2019-01-05 wenzelm isabelle update -u control_cartouches;
2016-06-23 wenzelm tuned signature;
2016-05-30 wenzelm allow 'for' fixes for multi_specs;
2016-04-28 wenzelm support 'assumes' in specifications, e.g. 'definition', 'inductive';
2015-07-18 wenzelm prefer tactics with explicit context;
2015-04-10 blanchet renamed ML funs
2015-04-06 wenzelm local setup of induction tools, with restricted access to auxiliary consts;
2015-04-06 wenzelm @{command_spec} is superseded by @{command_keyword};
2015-03-27 wenzelm tuned signature;
2015-03-24 wenzelm clarified case_tac fixes and context;
2015-02-10 wenzelm proper context for resolve_tac, eresolve_tac, dresolve_tac, forward_tac etc.;
2014-09-17 blanchet support (finite values of) codatatypes in Quickcheck
2014-09-11 blanchet speed up old Nominal by killing type variables
2014-09-08 blanchet ported old Nominal to use new datatypes
2014-09-08 blanchet use compatibility layer
2014-09-01 blanchet renamed modules defining old datatypes, as a step towards having 'datatype_new' take 'datatype's place
2014-09-01 blanchet tuned structure inclusion
2014-03-22 wenzelm more antiquotations;
2013-12-14 wenzelm proper context for basic Simplifier operations: rewrite_rule, rewrite_goals_rule, rewrite_goals_tac etc.;
2013-04-18 wenzelm simplifier uses proper Proof.context instead of historic type simpset;
2013-04-10 wenzelm more standard module name Axclass (according to file name);
2013-04-10 wenzelm formal proof context for axclass proofs;
2012-03-16 wenzelm outer syntax command definitions based on formal command_spec derived from theory header declarations;
2012-01-10 berghofe Corrected pt_set_inst, added missing cp_set_inst, deleted obsolete
2011-12-24 haftmann treatment of type constructor `set`
2011-12-13 wenzelm 'datatype' specifications allow explicit sort constraints;
2011-11-30 wenzelm discontinued obsolete datatype "alt_names";
2011-10-12 wenzelm modernized structure Induct_Tacs;
2011-09-03 haftmann tuned specifications
2011-09-03 haftmann assert Pure equations for theorem references; tuned
2011-01-15 berghofe Finally removed old primrec package, since Primrec.add_primrec_global
2010-12-15 wenzelm eliminated dead code;
2010-09-20 wenzelm renamed structure PureThy to Pure_Thy and moved most content to Global_Theory, to emphasize that this is global-only;
2010-07-01 haftmann "prod" and "sum" replace "*" and "+" respectively
2010-06-10 haftmann tuned quotes, antiquotations and whitespace
2010-05-17 wenzelm prefer structure Keyword, Parse, Parse_Spec, Outer_Syntax;
2009-11-08 wenzelm adapted Theory_Data;
2009-10-17 wenzelm eliminated hard tabulators, guessing at each author's individual tab-width;
2009-10-15 wenzelm replaced String.concat by implode;
2009-06-23 haftmann tuned interfaces of datatype module
2009-06-23 haftmann add_datatypes does not yield particular rules any longer
2009-06-23 haftmann add_datatype interface yields type names and less rules
2009-06-21 haftmann simplified names of common datatype types
2009-06-19 haftmann discontinued ancient tradition to suffix certain ML module names with "_package"
2009-06-17 haftmann datatype packages: record datatype_config for configuration flags; less verbose signatures
2009-05-07 haftmann explicit type_name antiquotations
2009-03-19 wenzelm proper spacing before ML antiquotations -- note that @ may be part of symbolic ML identifiers;
2009-03-07 wenzelm more uniform handling of binding in packages;
2009-03-04 nipkow Made Option a separate theory and renamed option_map to
2009-02-25 berghofe Added equivariance lemmas for fresh_star.
2009-01-21 haftmann binding replaces bstring
2008-12-16 Christian Urban changed the names of insert_eqvt and set_eqvt so that it is clear that they have preconditions
2008-12-04 haftmann cleaned up binding module and related code
2008-11-10 berghofe Some more functions for accessing information about atoms.
2008-09-26 berghofe Added some more theorems to NominalData.
2008-09-02 wenzelm explicit type Name.binding for higher-specification elements;
2008-08-27 urbanc added equivariance lemmas for ex1 and the
2008-07-29 haftmann PureThy: dropped note_thmss_qualified, dropped _i suffix
2008-06-30 urbanc added facts to lemma swap_simps and tuned lemma calc_atms
2008-06-14 wenzelm InductTacs.case_tac: removed obsolete declare, which is now part of Goal.prove;
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