lcp [Thu, 04 May 1995 02:01:24 +0200] rev 1107
Modified proofs for new form of 'split'.
lcp [Thu, 04 May 1995 02:00:38 +0200] rev 1106
Added pattern-matching code from CHOL/Prod.thy. Changed
definitions so that split is now defined in terms of fst, snd. Now split is
polymorphic. Deleted fsplit, as split(...)::o gives a similar effect -- NOT
identical though, as fsplit(P,z) implied that z was a pair, while split(P,z)
means only P(fst(z),snd(z)).
lcp [Wed, 03 May 1995 17:38:27 +0200] rev 1105
Modified proofs for (q)split, fst, snd for new
definitions. The rule f(q)splitE is now called (q)splitE and is weaker than
before. The rule '(q)split' is now a meta-equality; this required modifying
all proofs involving e.g. split RS trans.
lcp [Wed, 03 May 1995 17:30:36 +0200] rev 1104
Changed to use split instead of fsplit. The weakening of fsplitE appears not
to affect existing proofs.