wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:33:06 +0200] rev 4856
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:30:55 +0200] rev 4855
tuned setup;
simp_add_global, simp_del_global, simp_add_local, simp_del_local attributes;
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:29:39 +0200] rev 4854
tuned setup;
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:29:00 +0200] rev 4853
tuned names of (add_)store_XXX functions;
added attributes to add_thms, add_axioms, add_defs functions;
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:26:59 +0200] rev 4852
replaced thy_setup by 'setup' section;
adapted to new PureThy.add_axioms / PureThy.add_defs;
added 'nonterminals' section;
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:25:26 +0200] rev 4851
added append;
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:24:58 +0200] rev 4850
added none: 'a -> 'a * 'b attribute list;
added no_attrs: 'a * 'b -> ('a * ('b * tag list)) * 'c attribute list;
added no_attrss: 'a * 'b list -> ('a * ('b * tag list) list) * 'c attribute list;
added applys: ('a * tthm list) * 'a attribute list -> ('a * tthm list);
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:22:52 +0200] rev 4849
tuned error msgs;
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:22:01 +0200] rev 4848
moved mk_defpair to logic.ML;
moved get_def to thm.ML;
moved require_thy to theory.ML;
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:20:53 +0200] rev 4847
tuned get_ax (uses ancestry);
added get_def: theory -> xstring -> thm;
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:17:14 +0200] rev 4846
renamed setup to apply;
added add_nonterminals: bstring list -> theory -> theory;
added parent_path: theory -> theory;
added root_path: theory -> theory;
added require: theory -> string -> string -> unit (from section_utils.ML);
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:14:34 +0200] rev 4845
adapted to new PureThy.add_axioms_i;
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:13:22 +0200] rev 4844
added defaultS: sg -> sort;
added full_name_path: sg -> string -> bstring -> string;
added add_nonterminals: bstring list -> sg -> sg;
wenzelm [Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:11:36 +0200] rev 4843
added thm, thms;