2013-07-07 wenzelm discontinued obsolete "isabelle print";
2013-07-07 wenzelm discontinued command 'print_drafts';
2013-07-06 wenzelm minimal jedit mode for Isabelle NEWS;
2013-06-30 wenzelm discontinued system option "proofs" -- global state of Proofterm.proofs is persistently compiled into HOL-Proofs image;
2013-06-30 wenzelm backout dedd7952a62c: static "proofs" value within theory prevents later inferencing with different configuration;
2013-06-27 wenzelm manage option "proofs" within theory context -- with minor overhead for primitive inferences;
2013-06-27 wenzelm updated documentation;
2013-06-25 wenzelm dockable window for Isabelle documentation;
2013-06-24 wenzelm improved "isabelle keywords" and "isabelle update_keywords" based on Isabelle/Scala, without requiring to build sessions first;
2013-06-23 haftmann migration from code_(const|type|class|instance) to code_printing and from code_module to code_identifier
2013-06-23 wenzelm proper diagnostic command 'print_state';
2013-06-18 wenzelm eliminated old "ref" manual;
2013-06-15 haftmann lifting for primitive definitions;
2013-06-02 haftmann make reification part of HOL
2013-05-31 bulwahn NEWS about Spec_Check
2013-05-25 wenzelm merged
2013-05-25 wenzelm syntax translations always depend on context;
2013-05-25 haftmann weaker precendence of syntax for big intersection and union on sets
2013-05-22 wenzelm added isabelle_scala_script wrapper -- NB: portable hash-bang allows exactly one executable, without additional arguments;
2013-05-17 wenzelm renamed 'print_configs' to 'print_options';
2013-05-17 wenzelm proper option quick_and_dirty;
2013-05-17 wenzelm discontinued obsolete isabelle-process options -f and -u;
2013-05-17 wenzelm NEWS;
2013-05-17 wenzelm discontinued obsolete isabelle usedir, mkdir, make;
2013-04-25 hoelzl revert #916271d52466; add non-topological linear_continuum type class; show linear_continuum_topology is a perfect_space
2013-04-25 hoelzl renamed linear_continuum_topology to connected_linorder_topology (and mention in NEWS)
2013-04-24 hoelzl spell conditional_ly_-complete lattices correct
2013-04-23 haftmann documentation and NEWS
2013-04-22 hoelzl NEWS
2013-04-18 wenzelm simplifier uses proper Proof.context instead of historic type simpset;
2013-04-12 wenzelm modifiers for classical wrappers operate on Proof.context instead of claset;
2013-04-10 wenzelm merged
2013-04-10 wenzelm added ML antiquotation @{theory_context};
2013-04-10 traytel NEWS and CONTRIBUTORS
2013-04-02 wenzelm NEWS for 635562bc14ef;
2013-03-27 ballarin Improvements to the print_dependencies command.
2013-03-27 wenzelm more ambitious Goal.skip_proofs: covers Goal.prove forms as well, and do not insist in quick_and_dirty (for the sake of Isabelle/jEdit);
2013-03-27 wenzelm tuned signature and module arrangement;
2013-03-26 wenzelm dockable window for timing information;
2013-03-25 ballarin Discontinued theories src/HOL/Algebra/abstract and .../poly.
2013-03-23 haftmann spelling
2013-03-23 haftmann fundamental revision of big operators on sets
2013-03-23 haftmann locales for abstract orders
2013-03-13 wenzelm sessions may be organized via 'chapter' in ROOT;
2013-03-12 wenzelm discontinued "isabelle usedir" option -r (reset session path);
2013-03-11 wenzelm discontinued "isabelle usedir" option -P (remote path);
2013-03-09 haftmann discontinued theory src/HOL/Library/Eval_Witness -- assumptions do not longer hold in presence of abstract types
2013-02-28 wenzelm discontinued empty name bindings in 'axiomatization';
2013-02-28 wenzelm discontinued obsolete 'axioms' command;
2013-02-27 wenzelm discontinued redundant 'use' command;
2013-02-27 wenzelm discontinued obsolete 'uses' within theory header;
2013-02-22 wenzelm discontinued obsolete src/HOL/IsaMakefile;
2013-02-16 haftmann restored proper order of NEWS entries (lost due too long-waiting patches)
2013-02-15 haftmann two target language numeral types: integer and natural, as replacement for code_numeral;
2013-02-15 blanchet updated news
2013-02-14 haftmann consolidation of library theories on product orders
2013-02-13 wenzelm merged;
2013-02-10 wenzelm updated PIDE notes;
2013-01-28 wenzelm tuned;
2013-01-26 wenzelm clarified NEWS on isabelle build and mkroot;
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