2014-12-20 wenzelm proper context for "net" tactics;
2014-11-10 wenzelm proper context for assume_tac (atac remains as fall-back without context);
2014-11-09 wenzelm proper context for match_tac etc.;
2014-08-27 wenzelm more explicit Method.modifier with reported position;
2014-02-20 wenzelm tuned whitespace;
2013-12-14 wenzelm proper context for basic Simplifier operations: rewrite_rule, rewrite_goals_rule, rewrite_goals_tac etc.;
2013-07-27 wenzelm standardized aliases;
2010-05-17 wenzelm prefer structure Keyword, Parse, Parse_Spec, Outer_Syntax;
2010-03-07 wenzelm modernized structure Object_Logic;
2009-11-10 wenzelm eliminated some unused/obsolete Args.bang_facts;
2009-11-01 wenzelm modernized structure Context_Rules;
2009-10-21 haftmann dropped redundant gen_ prefix
2009-10-02 wenzelm eliminated dead code;
2009-05-30 wenzelm modernized method setup;
2009-03-13 wenzelm unified type Proof.method and pervasive METHOD combinators;
2009-02-28 wenzelm moved generic intuitionistic prover to src/Tools/intuitionistic.ML;
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