 wenzelm tuned;
2012-04-23 kuncar CONTRIBUTORS
2012-04-23 hoelzl CONTRIBUTORS
2012-04-17 Thomas Sewell New tactic "word_bitwise" expands word equalities/inequalities into logic.
2012-04-18 blanchet Sledgehammer NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2012-04-15 wenzelm more CONTRIBUTORS;
2012-04-14 wenzelm some updates for release;
2012-04-13 bulwahn NEWS
2012-04-10 wenzelm some coverage of HOL/TPTP;
2012-04-01 krauss less modest NEWS; CONTRIBUTORS
2012-02-23 haftmann CONTRIBUTORS
2011-09-26 wenzelm back to post-release mode;
2011-09-18 wenzelm misc tuning for release;
2011-09-12 huffman fix typo
2011-09-12 huffman NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2011-09-12 hoelzl adding NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2011-09-12 bulwahn merged
2011-09-12 bulwahn moving connection of association lists to Mappings into a separate theory
2011-09-12 blanchet added my contributions to NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2011-09-11 wenzelm more CONTRIBUTORS;
2011-09-07 wenzelm merged
2011-09-07 haftmann theory of saturated naturals contributed by Peter Gammie
2011-09-07 wenzelm some updates for release;
2011-01-17 wenzelm back to post-release mode;
2011-01-16 wenzelm misc updates for release;
2011-01-15 berghofe Added entry for HOL-SPARK
2011-01-12 krauss CONTRIBUTORS
2011-01-11 wenzelm updated to Isabelle2011;
2010-11-05 wenzelm proper spelling;
2010-11-05 hoelzl Extend convex analysis by Bogdan Grechuk
2010-10-29 wenzelm CONTRIBUTORS;
2010-10-25 haftmann CONTRIBUTORS
2010-09-23 haftmann CONTRIBUTORS and NEWS
2010-08-23 hoelzl Rewrite the Probability theory.
2010-08-17 haftmann NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2010-06-07 wenzelm back to non-release mode;
2010-06-03 krauss CONTRIBUTORS
2010-06-02 wenzelm more CONTRIBUTORS;
2010-05-27 wenzelm misc updates for release;
2010-04-27 haftmann NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2009-12-04 wenzelm back to after-release mode;
2009-11-25 wenzelm tuned affiliation;
2009-11-25 boehmes extended list of HOL-Boogie contributors
2009-11-23 haftmann CONTRIBUTORS
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