Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:37 +0200 Temporarily disabled invocations of new code generator that do no
berghofe [Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:37 +0200] rev 26822
Temporarily disabled invocations of new code generator that do no longer work due to the encoding of sets as predicates
Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:36 +0200 Replaced instance "set :: (plus) plus" by "fun :: (type, type) plus"
berghofe [Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:36 +0200] rev 26821
Replaced instance "set :: (plus) plus" by "fun :: (type, type) plus"
Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:35 +0200 - Deleted arity proofs for set
berghofe [Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:35 +0200] rev 26820
- Deleted arity proofs for set - Produce specific instances of theorems insert_eqvt, set_eqvt and perm_set_eq
Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:34 +0200 Replaced union_empty2 by Un_empty_right.
berghofe [Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:34 +0200] rev 26819
Replaced union_empty2 by Un_empty_right.
Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:33 +0200 Instantiated rule expand_fun_eq in proof of set_of_eq_empty_iff, to avoid that
berghofe [Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:33 +0200] rev 26818
Instantiated rule expand_fun_eq in proof of set_of_eq_empty_iff, to avoid that it gets applied to sets as well.
Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:32 +0200 Deleted instance "set :: ({heap, finite}) heap"
berghofe [Wed, 07 May 2008 10:59:32 +0200] rev 26817
Deleted instance "set :: ({heap, finite}) heap"
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