urbanc [Sun, 20 May 2007 13:39:46 +0200] rev 23050
added lemma for permutations on strings
huffman [Sun, 20 May 2007 10:13:06 +0200] rev 23049
moved sqrt lemmas from Transcendental.thy to NthRoot.thy
huffman [Sun, 20 May 2007 09:50:56 +0200] rev 23048
remove obsolete DERIV_ln lemmas
huffman [Sun, 20 May 2007 09:21:04 +0200] rev 23047
add realpow_pos_nth2 back in
huffman [Sun, 20 May 2007 09:05:44 +0200] rev 23046
add odd_real_root lemmas
huffman [Sun, 20 May 2007 08:16:29 +0200] rev 23045
add lemmas about inverse functions; cleaned up proof of polar_ex
huffman [Sun, 20 May 2007 08:00:48 +0200] rev 23044
change premises of DERIV_inverse_function lemma
huffman [Sun, 20 May 2007 05:27:45 +0200] rev 23043
rearranged sections
huffman [Sun, 20 May 2007 03:19:42 +0200] rev 23042
add lemmas about continuity and derivatives of roots
huffman [Sun, 20 May 2007 03:19:14 +0200] rev 23041
add lemma DERIV_inverse_function
huffman [Sun, 20 May 2007 03:18:50 +0200] rev 23040
add lemmas LIM_compose2, isCont_LIM_compose2
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 19:35:31 +0200] rev 23039
improved aliassing
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 19:35:17 +0200] rev 23038
more robust thm handling
chaieb [Sat, 19 May 2007 19:08:42 +0200] rev 23037
added a set of NNF normalization lemmas and nnf_conv
chaieb [Sat, 19 May 2007 19:08:06 +0200] rev 23036
added lt and some other infix operation analogous to Ocaml's num library
chaieb [Sat, 19 May 2007 18:20:34 +0200] rev 23035
added a generic conversion for quantifier elimination and a special useful instance
chaieb [Sat, 19 May 2007 18:19:45 +0200] rev 23034
added binop_conv, aconvc
chaieb [Sat, 19 May 2007 18:19:06 +0200] rev 23033
added cpat antiquotation for reading certified patterns
nipkow [Sat, 19 May 2007 14:05:05 +0200] rev 23032
unfold min/max in Stefans code generator
nipkow [Sat, 19 May 2007 13:41:13 +0200] rev 23031
added code generation based on Isabelle's rat type.
nipkow [Sat, 19 May 2007 13:40:33 +0200] rev 23030
Disabled Stefancs code generator - already enabled in RealDef.
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:57 +0200] rev 23029
constant op @ now named append
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:34 +0200] rev 23028
fixed comment
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:33 +0200] rev 23027
dropped legacy
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:32 +0200] rev 23026
improved eta expansion
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:31 +0200] rev 23025
dropped nonsense comment
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:30 +0200] rev 23024
fixed text
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:28 +0200] rev 23023
eliminated name clash with List.append
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:26 +0200] rev 23022
added qualification for ambiguous definition names
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:25 +0200] rev 23021
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:24 +0200] rev 23020
typ_of instance for int
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:23 +0200] rev 23019
hide locale predicate "field" from HOL library
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:22 +0200] rev 23018
no special treatment in naming of locale predicates stemming form classes
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:21 +0200] rev 23017
uniform module names for code generation
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:20 +0200] rev 23016
added Executable_Real
haftmann [Sat, 19 May 2007 11:33:19 +0200] rev 23015
nipkow [Sat, 19 May 2007 08:43:15 +0200] rev 23014
Had to replace "case 1/2" by "case base/step". No idea why.
nipkow [Sat, 19 May 2007 07:47:51 +0200] rev 23013
*** empty log message ***
huffman [Sat, 19 May 2007 04:52:24 +0200] rev 23012
remove dependence on Hilbert_Choice.thy
huffman [Sat, 19 May 2007 04:51:03 +0200] rev 23011
use THE instead of SOME
huffman [Fri, 18 May 2007 18:20:39 +0200] rev 23010
minimize imports
huffman [Fri, 18 May 2007 17:35:07 +0200] rev 23009
Prove existence of nth roots using Intermediate Value Theorem
huffman [Fri, 18 May 2007 16:13:07 +0200] rev 23008
avoid using real_mult_inverse_left; cleaned up
huffman [Fri, 18 May 2007 16:11:13 +0200] rev 23007
use mult_strict_mono instead of real_mult_less_mono
berghofe [Fri, 18 May 2007 11:12:03 +0200] rev 23006
Fixed bug in subst causing primrec functions returning functions
to be rejected.
haftmann [Fri, 18 May 2007 09:16:57 +0200] rev 23005
dropped word_setup.ML
krauss [Thu, 17 May 2007 23:04:54 +0200] rev 23004
added files
krauss [Thu, 17 May 2007 23:03:47 +0200] rev 23003