2008-03-19 wenzelm simplified get_thm(s): back to plain name argument;
2008-03-19 wenzelm renamed datatype thmref to Facts.ref, tuned interfaces;
2007-10-11 wenzelm moved Drule.unvarify to Thm.unvarify (cf. more_thm.ML);
2007-09-25 wenzelm proper Sign operations instead of Theory aliases;
2007-09-25 wenzelm Syntax.parse/check/read;
2007-09-18 wenzelm simplified PrintMode interfaces;
2007-09-18 wenzelm simplified type int (eliminated, integer);
2007-04-15 wenzelm removed obsolete TypeInfer.logicT -- use dummyT;
2007-04-15 wenzelm Thm.fold_terms;
2007-04-14 wenzelm cleaned/simplified Sign.read_typ, Thm.read_cterm etc.;
2007-04-04 wenzelm rep_thm/cterm/ctyp: removed obsolete sign field;
2006-10-04 haftmann insert replacing ins ins_int ins_string
2006-09-06 haftmann TypedefPackage.add_typedef_* now yields name of introduced type constructor
2006-08-02 wenzelm removed obsolete Drule.frees/vars_of etc.;
2006-07-04 wenzelm Thm.varifyT;
2006-06-13 wenzelm use Drule.unvarify instead of obsolete Drule.freeze_all;
2006-05-20 wenzelm List.partition;
2006-04-06 haftmann cleanup in typedef/datatype package
2006-03-14 wenzelm string_of_mixfix;
2006-02-16 obua cache improvements
2006-02-16 obua variable counter is now also cached
2006-02-16 obua adapted to kernel changes
2006-02-15 obua fixed bugs, added caching
2006-02-06 wenzelm Envir.(beta_)eta_contract;
2006-01-21 wenzelm simplified type attribute;
2006-01-14 wenzelm sane ERROR handling;
2005-12-22 paulson Fixed a use of an outdated Substring function
2005-12-06 haftmann re-oriented some result tuples in PureThy
2005-10-21 wenzelm OldGoals;
2005-10-19 wenzelm replaced commafy by existing commas;
2005-10-18 wenzelm Simplifier.theory_context;
2005-09-26 wenzelm moved disambiguate_frees to ProofKernel;
2005-09-26 obua Release HOL4 and HOLLight Importer.
2005-09-26 obua fixed disambiguation problem
2005-09-24 obua set show_types and show_sorts during import
2005-09-24 obua remove debug clutter
2005-09-24 obua bug fix
2005-09-23 obua fix
2005-09-23 obua 1) fixed bug in type_introduction: first stage uses different namespace than second stage
2005-09-23 obua replay type_introduction fix
2005-09-22 obua add debug messages
2005-09-19 obua maybe the last bug fix (sigh)?
2005-09-17 obua 1) mapped .. and == constants
2005-09-16 obua fixed HOL-light/Isabelle syntax incompatability via more protect_xxx functions
2005-09-15 wenzelm TableFun/Symtab: curried lookup and update;
2005-09-14 obua Fixed Importer bug in type_introduction: instantiate type variables in rep-abs theorems exactly as it is done in HOL-light.
2005-09-13 obua fixed INST: has same semantic now as INST_TYPE for repetitions
2005-09-12 obua removed clutter
2005-09-12 obua introduced internal function hthm2thm
2005-09-12 obua Added HOLLight support to importer.
2005-06-20 wenzelm get_thm(s): Name;
2005-06-17 wenzelm refer to HOL4_PROOFS setting;
2005-06-11 wenzelm renamed Sign.intern_tycon to Sign.intern_type;
2005-04-21 berghofe Adapted to new interface of instantiation and unification / matching functions.
2005-04-01 skalberg Updated import configuration.
2005-03-04 skalberg Removed practically all references to Library.foldr.
2005-03-03 skalberg Move towards standard functions.
2005-02-13 skalberg Deleted Library.option type.
2005-01-24 berghofe Adapted to modified interface of PureThy.get_thm(s).
2004-06-20 wenzelm got rid of Output.output for default print mode;
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