wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:31:45 +0100] rev 29069
unified ids for ancestors and checkpoints, removed obsolete history of checkpoints;
tuned representation of internal node names -- avoid string copies;
tuned signature;
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:17:57 +0100] rev 29068
removed spurious exception_trace;
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 17:32:37 +0100] rev 29067
print_theorems: more robust difference, even after finished proof;
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 17:31:23 +0100] rev 29066
export context_node;
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 17:04:46 +0100] rev 29065
wenzelm [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 22:55:15 +0100] rev 29064
more antiquotations;
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 16:50:18 +0100] rev 29063
pcpodef package: state two goals, instead of encoded conjunction;
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 16:30:35 +0100] rev 29062
recovered goal_pat;
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 16:09:12 +0100] rev 29061
inhabitance goal is now stated in original form and result contracted --
the previous attempt with contracted goal and initial unfolding did not work,
because it disrupted the Isar proof structure (e.g. ?thesis);
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 12:02:48 +0100] rev 29060
tuned signature: pcpodef_proof, pcpodef_proof_cmd etc.;
more antiquotations;
explicit Theory.requires;
adapted to recent changes in ~~/src/HOL/Tools/typedef_package.ML;
misc tuning and simplification;
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 11:55:46 +0100] rev 29059
add_typedef: unfold set_def in tactical proof as well;
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 10:41:53 +0100] rev 29058
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 10:41:37 +0100] rev 29057
Theory.checkpoint before commencing proof;
wenzelm [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 00:42:52 +0100] rev 29056
misc tuning and modernisation;
wenzelm [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 22:05:58 +0100] rev 29055
krauss [Mon, 08 Dec 2008 08:56:30 +0100] rev 29054
logically separate typedef axiomatization from constant definition
krauss [Mon, 08 Dec 2008 08:36:16 +0100] rev 29053
add def before setting up goal
krauss [Sun, 07 Dec 2008 20:41:23 +0100] rev 29052
killed dead code
krauss [Thu, 11 Dec 2008 09:02:22 +0100] rev 29051
constrain type inference to sort "type"
huffman [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 17:22:34 -0800] rev 29050
huffman [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 17:15:26 -0800] rev 29049
cleaned up some proofs in Cfun.thy
huffman [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 15:31:55 -0800] rev 29048
implement cont_proc theorem cache using theory data
huffman [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 13:44:09 -0800] rev 29047
use ML antiquotations
huffman [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:31:35 -0800] rev 29046
clean up diff_bin_simps
huffman [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 07:52:54 -0800] rev 29045
move nat_{div,mod}_distrib from NatBin to IntDiv, simplified proofs
wenzelm [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 23:54:03 +0100] rev 29044
fixed import: requires ContNotDenum;
wenzelm [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 23:13:21 +0100] rev 29043
fixed import: requires ContNotDenum;
wenzelm [Wed, 10 Dec 2008 22:46:42 +0100] rev 29042
requires RComplete;