1996-03-20 paulson Includes deriv.ML and display.ML as dependencies
1996-03-15 paulson Updated for new file search.ML
1996-02-29 paulson Includes theory.ML in list of dependencies
1996-02-06 clasohm made Isabelle compatible with SML/NJ 1.09
1995-11-16 clasohm added ../Provers/simplifier.ML
1995-06-01 nipkow Added dependence on Thy/thm_database.ML
1995-04-06 lcp Added Id: line
1995-03-15 lcp Now the "use" call has an exception handler, for prompt failure
1994-08-19 wenzelm replaced sextension.ML by syn_trans.ML;
1994-06-09 wenzelm added axclass.ML, Syntax/mixfix.ML, Thy/thy_syn.ML;
1994-06-01 lcp Improved error messages
1994-06-01 nipkow reflected changes in the structure of Thy
1994-01-19 wenzelm changed SYNTAX_FILES;
1994-01-11 wenzelm removed Syntax/parse_tree.ML;
1993-10-15 wenzelm added parser.ML, install_pp.ML
1993-09-16 clasohm Initial revision
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