lcp [Thu, 28 Oct 1993 11:32:37 +0100] rev 85
minor changes e.g. datatype_elims
lcp [Thu, 28 Oct 1993 11:30:35 +0100] rev 84
now uses datatype_intrs and datatype_elims
lcp [Thu, 28 Oct 1993 11:28:36 +0100] rev 83
updated version to October 93
lcp [Wed, 27 Oct 1993 13:49:35 +0100] rev 82
no longer specifies "-h 15000". Instead $ISABELLECOMP should
include any switch settings.
clasohm [Tue, 26 Oct 1993 22:24:20 +0100] rev 81
corrected some spelling mistakes;
removed a bug that made it impossible to read theories that don't have a ML
extended syntax for bases in syntax.ML: a string can be used to specify a
theory that is to be read but is not merged into the base (useful for
pseudo theories used to document the dependencies of ML files)
wenzelm [Mon, 25 Oct 1993 12:42:33 +0100] rev 80
added white-space;
made ~: a fake infix;