Modified datatype com.
Added (part of) relative completeness proof for Hoare logic.
--- a/src/HOL/IMP/Com.thy Tue Feb 06 12:44:31 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IMP/Com.thy Wed Feb 07 12:22:32 1996 +0100
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@
(** Commands **)
- com = skip
- | ":=" loc aexp (infixl 60)
- | semic com com ("_; _" [60, 60] 10)
- | whileC bexp com ("while _ do _" 60)
- | ifC bexp com com ("ifc _ then _ else _" 60)
+ com = Skip
+ | ":=" loc aexp (infixl 60)
+ | Semi com com ("_; _" [60, 60] 10)
+ | Cond bexp com com ("IF _ THEN _ ELSE _" 60)
+ | While bexp com ("WHILE _ DO _" 60)
(** Execution of commands **)
consts evalc :: "(com*state*state)set"
@@ -85,28 +85,28 @@
"<ce,sig> -c-> s" == "(ce,sig,s) : evalc"
- assign_def "s[m/x] == (%y. if y=x then m else s y)"
+ assign_def "s[m/x] == (%y. if y=x then m else s y)"
inductive "evalc"
- skip "<skip,s> -c-> s"
+ skip "<Skip,s> -c-> s"
assign "<a,s> -a-> m ==> <x := a,s> -c-> s[m/x]"
semi "[| <c0,s> -c-> s2; <c1,s2> -c-> s1 |]
==> <c0 ; c1, s> -c-> s1"
- ifcTrue "[| <b,s> -b-> True; <c0,s> -c-> s1 |]
- ==> <ifc b then c0 else c1, s> -c-> s1"
+ IfTrue "[| <b,s> -b-> True; <c0,s> -c-> s1 |]
+ ==> <IF b THEN c0 ELSE c1, s> -c-> s1"
- ifcFalse "[| <b,s> -b-> False; <c1,s> -c-> s1 |]
- ==> <ifc b then c0 else c1, s> -c-> s1"
+ IfFalse "[| <b,s> -b-> False; <c1,s> -c-> s1 |]
+ ==> <IF b THEN c0 ELSE c1, s> -c-> s1"
- whileFalse "<b, s> -b-> False ==> <while b do c,s> -c-> s"
+ WhileFalse "<b, s> -b-> False ==> <WHILE b DO c,s> -c-> s"
- whileTrue "[| <b,s> -b-> True; <c,s> -c-> s2;
- <while b do c, s2> -c-> s1 |]
- ==> <while b do c, s> -c-> s1 "
+ WhileTrue "[| <b,s> -b-> True; <c,s> -c-> s2;
+ <WHILE b DO c, s2> -c-> s1 |]
+ ==> <WHILE b DO c, s> -c-> s1"
--- a/src/HOL/IMP/Denotation.ML Tue Feb 06 12:44:31 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IMP/Denotation.ML Wed Feb 07 12:22:32 1996 +0100
@@ -19,3 +19,10 @@
qed_goalw "Gamma_mono" Denotation.thy [mono_def,Gamma_def]
"mono (Gamma b c)"
(fn _ => [(best_tac comp_cs 1)]);
+goal Denotation.thy "C(WHILE b DO c) = C(IF b THEN c;WHILE b DO c ELSE Skip)";
+by(Simp_tac 1);
+by(EVERY1[stac (Gamma_mono RS lfp_Tarski),
+ stac (Gamma_def RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq RS fun_cong), rtac refl]);
+qed "C_While_If";
--- a/src/HOL/IMP/Denotation.thy Tue Feb 06 12:44:31 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IMP/Denotation.thy Wed Feb 07 12:22:32 1996 +0100
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
{st. st : id & ~B b (fst st)})"
primrec C com
- C_skip "C(skip) = id"
+ C_skip "C(Skip) = id"
C_assign "C(x := a) = {st . snd(st) = fst(st)[A a (fst st)/x]}"
C_comp "C(c0 ; c1) = C(c1) O C(c0)"
- C_if "C(ifc b then c0 else c1) =
+ C_if "C(IF b THEN c0 ELSE c1) =
{st. st:C(c0) & (B b (fst st))} Un
{st. st:C(c1) & ~(B b (fst st))}"
- C_while "C(while b do c) = lfp (Gamma b (C c))"
+ C_while "C(WHILE b DO c) = lfp (Gamma b (C c))"
--- a/src/HOL/IMP/Hoare.ML Tue Feb 06 12:44:31 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IMP/Hoare.ML Wed Feb 07 12:22:32 1996 +0100
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
Author: Tobias Nipkow
Copyright 1995 TUM
-Soundness of Hoare rules wrt denotational semantics
+Soundness (and part of) relative completeness of Hoare rules
+wrt denotational semantics
open Hoare;
-goalw Hoare.thy [spec_def] "!P c Q. ({{P}}c{{Q}}) --> spec P c Q";
+goalw Hoare.thy [hoare_valid_def] "!P c Q. ({{P}}c{{Q}}) --> |= {{P}}c{{Q}}";
by (rtac hoare.mutual_induct 1);
by(ALLGOALS Asm_simp_tac);
by(fast_tac rel_cs 1);
@@ -24,28 +25,87 @@
by(ALLGOALS Asm_full_simp_tac);
qed "hoare_sound";
-fun while_tac inv ss i =
- EVERY[res_inst_tac[("P",inv)] hoare_conseq i, atac i, rtac hoare_while i,
- asm_full_simp_tac ss (i+1)];
+goalw Hoare.thy [swp_def] "swp Skip Q = Q";
+by(Simp_tac 1);
+br ext 1;
+by(fast_tac HOL_cs 1);
+qed "swp_Skip";
+goalw Hoare.thy [swp_def] "swp (x:=a) Q = (%s.Q(s[A a s/x]))";
+by(Simp_tac 1);
+br ext 1;
+by(fast_tac HOL_cs 1);
+qed "swp_Ass";
+goalw Hoare.thy [swp_def] "swp (c;d) Q = swp c (swp d Q)";
+by(Simp_tac 1);
+br ext 1;
+by(fast_tac comp_cs 1);
+qed "swp_Semi";
-fun assign_tac ss = EVERY'[rtac hoare_assign, simp_tac ss,
- TRY o (strip_tac THEN' atac)];
+goalw Hoare.thy [swp_def]
+ "swp (IF b THEN c ELSE d) Q = (%s. (B b s --> swp c Q s) & \
+\ (~B b s --> swp d Q s))";
+by(Simp_tac 1);
+br ext 1;
+by(fast_tac comp_cs 1);
+qed "swp_If";
-fun hoare_tac ss =
- REPEAT(STATE(fn th => FIRST'[rtac hoare_seq, assign_tac ss] (nprems_of th)));
+goalw Hoare.thy [swp_def]
+ "!!s. B b s ==> swp (WHILE b DO c) Q s = swp (c;WHILE b DO c) Q s";
+by(stac C_While_If 1);
+by(Asm_simp_tac 1);
+qed "swp_While_True";
+goalw Hoare.thy [swp_def] "!!s. ~B b s ==> swp (WHILE b DO c) Q s = Q s";
+by(stac C_While_If 1);
+by(Asm_simp_tac 1);
+by(fast_tac HOL_cs 1);
+qed "swp_While_False";
+Addsimps [swp_Skip,swp_Ass,swp_Semi,swp_If,swp_While_True,swp_While_False];
+Delsimps [C_while];
-(* example *)
-val prems = goal Hoare.thy
- "[| u ~= y; u ~= z; y ~= z |] ==> \
-\ {{%s.s(x)=i & s(y)=j}} \
-\ z := X x; (u := N 0; \
-\ while noti(ROp op = (X u) (X y)) \
-\ do (u := Op1 Suc (X u); z := Op1 Suc (X z))) \
-\ {{%s. s(z)=i+j}}";
-val ss = !simpset addsimps (eq_sym_conv::assign_def::prems);
-by(hoare_tac ss);
-by(while_tac "%s.s z = i + s u & s y = j" ss 3);
-by(hoare_tac ss);
+goalw Hoare.thy [hoare_valid_def,swp_def]
+ "!!c. |= {{P}}c{{Q}} ==> !s. P s --> swp c Q s";
+by(fast_tac HOL_cs 1);
+qed "swp_is_weakest";
+goal Hoare.thy "!Q. {{swp c Q}} c {{Q}}";
+by(com.induct_tac "c" 1);
+by(ALLGOALS Simp_tac);
+ by(fast_tac (HOL_cs addIs [hoare.skip]) 1);
+ by(fast_tac (HOL_cs addIs [hoare.ass]) 1);
+ by(fast_tac (HOL_cs addIs [hoare.semi]) 1);
+ by(safe_tac (HOL_cs addSIs [hoare.If]));
+ br hoare.conseq 1;
+ by(fast_tac HOL_cs 2);
+ by(fast_tac HOL_cs 2);
+ by(fast_tac HOL_cs 1);
+ br hoare.conseq 1;
+ by(fast_tac HOL_cs 2);
+ by(fast_tac HOL_cs 2);
+ by(fast_tac HOL_cs 1);
+br hoare.conseq 1;
+ br hoare.While 2;
+ be thin_rl 1;
+ by(fast_tac HOL_cs 1);
+ br hoare.conseq 1;
+ be thin_rl 3;
+ br allI 3;
+ br impI 3;
+ ba 3;
+ by(fast_tac HOL_cs 2);
+ by(safe_tac HOL_cs);
+ by(rotate_tac ~1 1);
+ by(Asm_full_simp_tac 1);
+by(rotate_tac ~1 1);
+by(Asm_full_simp_tac 1);
+bind_thm("swp_is_pre", result() RS spec);
+goal Hoare.thy "!!c. |= {{P}}c{{Q}} ==> {{P}}c{{Q}}";
+br (swp_is_pre RSN (2,hoare.conseq)) 1;
+ by(fast_tac HOL_cs 2);
+be swp_is_weakest 1;
+qed "hoare_relative_complete";
--- a/src/HOL/IMP/Hoare.thy Tue Feb 06 12:44:31 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IMP/Hoare.thy Wed Feb 07 12:22:32 1996 +0100
@@ -12,23 +12,26 @@
hoare :: "(assn * com * assn) set"
- spec :: [state=>bool,com,state=>bool] => bool
+ hoare_valid :: [assn,com,assn] => bool ("|= {{_}}_{{_}}")
- spec_def "spec P c Q == !s t. (s,t) : C(c) --> P s --> Q t"
+ hoare_valid_def "|= {{P}}c{{Q}} == !s t. (s,t) : C(c) --> P s --> Q t"
syntax "@hoare" :: [bool,com,bool] => bool ("{{(1_)}}/ (_)/ {{(1_)}}" 10)
translations "{{P}}c{{Q}}" == "(P,c,Q) : hoare"
inductive "hoare"
- hoare_skip "{{P}}skip{{P}}"
- hoare_ass "{{%s.P(s[A a s/x])}} x:=a {{P}}"
- hoare_semi "[| {{P}}c{{Q}}; {{Q}}d{{R}} |] ==> {{P}} c;d {{R}}"
- hoare_if "[| {{%s. P s & B b s}}c{{Q}}; {{%s. P s & ~B b s}}d{{Q}} |] ==>
- {{P}} ifc b then c else d {{Q}}"
- hoare_while "[| {{%s. P s & B b s}} c {{P}} |] ==>
- {{P}} while b do c {{%s. P s & ~B b s}}"
- hoare_conseq "[| !s. P' s --> P s; {{P}}c{{Q}}; !s. Q s --> Q' s |] ==>
- {{P'}}c{{Q'}}"
+ skip "{{P}}Skip{{P}}"
+ ass "{{%s.P(s[A a s/x])}} x:=a {{P}}"
+ semi "[| {{P}}c{{Q}}; {{Q}}d{{R}} |] ==> {{P}} c;d {{R}}"
+ If "[| {{%s. P s & B b s}}c{{Q}}; {{%s. P s & ~B b s}}d{{Q}} |] ==>
+ {{P}} IF b THEN c ELSE d {{Q}}"
+ While "[| {{%s. P s & B b s}} c {{P}} |] ==>
+ {{P}} WHILE b DO c {{%s. P s & ~B b s}}"
+ conseq "[| !s. P' s --> P s; {{P}}c{{Q}}; !s. Q s --> Q' s |] ==>
+ {{P'}}c{{Q'}}"
+consts swp :: com => assn => assn
+defs swp_def "swp c Q == (%s. !t. (s,t) : C(c) --> Q t)"
--- a/src/HOL/IMP/Properties.ML Tue Feb 06 12:44:31 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IMP/Properties.ML Wed Feb 07 12:22:32 1996 +0100
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
val evalc_elim_cases = map (evalc.mk_cases com.simps)
- ["<skip,s> -c-> t", "<x:=a,s> -c-> t", "<c1;c2, s> -c-> t",
- "<ifc b then c1 else c2, s> -c-> t", "<while b do c,s> -c-> t"];
+ ["<Skip,s> -c-> t", "<x:=a,s> -c-> t", "<c1;c2, s> -c-> t",
+ "<IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s> -c-> t", "<WHILE b DO c,s> -c-> t"];
(* evaluation of com is deterministic *)
goal Com.thy "!!c. <c,s> -c-> t ==> !u. <c,s> -c-> u --> u=t";
--- a/src/HOL/IMP/VC.thy Tue Feb 06 12:44:31 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/IMP/VC.thy Wed Feb 07 12:22:32 1996 +0100
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
(I s & B b s --> wp c I s) & vc c I s)"
primrec astrip acom
- astrip_Askip "astrip Askip = skip"
+ astrip_Askip "astrip Askip = Skip"
astrip_Aass "astrip (Aass x a) = (x:=a)"
astrip_Asemi "astrip (Asemi c d) = (astrip c;astrip d)"
- astrip_Aif "astrip (Aif b c d) = ifC b (astrip c) (astrip d)"
- astrip_Awhile "astrip (Awhile b I c) = whileC b (astrip c)"
+ astrip_Aif "astrip (Aif b c d) = (IF b THEN astrip c ELSE astrip d)"
+ astrip_Awhile "astrip (Awhile b I c) = (WHILE b DO astrip c)"
(* simultaneous computation of vc and wp: *)
primrec vcwp acom