2023-01-15 wenzelm isabelle update -u cite;
2022-12-16 nipkow Added section about code generation for partial functions
2020-10-05 wenzelm clarified signature;
2019-03-29 wenzelm clarified 'file_prefix';
2019-03-28 wenzelm "export_code ... file_prefix ..." is the preferred way to produce output within the logical file-system within the theory context, as well as session exports;
2019-01-14 haftmann canonical operation to typeset generated code makes dedicated environment obsolete
2019-01-06 wenzelm isabelle update -u path_cartouches;
2019-01-05 wenzelm isabelle update -u control_cartouches;
2018-12-26 wenzelm isabelle update_cartouches -t;
2018-12-07 wenzelm clarified session dependencies: faster build_doc/build_release;
2018-06-22 wenzelm clarified document antiquotation @{theory};
2017-08-18 wenzelm session-qualified theory imports: isabelle imports -U -i -d '~~/src/Benchmarks' -a;
2017-05-31 wenzelm more robust -- avoid race condition wrt. Haskell output in $ISABELLE_TMP/examples/
2015-09-01 wenzelm eliminated \<Colon>;
2015-01-15 haftmann separate image for prerequisites of codegen tutorial
2015-01-15 haftmann modernized cartouches
2015-01-10 haftmann avoid writing into source
2014-10-07 wenzelm more antiquotations;
2014-09-11 blanchet updated news
2014-09-11 blanchet renamed 'datatype' to 'old_datatype'; 'datatype' is now alias for 'datatype_new'
2012-08-28 wenzelm renamed doc-src to src/Doc;
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