2009-11-05 wenzelm more accurate cleanup;
2009-07-21 haftmann obey captialized directory names convention
2009-06-23 haftmann renamed ioa to automaton
2009-06-21 haftmann discontinued ancient tradition to suffix certain ML module names with "_package"
2009-04-22 huffman add HOLCF/ex/Domain_ex.thy, with example uses of the domain package
2009-02-19 huffman add Powerdomain_ex.thy
2009-01-15 huffman rename Dsum.thy to Sum_Cpo.thy
2009-01-15 huffman change to simpler, more extensible continuity simproc
2008-12-16 huffman new theory Dsum: cpo of disjoint sum
2008-10-04 wenzelm replaced ISATOOL by ISABELLE_TOOL;
2008-07-01 huffman put file dependencies on separate lines
2008-06-30 huffman add file dependencies
2008-06-30 huffman remove unused Cset.thy
2008-06-20 huffman replace SetPcpo.thy with Cset.thy
2008-03-27 wenzelm updated dependencies;
2007-10-23 nipkow changed back from ~=0 to >0
2007-05-31 wenzelm moved HOLCF tools to canonical place;
2007-04-26 wenzelm removed legacy ML files;
2006-09-28 wenzelm removed obsolete HOLCF.ML;
2006-06-02 wenzelm removed obsolete ML files;
2006-06-01 huffman removed legacy ML scripts
2006-05-28 wenzelm removed legacy ML scripts;
2006-05-28 wenzelm removed legacy ML scripts;
2006-05-27 wenzelm removed legacy ML scripts;
2006-05-27 wenzelm removed legacy ML scripts;
2006-05-27 wenzelm removed legacy ML scripts;
2006-05-03 huffman update to reflect changes in inverts/injects lemmas
2005-11-02 huffman removed ex/loeckx.ML
2005-10-19 wenzelm removed obsolete domain/interface.ML, IOA/meta_theory/ioa_package.ML;
2005-09-03 wenzelm removed IOA/Storage/Impl.ML, IOA/Storage/Action.ML;
2005-07-05 huffman add pcpodef files
2005-06-23 huffman add new file to test fixrec package
2005-06-14 huffman moved continuity simproc to a separate file
2005-06-04 huffman added fixrec_package.ML
2005-06-03 huffman add Fixrec.thy
2005-06-03 huffman renamed FunCpo to Ffun
2005-05-24 paulson cannot have files named adm.ML and Adm.ML on Macs, so deleted one and renamed the other
2005-05-24 huffman New theory for defining subtypes of pcpos
2005-05-24 huffman Moved admissibility definitions and lemmas to a separate theory
2005-04-15 huffman speed improvements for the domain package
2005-03-07 huffman Added dependency document/root.tex, and -g true option to isatool; document generation should work now.
2005-03-04 huffman converted to new-style theories, and combined numbered files
2005-03-01 huffman eliminated deps for removed files
2004-12-14 paulson tidied; removed references to HOL theories
2004-09-07 oheimb integrated Streams with ex/Stream.*; added FOCUS/Fstreams.thy
2004-04-12 oheimb added Streams.thy (with stream concatenation etc.)
2001-12-27 wenzelm IMP/document/root.tex;
2001-12-09 kleing HOLCF/IMP converted to Isar
2001-11-03 wenzelm converted theory Dnat;
2001-11-03 wenzelm converted theory Lift;
2001-05-31 oheimb added FOCUS including the One-Element Buffer by Manfred Broy
2000-03-28 nipkow mods because of weak_case_cong -> removed Action.ML twice
1999-04-22 mueller added ex and Modelcheck
1999-02-03 wenzelm usedir -r;
1998-12-02 wenzelm tuned;
1998-12-02 wenzelm IOA-Storage: Memory storage case study.
1998-01-13 mueller added simulations files to IOA;
1998-01-12 mueller added further IOA liles;
1998-01-07 wenzelm improved targets;
1997-12-19 wenzelm log files;
less more (0) -60 tip