2005-06-02 wenzelm header;
2005-03-04 skalberg Removed practically all references to Library.foldr.
2005-03-03 skalberg Move towards standard functions.
2005-02-13 skalberg Deleted Library.option type.
2003-08-21 paulson Change from "tracing" to "warning", as requested by David Aspinall
2001-11-20 wenzelm use tracing function for trace output;
2000-07-23 wenzelm tuned ThmHeap;
2000-06-20 paulson now uses the heap data structure for BEST_FIRST
2000-01-28 oheimb added tacticals DETERM_UNTIL and DETERM_UNTIL_SOLVED
1998-11-25 wenzelm replaced prs by writeln;
1998-10-23 oheimb added SOLVE tactical
1998-10-20 wenzelm QUIET_BREADTH_FIRST;
1997-11-21 wenzelm changed Sequence interface (now Seq, in seq.ML);
1997-07-22 paulson Removal of the tactical STATE
1997-04-02 paulson DEEPEN now takes an upper bound for terminating searches
1997-02-21 paulson Replaced "flat" by the Basis Library function List.concat
1996-11-01 paulson Replaced min by Int.min
1996-03-18 paulson New file containing search tacticals
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