2005-07-07 nipkow linear arithmetic now takes "&" in assumptions apart.
2005-06-17 haftmann migrated theory headers to new format
2005-05-02 nipkow fixed
2005-03-02 nipkow another reorganization of setsums and intervals
2004-08-03 paulson new simprules Int_subset_iff and Un_subset_iff
2004-07-15 nipkow Moved to new m<..<n syntax for set intervals.
2004-07-14 nipkow ?
2004-07-13 nipkow Got rid of Summation and made it a translation into setsum instead.
2003-08-29 ballarin Methods rule_tac etc support static (Isar) contexts.
2002-09-30 berghofe Adapted to new simplifier.
2002-08-23 nipkow Added div+mod cancelling simproc
2002-05-30 nipkow Modifications due to enhanced linear arithmetic.
2002-05-06 nipkow Added insert_disjoint and disjoint_insert [simp], and simplified proofs
2002-04-29 prensani added abstract;corrected RG_Basic Hoare rule.
2002-03-05 prensani HoareParallel Theories
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