2014-11-02 wenzelm modernized header;
2014-02-10 wenzelm prefer vacuous definitional type classes over axiomatic ones;
2012-08-08 wenzelm proper axiomatization of "mem" -- do not leave it formally unspecified;
2012-07-24 wenzelm clarified "this_name" vs. former "reset" feature -- imitate the latter by loading other session sources directly;
2012-03-16 wenzelm modernized axiomatization;
2012-03-13 paulson Structured proofs concerning the square of an infinite cardinal
2012-03-06 paulson mathematical symbols instead of ASCII
2012-03-01 paulson Removal of obsolete ML bindings
2011-11-20 wenzelm eliminated obsolete "standard";
2011-08-11 wenzelm redundant use of misc_legacy.ML;
2011-02-18 wenzelm modernized specifications;
2010-12-20 wenzelm proper identifiers for consts and types;
2010-12-17 wenzelm replaced command 'nonterminals' by slightly modernized version 'nonterminal';
2010-11-26 wenzelm prefer non-classical eliminations in Pure reasoning, notably "rule" steps;
2010-09-03 wenzelm turned eta_contract into proper configuration option;
2010-08-27 wenzelm expanded some aliases from structure Unsynchronized;
2010-08-18 haftmann deglobalization
2010-07-12 wenzelm moved misc legacy stuff from OldGoals to Misc_Legacy;
2010-06-11 haftmann avoid references to old constdefs
2010-02-11 wenzelm numeral syntax: clarify parse trees vs. actual terms;
2010-02-09 wenzelm modernized translations;
2009-10-17 wenzelm eliminated hard tabulators, guessing at each author's individual tab-width;
2009-09-29 wenzelm explicit indication of Unsynchronized.ref;
2008-07-29 ballarin Lemmas added
2007-10-07 wenzelm modernized specifications;
2007-10-03 wenzelm avoid unnamed infixes;
2007-05-31 wenzelm tuned ML setup;
2006-01-29 wenzelm declare atomize/defn for Ball;
2005-12-15 wenzelm removed obsolete/unused setup_induction;
2005-10-07 wenzelm replaced _K by dummy abstraction;
2005-06-17 haftmann migrated theory headers to new format
2005-02-01 paulson the new subst tactic, by Lucas Dixon
2004-06-08 paulson Groups, Rings and supporting lemmas
2004-06-01 wenzelm removed obsolete sort 'logic';
2004-04-14 kleing use more symbols in HTML output
2003-10-10 paulson finalconsts
2003-07-10 paulson Changed many Intersection rules from i:I to I~=0 to avoid introducing a new
2003-06-27 paulson Conversion of AllocBase to new-style
2003-01-15 paulson more new-style theories
2002-05-23 paulson new definition of "apply" and new simprule "beta_if"
2002-05-13 paulson quotes around types
2002-05-08 paulson the new predicate "relation"
2002-05-07 wenzelm tuned;
2002-02-15 paulson a new definition of "restrict"
2002-01-15 paulson split can now be unfolded even with one argument
2001-12-19 paulson separation of the AC part of Main into Main_ZFC, plus a few new lemmas
2001-11-08 wenzelm eliminated old "symbols" syntax, use "xsymbols" instead;
2001-05-21 paulson fixed the X-symbol syntax for lambda
2001-03-30 paulson the one-point rule for bounded quantifiers
2000-09-14 wenzelm tuned spacing of symbols syntax;
2000-08-24 paulson added some xsymbols, and tidied
1999-03-10 wenzelm HTML output;
1999-01-07 paulson if-then-else syntax for ZF
1997-10-20 wenzelm local;
1997-10-16 wenzelm global;
1997-10-10 wenzelm fixed dots;
1997-09-22 wenzelm tuned pattern syntax;
1997-04-29 wenzelm deactivated new symbols (not yet printable on xterm, emacs);
1997-04-29 wenzelm added \<langle>, \<rangle> symbols syntax;
1997-04-02 paulson Moved definitions (binary intersection, etc.) from upair.thy back to ZF.thy
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