blanchet [Mon, 30 May 2011 17:00:38 +0200] rev 43055
better merging of similar outputs
blanchet [Mon, 30 May 2011 17:00:38 +0200] rev 43054
update minimization documentation
blanchet [Mon, 30 May 2011 17:00:38 +0200] rev 43053
imported patch sledge_doc_metis_as_prover
blanchet [Mon, 30 May 2011 17:00:38 +0200] rev 43052
automatically minimize with Metis when this can be done within a few seconds
blanchet [Mon, 30 May 2011 17:00:38 +0200] rev 43051
minimize with Metis if possible
blanchet [Mon, 30 May 2011 17:00:38 +0200] rev 43050
support "metis" and "metisFT" as provers in the architecture, so they can be used for minimizing
paulson [Mon, 30 May 2011 15:30:05 +0100] rev 43049
Workaround for hyperref bug affecting index entries involving the | symbol
bulwahn [Mon, 30 May 2011 13:58:00 +0200] rev 43048
improving heuristics of type annotations in contravariant positions for the special case with instances of the class partial_term_of
bulwahn [Mon, 30 May 2011 13:57:59 +0200] rev 43047
automatic derivation of partial_term_of functions; renaming type and term to longer names narrowing_type and narrowing_term; hiding constant C; adding overlord option
paulson [Mon, 30 May 2011 12:20:04 +0100] rev 43046
merged multiple heads
paulson [Mon, 30 May 2011 12:15:17 +0100] rev 43045
Fix to exception THM 1 raised (line 212 of conv.ML), reported by Andreas Lochbihler
blanchet [Sun, 29 May 2011 19:40:56 +0200] rev 43044
always check plain "metis" even if the ATP proof seems to require "metisFT" -- maybe the proof is needlessly complicated
blanchet [Sun, 29 May 2011 19:40:56 +0200] rev 43043
normalize indices in chained facts to make sure that backtick facts (which often result in different names) are recognized + changed definition of urgent messages
krauss [Fri, 27 May 2011 21:11:44 +0200] rev 43042
function tutorial: do not omit termination proof, even when discussing other things
boehmes [Fri, 27 May 2011 16:45:24 +0200] rev 43041
added re-implemented monomorphizer for types with better control for number of generated instances (strict as opposed to the SMT monomorphizer) and with fact annotations controlling in which round certain facts are considered for monomorphization