nipkow [Thu, 06 Aug 1998 10:33:54 +0200] rev 5261
First steps towards termination of simply typed terms.
wenzelm [Thu, 06 Aug 1998 10:28:44 +0200] rev 5260
binding / skolem vars;
paulson [Wed, 05 Aug 1998 18:21:37 +0200] rev 5259
Null program and a few new results
paulson [Wed, 05 Aug 1998 18:21:09 +0200] rev 5258
Finished the example
paulson [Wed, 05 Aug 1998 18:20:25 +0200] rev 5257
Indentation, comments
paulson [Wed, 05 Aug 1998 11:00:48 +0200] rev 5256
Renamed equals0D to equals0E
paulson [Wed, 05 Aug 1998 11:00:21 +0200] rev 5255
paulson [Wed, 05 Aug 1998 10:59:51 +0200] rev 5254
Removal of "disjoint" translation
paulson [Wed, 05 Aug 1998 10:57:25 +0200] rev 5253
New record type of programs
paulson [Wed, 05 Aug 1998 10:56:58 +0200] rev 5252
Union primitives and examples
wenzelm [Tue, 04 Aug 1998 18:41:11 +0200] rev 5251
Display.print_goals function moved to Locale.print_goals;
wenzelm [Tue, 04 Aug 1998 18:40:18 +0200] rev 5250
added LocaleGroup, PiSets examples;